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25 Apr — 2 May1
1 adult
Thu 25/4

Best deals for bus tickets from Lyon to Paris

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With transfers
5h 45m
With transfers
6h 05m
With transfers
5h 55m
With transfers
5h 35m
With transfers
5h 35m
With transfers
5h 35m

Lyon to Paris bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Lyon to Paris

Return-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

5h 46m

Popular coach line

Bus tickets from Lyon to Paris found within the last 3 days start at £18 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £8. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Lyon to Paris is 5h 46m
BlaBlaBus, ALSA and FlixBus service this route

Lyon Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Lyon
Lyon Dardilly Les CharrièresLyon, 45.82371, 4.76287
Lyon BronLyon, 45.730293, 4.891339
Lyon Annecy Eglise Des FinsLyon, 45.911255, 6.123782
Lyon Annecy BuissonLyon, 45.91443, 6.145
Lyon Annecy TilleulsLyon, 45.92114, 6.144907
Lyon Annecy Pringy BourgLyon, 45.94741, 6.120885

Paris Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Paris
Paris Ministère Des Finances P.O.P.B.Paris, 48.84074, 2.3785
Paris Coupvray Marne-la-Vallée - ChessyParis, 48.871815, 2.797313
Paris Pereire/Rue de SaussureParis, 48.887836, 2.310709
Paris Jouffroy d'Abbans/TocquevilleParis, 48.886166, 2.3103452
Paris Réaumur-SébastopolParis, 48.865693, 2.352379
Paris Rue du Faubourg Saint-MartinParis, 48.87193, 2.357316

Book round-trip bus tickets from Lyon to Paris

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Lyon to Paris that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
2 May
01:20Lyon Perrache
5h 45m
07:05Paris Bercy Seine
3 May
12:15Paris Bercy Seine
6h 35m
18:50Lyon Perrache
22 May
10:50Lyon Perrache
6h 35m
17:25Paris Bercy Seine
24 May
23:55Paris Bercy Seine
5h 25m
05:20Lyon Perrache
22 May
04:00Lyon Perrache
5h 20m
09:20Paris Bercy Seine
26 May
19:15Paris Bercy Seine
5h 30m
00:45Lyon Perrache
3 May
06:20Lyon Perrache
5h 35m
11:55Paris Bercy Seine
4 May
12:15Paris Bercy Seine
6h 35m
18:50Lyon Perrache
16 May
01:30Lyon Perrache
5h 30m
07:00Paris Bercy Seine
25 May
17:15Paris Bercy Seine
5h 30m
22:45Lyon Perrache
13 Jun
17:10Lyon Perrache
5h 40m
22:50Paris Bercy Seine
3 Jul
20:00Paris Bercy Seine
5h 40m
01:40Lyon Perrache

Book one-way bus tickets from Lyon to Paris

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Lyon to Paris we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
11 Jun
05:00Lyon Perrache
5h 45m
10:45Paris Bercy Seine
3 Jun
16:20Lyon Perrache
6h 05m
22:25Paris Bercy Seine
2 Jul
18:00Lyon Perrache
5h 55m
23:55Paris Bercy Seine
5 May
06:20Lyon Perrache
5h 35m
11:55Paris Bercy Seine
28 Apr
00:50Lyon Perrache
5h 35m
06:25Paris Bercy Seine
29 Apr
00:50Lyon Perrache
5h 35m
06:25Paris Bercy Seine

Choose the best way to get from Lyon to Paris


4h 50m
£8 one-way£18 return
Direct · from £18

Distance to city centre

32D2.2 mi


1h 39m
£9 one-way£18 return
Direct · from £18

Distance to city centre

XED1.0 mi


3h 40m
£59 one-way£117 return
Direct · from £1171 stop · from £141

Distance to city centre

CDG14.1 mi

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Lyon to Paris Flights

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Lyon to Paris

What amenities are offered on buses travelling from Lyon to Paris?

There are some great facilities on board buses from Lyon to Paris, which makes for a comfortable trip. FlixBus is the company which operates the majority of the buses on this service. This company offers comfortable seating that has extra legroom so you will find the seating spacious throughout. On a bus to Paris from Lyon you will also have access to wi-fi and power outlets too, so you will be able to browse the web for the entirety of your trip. During the trip you can enjoy a snacks and drinks service too, which is useful for long journeys like this one. If you need to go to the toilet on the bus to Paris from Lyon, you will be able to use the services on board the bus.

Is the bus ride from Lyon to Paris scenic?

