Find buses from London to Cardiff

Search for cheap bus tickets from London to Cardiff and book your trip in minutes.

25 Apr — 2 May1
1 adult
Thu 25/4

Best deals for bus tickets from London to Cardiff

Find the right bus ticket for you
National Express
With transfers
3h 20m
National Express
National Express
With transfers
3h 10m
National Express
National Express
With transfers
3h 20m
National Express
With transfers
3h 40m
With transfers
4h 10m
With transfers
3h 35m

London to Cardiff bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from London to Cardiff

Return-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

3h 40m

Popular coach line

Bus tickets from London to Cardiff found within the last 3 days start at £4 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £6. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from London to Cardiff is 3h 40m
FlixBus, National Express and Megabus service this route

London Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in London
London Fernbrook Crescent (stop Y)London, 51.45155, 0.00158
London Queens Road Car ParkLondon, 51.42191, -0.2033521
London Fulham Road Beaufort StreetLondon, 51.4876, -0.1784574
London Belvedere RoadLondon, 51.50454, -0.11677
London Marble ArchLondon, 51.513622, -0.1575409
London Hilton HotelLondon, 51.505123, -0.1520459

Cardiff Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Cardiff
Cardiff GateCardiff, 51.541656, -3.12857
Cardiff Barnstaple Barnstaple Bus StationCardiff, 51.078796, -4.056306
Cardiff Bridgend Bridgend Designer OutletCardiff, 51.53213, -3.573309
Cardiff Sophia GardensCardiff, 51.48444, -3.19016
Cardiff UniversityCardiff, 51.48832, -3.17874
Cardiff Castle BusCardiff, 51.48125, -3.18134

Book round-trip bus tickets from London to Cardiff

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from London to Cardiff that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
28 Apr
21:30London Victoria
3h 35m
01:05Cardiff University
30 Apr
16:15Cardiff University
3h 45m
20:00London Victoria
28 Apr
21:30London Victoria
3h 35m
01:05Cardiff Sophia Gardens
30 Apr
06:45Cardiff Sophia Gardens
3h 45m
10:30London Victoria
25 Apr
21:30London Victoria
3h 35m
01:05Cardiff Sophia Gardens
26 Apr
16:15Cardiff Sophia Gardens
3h 45m
20:00London Victoria
2 May
12:00London Victoria
3h 35m
15:35Cardiff University
3 May
16:15Cardiff University
3h 45m
20:00London Victoria
FlixBus, National Express
28 Apr
21:30London Victoria
3h 35m
01:05Cardiff University
29 Apr
02:35Cardiff University
3h 15m
05:50London Victoria
25 Apr
21:30London Victoria
3h 35m
01:05Cardiff University
26 Apr
06:45Cardiff University
3h 45m
10:30London Victoria

Book one-way bus tickets from London to Cardiff

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from London to Cardiff we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
National Express
19 May
23:30London Victoria
3h 20m
02:50Cardiff Castle Bus
National Express
19 May
22:30London Victoria
3h 10m
01:40Cardiff Gabalfa Interchange
National Express
11 Jul
20:30London Victoria
3h 20m
23:50Cardiff University
19 May
21:00London Victoria
3h 40m
00:40Cardiff University
31 May
05:00London Victoria
4h 10m
09:10Cardiff Castle Bus
31 May
12:00London Victoria
3h 35m
15:35Cardiff Sophia Gardens

Choose the best way to get from London to Cardiff


2h 50m
£6 one-way£4 return
Direct · from £4

Distance to city centre

CZ10.6 mi
CV00.5 mi
20lb CO2

87% less than flights

Find Buses

London to Cardiff Buses


1h 51m
£22 one-way£45 return
Direct · from £451 stop · from £22

Distance to city centre

CWL9.1 mi
32lb CO2

80% less than flights

Find Trains

London to Cardiff Trains


4h 00m
£97 one-way£168 return
1 stop · from £124

Distance to city centre

CWL9.1 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from London to Cardiff

What amenities are offered on buses travelling from London to Cardiff?

There are a range of amenities that you can get on buses from London to Cardiff, which make for a very relaxing trip. You will most likely be travelling with either megabus or National Express operators. Both companies offer comfy seating with additional legroom, so you’ll be able to stretch out during the journey. There are also wi-fi and charging points on both buses, so you can stay connected to the Internet for the entirety of the trip. On the buses to Cardiff from London there is also air conditioning, so you will have the perfect temperature for the journey. Moreover, both operators provide toilets, which is useful for trips of this length.

Is the bus ride from London to Cardiff scenic?

When you get a bus from London to Cardiff, you will be able to see some lovely scenery along the way. Most London to Cardiff buses depart the capital towards Reading and the North Wessex Downs Area of Natural Beauty. This provides hilly countryside and scenic views. The next major landmark is the Cotswold Area of Natural Beauty, which is a vast area of picturesque hills and meadows. Once you cross the bridge over the River Severn, you will arrive into Wales where you will follow the coastline around until you reach Cardiff. Arriving into this city, you will get to see famous landmarks before you arrive at the bus stop.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from London to Cardiff?

On a National Express bus from London to Cardiff you can take either two medium bags for the hold or one large one. The total weight cannot be heavier than 44lbs. The size of the medium bags must be no larger than the dimensions of 28 x 18 x 12 inches, whilst the larger bag must not exceed 30 x 20 x 13 inches. You can also take an item of hand luggage on board, but it can't be bigger than 18 x 14 x 8 inches. On megabus buses to Cardiff from London, you can take one item of hand-luggage and one item of checked luggage. The hand luggage must fit in the luggage rack, whilst the hold bag must not be heavier than 44lbs.

