Find buses from Manchester to Bristol

Search for cheap bus tickets from Manchester to Bristol and book your trip in minutes.

23 Apr — 30 Apr1
1 adult
Tue 23/4

Best deals for bus tickets from Manchester to Bristol

Find the right bus ticket for you
With transfers
8h 05m
With transfers
12h 50m
With transfers
10h 55m
National Express
With transfers
5h 30m
National Express
With transfers
10h 00m
With transfers
7h 55m

Manchester to Bristol bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Manchester to Bristol

Return-trip from


One-way from


Popular coach line

Bus tickets from Manchester to Bristol found within the last 3 days start at £12 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £8. This price was found within the last 3 days.
FlixBus, Megabus and National Express service this route

Manchester Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Manchester
Manchester Salford for QuaysManchester, 53.477814, -2.275994
Manchester Oldham RoadManchester, 53.49521, -2.21205
Manchester Old Trafford StadiumManchester, 53.463142, -2.293427
Manchester Wythenshawe InterchangeManchester, 53.38026, -2.26428
Manchester Three ArrowsManchester, 53.538025, -2.240151
Manchester Princess RoadManchester, 53.441856, -2.24409

Bristol Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Bristol
Bristol Frenchay CampusBristol, 51.499783, -2.545008
Bristol Park AvenueBristol, 51.541794, -2.572179
Bristol University (Stoke Bishop Campus)Bristol, 51.47851, -2.622511
Bristol Anchor RoadBristol, 51.450947, -2.600512
Bristol FiltonBristol, 51.503582, -2.5679026
Bristol Black Boy HillBristol, 51.470734, -2.615202

Book round-trip bus tickets from Manchester to Bristol

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Manchester to Bristol that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
17 May
16:40Manchester Shudehill Interchange
10h 35m
03:15Bristol Bond Street
24 May
12:10Bristol Bond Street
8h 55m
21:05Manchester Shudehill Interchange
17 May
13:40Manchester Shudehill Interchange
10h 25m
00:05Bristol Frenchay Campus
24 May
09:45Bristol Frenchay Campus
12h 10m
21:55Manchester Shudehill Interchange
17 May
09:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange
8h 05m
17:25Bristol Bond Street
23 May
03:00Bristol Bond Street
11h 25m
14:25Manchester Shudehill Interchange
FlixBus, Megabus
16 May
02:45Manchester Shudehill Interchange
12h 30m
1 stop
15:15Bristol Bond Street
24 May
17:55Bristol Bond Street
4h 25m
22:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange
16 May
02:45Manchester Bus Station
10h 00m
12:45Bristol Bond Street
24 May
15:45Bristol Bond Street
10h 10m
01:55Manchester Bus Station
FlixBus, Megabus
17 May
23:40Manchester Shudehill Interchange
11h 50m
1 stop
11:30Bristol Bond Street
24 May
08:35Bristol Bond Street
4h 25m
13:00Manchester Shudehill Interchange

Book one-way bus tickets from Manchester to Bristol

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Manchester to Bristol we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
16 May
09:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange
8h 05m
17:25Bristol Bus & Coach Station
16 May
23:40Manchester Shudehill Interchange
12h 50m
12:30Bristol Frenchay Campus
23 Apr
09:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange
10h 55m
20:15Bristol Bond Street
National Express
16 May
15:45Manchester Bus Station
5h 30m
21:15Bristol Bus & Coach Station
15 May
02:45Manchester Bus Station
10h 00m
12:45Bristol Bus & Coach Station
23 Apr
09:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange
7h 55m
17:15Bristol Frenchay Campus

Choose the best way to get from Manchester to Bristol


3h 45m
£8 one-way£12 return
Direct · from £121 stop · from £20

Distance to city centre

30H3.8 mi
D920.4 mi


3h 09m
£47 one-way£442 return

No transfers

Distance to city centre

BRS7.4 mi


7h 05m
£55 one-way£116 return
1 stop · from £93

Distance to city centre

BRS7.4 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Manchester to Bristol

How many buses are there from Manchester to Bristol each day?

Buses from Manchester to Bristol are plentiful, as this is a busy route. You’ll find roughly 28 buses a day on most days of the week, with Fridays and Sundays offering roughly 23. This gives you around 180 trips per week. During busier times of the year, around the holiday periods, there can be as many as about 35 a day. On a typical day, the schedule is weighted towards the late afternoon peak hours, with buses leaving simultaneously or about 5-10min apart at these times. During off-peak hours, buses to Bristol from Manchester leave every 20min or so, with a roughly hour-long gap between trains in the mid-afternoon.

When does the first and last bus depart from Manchester to Bristol?

The first buses from Manchester to Bristol typically leave at around 04:10, operated by National Express. These take about 5h 55min, requiring one connection in Birmingham. They’re followed by a few from Megabus at around 04:45. These take between 4h 10min and 4h 55min, with two travelling directly to Bristol and the other two also making a connection in Birmingham. The last buses to Bristol from Manchester are in the early evening, when you’ll usually find two departing at about 19:30, both operated by Megabus. They take roughly 4h 05min and 4h 20min, respectively, both travelling directly. The last commuter buses of the work day leave at around 16:55, taking about 5h 55min to make the journey to Bristol.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when travelling from Manchester to Bristol?