When you get a bus from Lyon to Paris, you will be able to enjoy some lovely scenery along the way. Leaving Lyon, you will travel northwest towards your destination city. About halfway into your journey, you will travel through Parc natural regional du Morvan, which is a nature reserve that offers huge woods, lakes and forest. Passing close to the quaint city of Auxerre, you’ll also arrive at Parc natural regional du Gatinais Francais too. This vast nature reserve is just to the south of the capital city and is a large woodland with many villages and towns scattered throughout. Arriving into Paris is an experience in itself, with loads of famous landmarks on display for you to see.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Lyon to Paris?

When you take a FlixBus bus from Lyon to Paris, you will need to follow the luggage allowance specified on their website. You can take one personal item or hand luggage on board with you and one item of checked-in luggage too. For your hand luggage, you must ensure that it does not weigh more than 15lbs and doesn’t have dimensions larger than 12 x 7 x 28 inches. Checked-in luggage can be a bit larger and weigh more. You must ensure that it is no bigger than 20 x 12 x 31 inches, whilst the total weight must not exceed 44lbs. It’s also possible to pay for one item of additional luggage, should you need it. Bikes can be taken on board these buses too, but you will need to pay an additional cost and also ensure that it is stored in a suitable bike box or bag.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Lyon to Paris?

When you are on a bus to Paris from Lyon, you need to ensure that you have the correct documentation with you for your trip. It’s preferred that you use e-tickets as this is better for the environment, but if you wish to have a physical ticket then you can also print this off beforehand too. You will need to ensure that you show the bus driver the QR ticket before you board. Seeing as Lyon to Paris buses only travel in France, it is not necessary for you to have any identification with you for your trip. However, it is always recommended that you carry some ID with you as you never know if you’ll need it.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when travelling from Lyon to Paris?

When you get bus tickets from Lyon to Paris, you will always depart from Lyon Perrache bus station. You can get to this station from popular tourist attractions such as Musee Lumiere easily by taking the T2 tram. Buses on this route all terminate in Paris Bercy Seine bus station, which is also easy to reach. For instance, you can get to the busy train station of Gare de Lyon by taking the number 14 Metro or number 87 or 24 bus. Buses on this route do also have other stops on the way, such as Paris Roissypole and Paris Orly, should these be more convenient for you.

How much does a bus ticket from Lyon-Saint Exupéry to Paris cost?

Using momondo to find bus tickets from Lyon-Saint Exupéry to Paris, our users have found prices starting from £11 one-way for this week. This month, the average cost of a bus ticket from Lyon-Saint Exupéry to Paris is £17 one-way.

How long is the bus ride from Lyon-Saint Exupéry to Paris?

5h 15m is the fastest available option for travel to Paris from Lyon-Saint Exupéry by bus. Depending on the bus you select, the travel time may vary by up to 0h 31m. BlaBlaBus is one of the fastest options available.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Lyon-Saint Exupéry to Paris?

The cost of a bus from Lyon-Saint Exupéry to Paris is about £17 one-way this week. Our data shows that prices are fairly stable throughout the next 3 months. You can book now to make sure your seat is secured.

Which bus companies operate between Lyon-Saint Exupéry to Paris?

Some of the buses offering service from Lyon-Saint Exupéry to Paris include BlaBlaBus, ALSA, and FlixBus. BlaBlaBus has recently been found to be the cheapest option available at £22 round-trip.

How far is Lyon-Saint Exupéry to Paris by bus?

A bus from Lyon-Saint Exupéry to Paris will travel much more than the 243.7 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, which can change based on traffic, tolls and closures. 5h 15m by bus is normal for this route.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Lyon to Paris?

We’ve found that taking a flight from Lyon to Paris with {10} is more time-efficient when based simply on travel duration. A train from Lyon to Paris or a bus from Lyon to Paris can take you longer than a 1h 10m flight.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Lyon to Paris?

A bus from Lyon to Paris is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a flight from Lyon to Paris starting at £117, or consider a train from Lyon to Paris starting at £18. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.

More bus options to Paris

Besides Lyon there are other cities with transportation to Paris. See below for more options.
Buses to Paris from London
Fastest travel time7h 50m
Cheapest price£62
Buses to Paris from Birmingham
Fastest travel time11h 40m
Cheapest price£72
Buses to Paris from Liverpool
Fastest travel time16h 30m
Cheapest price£83
Buses to Paris from Bordeaux
Fastest travel time6h 35m
Cheapest price£102
Buses to Paris from Marseille
Fastest travel time9h 30m
Cheapest price£111
Buses to Paris from Brussels
Fastest travel time3h 45m
Cheapest price£23
Buses to Paris from Madrid
Fastest travel time16h 20m
Cheapest price£131

Other popular bus routes from Lyon

Change your mind about taking a bus to Paris? Below are other buses from Lyon that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Lyon to London
Fastest travel time13h 25m
Cheapest price£82
Buses from Lyon to Marseille
Fastest travel time3h 50m
Cheapest price£53

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