
Find buses to Leipzig

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1 May — 8 May1
1 adult
Wed 1/5

Best deals for bus tickets to Leipzig

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With transfers
2h 15m
With transfers
2h 05m
With transfers
2h 50m
With transfers
2h 05m
With transfers
3h 10m
With transfers
4h 40m

Leipzig bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses to Leipzig.

Return-trip from


One-way from


Popular station

Leipzig Messe Busbahnhof

Popular coach line

Bus tickets to Leipzig found within the last 3 days start at £14 round-trip from Berlin
The cheapest one-way bus ticket from Berlin starts at £10. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The most commonly used station in Leipzig is Leipzig Messe Busbahnhof.
FlixBus services this route

Leipzig Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Leipzig
Leipzig Messe BusbahnhofLeipzig, 51.3969, 12.3962
Leipzig BelantisLeipzig, 51.2504, 12.314438
Leipzig Jena RingwieseLeipzig, 50.906456, 11.576905
Leipzig Jena Amsterdamer StraßeLeipzig, 50.87742, 11.618946
Leipzig Gera Gera (university of cooperative education)Leipzig, 50.90338, 12.071655
Leipzig Halle Berliner BrückeLeipzig, 51.488197, 11.994238

Book round-trip bus tickets to Leipzig

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets to Leipzig that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
30 May
21:00Berlin Wannsee
2h 00m
23:00Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
2 Jun
07:30Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
2h 00m
09:30Berlin Wannsee
30 May
17:20Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
2h 10m
19:30Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
2 Jun
19:00Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
2h 15m
21:15Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
30 May
15:00Berlin Südkreuz
2h 05m
17:05Leipzig Messe Busbahnhof
2 Jun
15:40Leipzig Messe Busbahnhof
2h 10m
17:50Berlin Südkreuz
6 Jun
09:30Hamburg Bus Station
6h 15m
15:45Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
10 Jun
15:20Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
6h 25m
21:45Hamburg Bus Station
30 May
14:30Berlin Alexanderplatz
2h 35m
17:05Leipzig Messe Busbahnhof
2 Jun
18:40Leipzig Messe Busbahnhof
2h 30m
21:10Berlin Alexanderplatz
30 May
18:15Berlin Alt-Tegel
2h 35m
20:50Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
2 Jun
08:10Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
2h 35m
10:45Berlin Alt-Tegel

Book one-way bus tickets to Leipzig

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets to Leipzig we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
24 Jun
17:20Berlin Hauptbahnhof
2h 15m
19:35Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
24 Jun
12:00Berlin Südkreuz
2h 05m
14:05Leipzig Messe Busbahnhof
5 Jul
21:40Berlin Hauptbahnhof
2h 50m
00:30Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
5 Jul
18:00Berlin Südkreuz
2h 05m
20:05Leipzig Messe Busbahnhof
5 Jul
10:35Berlin Alt-Tegel
3h 10m
13:45Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
13 May
00:40Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof
4h 40m
05:20Leipzig Hauptbahnhof

FAQs for booking coach tickets to Leipzig

How much is a coach ticket to Leipzig/Halle?

If you’re leaving from London the lowest ticket price is usually about £87, from Brussels it’s about £112, and from Berlin it’s around £90.

What is the main coach station in Leipzig/Halle?

The main station in Leipzig/Halle is Leipzig Messe Busbahnhof. At Leipzig Messe Busbahnhof, you can find a number of buses offering service to other major cities. Major cities accessible by Leipzig Messe Busbahnhof are London, Brussels, and Paris.

What coach companies go to Leipzig/Halle?

Most users on momondo will check prices for FlixBus for their ride to Leipzig/Halle. More options may be available to you, so use our search form to find all available options from your city to Leipzig/Halle.

How far in advance should I book a coach to Leipzig/Halle?

For £19 one-way on average, you can catch a bus ride to Leipzig/Halle. Overall, prices are generally stable for the next 3 months or so. We recommend booking when you can to ensure you have your desired date secured.

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