
Find buses from Paris to Berlin

Search for cheap bus tickets from Paris to Berlin and book your trip in minutes.

1 May — 8 May1
1 adult
Wed 1/5

Best deals for bus tickets from Paris to Berlin

Find the right bus ticket for you
With transfers
12h 35m
With transfers
12h 35m
With transfers
12h 35m
With transfers
14h 46m
With transfers
14h 46m
With transfers
14h 46m

Paris to Berlin bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Paris to Berlin

Return-trip from


One-way from


Popular coach line

Bus tickets from Paris to Berlin found within the last 3 days start at £35 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £2. This price was found within the last 3 days.
FlixBus and BlaBlaBus service this route

Paris Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Paris
Paris Ministère Des Finances P.O.P.B.Paris, 48.84074, 2.3785
Paris Coupvray Marne-la-Vallée - ChessyParis, 48.871815, 2.797313
Paris Pereire/Rue de SaussureParis, 48.887836, 2.310709
Paris Jouffroy d'Abbans/TocquevilleParis, 48.886166, 2.3103452
Paris Réaumur-SébastopolParis, 48.865693, 2.352379
Paris Rue du Faubourg Saint-MartinParis, 48.87193, 2.357316

Berlin Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Berlin
Berlin Zitadelle SpandauBerlin, 52.538612, 13.214013
Berlin BülowstraßeBerlin, 52.498417, 13.357784
Berlin S WaßmannsdorfBerlin, 52.368458, 13.46355
Berlin Magdeburg RothenseeBerlin, 52.20489, 11.672833
Berlin KadeweBerlin, 52.502007, 13.341018
Berlin Alt-TegelBerlin, 52.59159, 13.28216

Book round-trip bus tickets from Paris to Berlin

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Paris to Berlin that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
7 May
20:20Paris Bercy Bourgogne - Pays d'Auvergne
12h 35m
08:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
14 May
21:00Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
13h 00m
10:00Paris Bercy Bourgogne - Pays d'Auvergne
7 May
20:20Paris Bercy Seine
12h 35m
08:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
14 May
21:00Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
13h 00m
10:00Paris Bercy Seine
7 May
20:20Paris Bercy Seine
12h 35m
08:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
14 May
21:00Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
13h 00m
10:00Paris Bercy Seine
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus
7 May
20:20Paris Bercy Seine
12h 35m
08:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
16 May
14:40Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
20h 05m
1 stop
10:45Paris Bercy Seine
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus
7 May
20:20Paris Bercy Seine
12h 35m
08:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
14 May
14:40Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
17h 35m
1 stop
08:15Paris Bercy Seine
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus
7 May
20:20Paris Bercy Seine
12h 35m
08:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
14 May
14:40Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
17h 35m
1 stop
08:15Paris Bercy Seine

Book one-way bus tickets from Paris to Berlin

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Paris to Berlin we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
7 May
20:20Paris Bercy Seine
12h 35m
08:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
7 May
20:20Paris Bercy Bourgogne - Pays d'Auvergne
12h 35m
08:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
7 May
20:20Paris Bercy Seine
12h 35m
08:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
5 Jun
22:45Paris Bercy Bourgogne - Pays d'Auvergne
14h 46m
13:31Berlin Gesundbrunnen
5 Jun
22:45Paris Bercy Seine
14h 46m
13:31Berlin Gesundbrunnen
5 Jun
22:45Paris Bercy Seine
14h 46m
13:31Berlin Gesundbrunnen

Choose the best way to get from Paris to Berlin


12h 35m
£2 one-way£35 return
Direct · from £351 stop · from £45

Distance to city centre

CC95.5 mi
68lb CO2

82% less than flights

Find Buses

Paris to Berlin Buses


8h 02m
£34 one-way£69 return
Direct · from £691 stop · from £110

Distance to city centre

QPP1.7 mi
108lb CO2

72% less than flights

Find Trains

Paris to Berlin Trains


1h 40m
£26 one-way£54 return
Direct · from £54

Distance to city centre

BER11.7 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Paris to Berlin

What amenities are offered on buses travelling from Paris to Berlin?

There are some great facilities on board buses from Paris to Berlin, so you’ll be comfortable for your whole trip. On FlixBus, which is the company that operates the majority of buses for this route, you can enjoy comfy seating with extra legroom so you’ll have more space for your journey. On a bus to Berlin from Paris with this company, you will be able to access wi-fi and power outlets too, so you’ll be able to stay connected for the entire trip. Snacks and drinks are also offered on board these services, which is helpful for journeys that take the best part of a day. You will also be able to access toilets on board Paris to Berlin buses, which is helpful when you’re on the bus for so long.

Is the bus ride from Paris to Berlin scenic?

When you get a bus from Paris to Berlin, you will be able to enjoy some lovely scenery along the way. One of the first notable areas you will travel through is Parc naturel regional de la Montagne de Reims. You’ll then head further east to Metz, which is a green city with a Gothic cathedral. Once you’ve crossed the border, you’ll pass through cities such as Kaiserslautern, Mainz and Frankfurt, where you’ll get to see a great range of German architecture, both modern and classic. As you get close to Berlin, you’ll pass through Vogelschutzgebiet Dromling, which is a famous bird watching area, as well as Westhavelland Nature Park. You’ll then arrive into the trendy city of Berlin where your journey culminates.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Paris to Berlin?