What do I need before boarding a bus from London to Cardiff?

When you buy bus tickets from London to Cardiff, it is important that you have the correct documentation with you for your journey. It is preferred that you use an e-ticket, as this is more environmentally friendly, but if you want a physical ticket then you can print it off at home. You must show the bus driver the QR code before you board the train. The driver may also ask to see your coachcard if you used one to get a discounted ticket. Whilst it isn’t necessary to take identification with you for the bus, it’s always recommended to have some ID on you in case you need it elsewhere.

Can I bring a pet on board the bus from London to Cardiff?

You are not allowed to take animals with you on a bus to Cardiff from London, so your furry friends will have to stay at home. This is primarily for health and safety precautions as some passengers could have an allergy. If you are travelling with a disability or have mobility issues that require a service dog, then you can bring a dog with you on the bus at no extra cost. It’s important that you keep the dog on a lead throughout the journey, ensure it remains under your control and doesn’t distract the driver.

How much does a bus ticket from London to Cardiff Wales cost?

If you need a bus from London to Cardiff Wales for this week you can find options from £7 one-way.

How long is the bus ride from London to Cardiff Wales?

The fastest journey time from London to Cardiff Wales is 2h 55m. Your arrival can differ by about 0h 45m. This largely depends on whether your bus ride includes stops or is a direct route from London to Cardiff Wales. National Express is one of the fastest options available.

Which bus companies operate between London to Cardiff Wales?

You can find bus tickets for FlixBus, National Express, and Megabus which service this route currently. FlixBus is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at £5 round-trip.

How far is London to Cardiff Wales by bus?

A bus from London to Cardiff Wales will travel much more than the 131.3 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, which can change based on traffic, tolls and closures. 2h 55m by bus is normal for this route.

What is the carbon footprint of a bus from London to Cardiff Wales?

Getting a bus from London to Cardiff Wales has a carbon footprint of 19lb, on average. Flying between these cities would increase your carbon footprint to 158lb in comparison. This journey by train has a footprint of 31lb, on average.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from London to Cardiff?

To save time, the fastest way to travel is by train from London to Cardiff on AccesRail. Expect the length of time you’ll spend onboard AccesRail to be about 1h 47m compared to taking a flight from London to Cardiff or a bus from London to Cardiff which have been found to be slower alternatives.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from London to Cardiff?

A bus from London to Cardiff from £4 can save you up to 97% on the cost of your trip compared to booking a flight from London to Cardiff or a train from London to Cardiff.

FlixBus buses from London to Cardiff

Our best FlixBus deals on London to Cardiff bus tickets
28 Apr
ZEP21:30London Victoria
3h 35m
CZ101:05Cardiff University
30 Apr
CZ116:15Cardiff University
3h 45m
ZEP20:00London Victoria
2 May
ZEP12:00London Victoria
3h 35m
CZ115:35Cardiff University
3 May
CZ116:15Cardiff University
3h 45m
ZEP20:00London Victoria
1 Jun
ZEP21:30London Victoria
3h 35m
CV001:05Cardiff Sophia Gardens
2 Jun
CV006:45Cardiff Sophia Gardens
3h 45m
ZEP10:30London Victoria

National Express buses from London to Cardiff

Our best National Express deals on London to Cardiff bus tickets
National Express
15 May
ZEP23:59London Victoria
3h 01m
DB803:00Cardiff Gabalfa Interchange
21 May
DB803:25Cardiff Gabalfa Interchange
3h 25m
ZEP06:50London Victoria
National Express
25 Apr
ZEP22:30London Victoria
3h 10m
DB801:40Cardiff Gabalfa Interchange
26 Apr
DB807:43Cardiff Gabalfa Interchange
3h 42m
ZEP11:25London Victoria

More bus options to Cardiff

Besides London there are other cities with transportation to Cardiff. See below for more options.
Buses to Cardiff from Manchester
Fastest travel time3h 50m
Cheapest price£29
Buses to Cardiff from Glasgow
Fastest travel time18h 05m
Cheapest price£35
Buses to Cardiff from Birmingham
Fastest travel time1h 55m
Cheapest price£25
Buses to Cardiff from Swansea
Fastest travel time1h 00m
Cheapest price£10

Other popular bus routes from London

Change your mind about taking a bus to Cardiff? Below are other buses from London that are popular with momondo users
Buses from London to Paris
Fastest travel time7h 50m
Cheapest price£62
Buses from London to Brussels
Fastest travel time6h 50m
Cheapest price£44
Buses from London to Glasgow
Fastest travel time8h 00m
Cheapest price£26
Buses from London to Liverpool
Fastest travel time4h 50m
Cheapest price£16
Buses from London to Lille
Fastest travel time4h 40m
Cheapest price£48
Buses from London to Birmingham
Fastest travel time2h 20m
Cheapest price£10
Buses from London to Bournemouth
Fastest travel time2h 00m
Cheapest price£15
Buses from London to Manchester
Fastest travel time4h 00m
Cheapest price£18
Buses from London to Aberdeen
Fastest travel time11h 11m
Cheapest price£44
Buses from London to Inverness
Fastest travel time13h 03m
Cheapest price£49
Buses from London to Lyon
Fastest travel time16h 15m
Cheapest price£82
Buses from London to Marseille
Fastest travel time21h 30m
Cheapest price£103

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