Buses from Manchester to Bristol depart either from Manchester Coach Station or Manchester Victoria Station. It will take you about 1min to get to Manchester Bus Station from the city centre – catch an Arriva UK No. 263 or a Stagecoach South Lancashire No. 85 or 86 bus. Manchester Victoria Station is a little further out from central Manchester; it will take you about 8min to reach on the No. 33B bus from The Unicorn, Manchester City Centre. Buses to Bristol from Manchester arrive at one of three bus stations: Bristol Bus & Coach Station is in the city centre, so you can catch a taxi in about 2min or walk in about 7min. A bus does a circuitous route, taking about 20min on the 70s lines. Bristol Frenchay Campus Station is about 15min from the city centre on a First No. M1 bus, and Bristol Bond Street Station is about 2min away on the same bus line.

What amenities are offered on buses travelling from Manchester to Bristol?

If you buy bus tickets from Manchester to Bristol with National Express, you’ll travel in a comfortable seat with its own air-conditioning controls and USB charging points, and you can use the Wi-Fi on board for free. Staff have been trained to assist passengers with limited-mobility needs, and you can bring a wheelchair, as long as you notify the carrier a few days in advance. Megabus gives you the ability to select your specific seat when you buy your ticket and also has wheelchair space – this is limited to one per bus, so it’s best to book early. You can also book seats that have extra legroom, for a small extra charge. The buses are all air conditioned and equipped with Wi-Fi.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Manchester to Bristol?

Megabus has a fairly laissez-faire luggage policy, allowing you to bring as many hold items as you like, within reason, provided they don’t weigh more than 44 lb cumulatively and don’t exceed 79 inches when you add together their dimensions. You could also bring one large luggage item up to these limits instead. In addition, you can bring a single piece of carry-on luggage, provided it can comfortably fit under the seat in front of you or on your lap. On Manchester to Bristol buses operated by National Express, you can either take one piece of hold luggage up to 31 x 20 x 12 inches and 44 lb or two up to 12 x 18 x 28 inches each and the same weight combined. You can also bring a carry-on bag, provided it is soft.

How much does a bus ticket from Manchester to Bristol cost?

You can purchase a ticket from Manchester to Bristol within the week and expect to pay £10 or more one-way. At £18 on average, one-way bus tickets from Manchester to Bristol are best booked early to save more on your trip.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Manchester to Bristol?

Currently, the price you pay to get from Manchester to Bristol by bus this week is around £18 one-way. We don’t expect to see any changes in price within the next 3 months.

Which bus companies operate between Manchester to Bristol?

You can find bus tickets for FlixBus, Megabus, and National Express which service this route currently. FlixBus is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at £15 round-trip.

How far is Manchester to Bristol by bus?

Manchester and Bristol are 140.8 mi apart from one another. The actual distance travelled by bus depends on the route taken - roadwork or traffic often impact this and longer routes can change often.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Manchester to Bristol?

To save time, the fastest way to travel is by bus from Manchester to Bristol on Megabus. Expect the length of time you’ll spend onboard Megabus to be about 3h 45m compared to taking a flight from Manchester to Bristol or a train from Manchester to Bristol which have been found to be slower alternatives.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Manchester to Bristol?

Expect a bus to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a bus has deals available from £12. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a flight from Manchester to Bristol or a train from Manchester to Bristol can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.

FlixBus buses from Manchester to Bristol

Our best FlixBus deals on Manchester to Bristol bus tickets
17 May
GB314125916:40Manchester Shudehill Interchange
10h 35m
D9203:15Bristol Bond Street
24 May
D9212:10Bristol Bond Street
8h 55m
GB314125921:05Manchester Shudehill Interchange
17 May
GB314125913:40Manchester Shudehill Interchange
10h 25m
30H00:05Bristol Frenchay Campus
24 May
30H09:45Bristol Frenchay Campus
12h 10m
GB314125921:55Manchester Shudehill Interchange
17 May
GB314125909:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange
8h 05m
D9217:25Bristol Bond Street
23 May
D9203:00Bristol Bond Street
11h 25m
GB314125914:25Manchester Shudehill Interchange

FlixBus, Megabus buses from Manchester to Bristol

Our best FlixBus, Megabus deals on Manchester to Bristol bus tickets
FlixBus, Megabus
16 May
GB314125902:45Manchester Shudehill Interchange
12h 30m
1 stop
D9215:15Bristol Bond Street
24 May
D9217:55Bristol Bond Street
4h 25m
GB314125922:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange
FlixBus, Megabus
17 May
GB314125909:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange
10h 25m
1 stop
30H19:45Bristol Frenchay Campus
23 May
30H03:35Bristol Frenchay Campus
9h 05m
1 stop
GB314125912:40Manchester Shudehill Interchange
FlixBus, Megabus
17 May
GB314125913:40Manchester Shudehill Interchange
10h 25m
1 stop
30H00:05Bristol Frenchay Campus
24 May
30H09:35Bristol Frenchay Campus
9h 35m
1 stop
GB314125919:10Manchester Shudehill Interchange

More bus options to Bristol

Besides Manchester there are other cities with transportation to Bristol. See below for more options.
Buses to Bristol from London
Fastest travel time2h 35m
Cheapest price£19

Other popular bus routes from Manchester

Change your mind about taking a bus to Bristol? Below are other buses from Manchester that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Manchester to Glasgow
Fastest travel time3h 55m
Cheapest price£18
Buses from Manchester to London
Fastest travel time4h 05m
Cheapest price£18
Buses from Manchester to Birmingham
Fastest travel time1h 35m
Cheapest price£16
Buses from Manchester to Cardiff
Fastest travel time3h 50m
Cheapest price£29
Buses from Manchester to Leeds
Fastest travel time1h 00m
Cheapest price£9
Buses from Manchester to Oxford
Fastest travel time4h 00m
Cheapest price£26
Buses from Manchester to Liverpool
Fastest travel time1h 10m
Cheapest price£10

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