On FlixBus buses to Berlin from Paris, you can take on one item of hand luggage and one checked bag free of charge. The hand luggage can weigh up to 15lbs and must not exceed 12 inches x 7 inches x 17 inches, whilst the checked luggage can have a total weight of 44lbs and must not be larger than 20 x 12 x 31 inches. You can pay for one item of additional luggage too, should you need it. If you want to take your bike on board the bus, you are able to at an extra cost providing it is stored in a suitable bike bag or box.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Paris to Berlin?

When you are taking a bus from Paris to Berlin it’s important that you take the correct documentation with you when you get on the bus. Whilst e-tickets are the preferred way to present your ticket, you can also print off your ticket should you prefer a physical version. Your bus tickets from Paris to Berlin must be presented to the driver, along with the QR code before you get on board the bus. As this journey is between two countries in the Schengen area, you will not need to have a passport to travel. However, it’s always recommended to have a form of ID with you, should you require it.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when travelling from Paris to Berlin?

Nearly all the buses to Berlin from Paris depart from Paris Bercy Seine bus station. Whilst buses tend to arrive into either Berlin Central bus station or Berlin Brandenburg. You can get to Paris Bercy Seine from one of the main train stations, Paris Gare de Lyon, easily by the number 24 bus. In Berlin, you can get to Berlin Central bus station from Alexanderplatz using the U5 metro with ease. Alternatively, you can get to Berlin Brandenburg via the RB14 or RE7 train, which takes a bit longer to reach.

How much does a bus ticket from Paris to Berlin Brandenburg cost?

See available tickets from Paris to Berlin Brandenburg for this week that start at £2 one-way.

Which bus companies operate between Paris to Berlin Brandenburg?

You can find bus tickets for FlixBus and BlaBlaBus which service this route currently. FlixBus is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at £44 round-trip.

How far is Paris to Berlin Brandenburg by bus?

Paris and Berlin Brandenburg are 545.2 mi apart from one another. The actual distance travelled by bus depends on the route taken - roadwork or traffic often impact this and longer routes can change often.

What is the carbon footprint of a bus from Paris to Berlin Brandenburg?

Buses from Paris to Berlin Brandenburg will generally run a carbon footprint of about 68lb. The footprint by bus is some 83% smaller than by airplane - a flight from Paris to Berlin Brandenburg has emissions of around 382lb. Trains to Berlin Brandenburg from Paris have a footprint in the region of 108lb.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Paris to Berlin?

At 1h 40m, choosing to opt for a flight from Paris to Berlin for this trip as opposed to a train from Paris to Berlin or a bus from Paris to Berlin can save you time on travel.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Paris to Berlin?

Taking a bus to your destination is the cheapest option we’ve found in the past few days. The cheapest price we’ve found for this option is £35, making it less expensive than a flight from Paris to Berlin and cheaper than a train from Paris to Berlin.

FlixBus buses from Paris to Berlin

Our best FlixBus deals on Paris to Berlin bus tickets
7 May
51520:20Paris Bercy Bourgogne - Pays d'Auvergne
12h 35m
CC908:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
14 May
CC921:00Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
13h 00m
51510:00Paris Bercy Bourgogne - Pays d'Auvergne
7 May
32D20:20Paris Bercy Seine
12h 35m
CC908:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
13 May
CC921:00Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
16h 45m
1 stop
32D13:45Paris Bercy Seine
7 May
32D20:20Paris Bercy Seine
12h 35m
CC908:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
16 May
CC914:40Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
17h 05m
32D07:45Paris Bercy Seine

FlixBus, BlaBlaBus buses from Paris to Berlin

Our best FlixBus, BlaBlaBus deals on Paris to Berlin bus tickets
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus
7 May
32D20:20Paris Bercy Seine
12h 35m
CC908:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
16 May
CC914:40Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
20h 05m
1 stop
32D10:45Paris Bercy Seine
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus
7 May
32D20:20Paris Bercy Seine
12h 35m
CC908:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
12 May
CC921:20Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
20h 20m
1 stop
32D17:40Paris Bercy Seine
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus
7 May
51520:20Paris Bercy Bourgogne - Pays d'Auvergne
12h 35m
CC908:55Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
12 May
CC914:40Berlin Central Bus Station (ZOB)
21h 30m
1 stop
51512:10Paris Bercy Bourgogne - Pays d'Auvergne

More bus options to Berlin

Besides Paris there are other cities with transportation to Berlin. See below for more options.
Buses to Berlin from London
Fastest travel time24h 05m
Cheapest price£111
Buses to Berlin from Brussels
Fastest travel time13h 55m
Cheapest price£70

Other popular bus routes from Paris

Change your mind about taking a bus to Berlin? Below are other buses from Paris that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Paris to London
Fastest travel time6h 40m
Cheapest price£62
Buses from Paris to Birmingham
Fastest travel time10h 40m
Cheapest price£72
Buses from Paris to Liverpool
Fastest travel time14h 50m
Cheapest price£81
Buses from Paris to Bordeaux
Fastest travel time6h 40m
Cheapest price£97
Buses from Paris to Marseille
Fastest travel time9h 30m
Cheapest price£110
Buses from Paris to Lyon
Fastest travel time5h 25m
Cheapest price£62
Buses from Paris to Brussels
Fastest travel time3h 35m
Cheapest price£22
Buses from Paris to Madrid
Fastest travel time16h 10m
Cheapest price£131

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