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24 Apr — 1 May1
1 adult
Wed 24/4

Best deals for bus tickets to Naples

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With transfers
11h 55m
With transfers
2h 40m
With transfers
2h 35m
With transfers
2h 45m
With transfers
2h 35m
With transfers
2h 40m

Naples bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses to Naples.

Return-trip from


One-way from


Popular station

Naples Varco Immacolatella

Popular coach line

Bus tickets to Naples found within the last 3 days start at £6 round-trip from Rome
The cheapest one-way bus ticket from Turin starts at £2. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The most commonly used station in Naples is Naples Varco Immacolatella.
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus and Itabus are some of the bus lines that arrive at Naples Varco Immacolatella

Naples Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Naples
Naples Varco ImmacolatellaNaples, 40.84211, 14.25733
Naples Metropark Via LucciNaples, 40.8512, 14.272
Naples Benevento Terminal BusNaples, 41.1315, 14.7828
Naples Marina Molo LuiseNaples, 40.8254, 14.222492
Naples Piazza MercatoNaples, 40.847557, 14.265871
Naples Santa Maria del PozzoNaples, 40.89049, 14.423945

Book round-trip bus tickets to Naples

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets to Naples that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
25 May
22:45Rome Tiburtina
2h 30m
01:15Naples Centrale
27 May
03:30Naples Centrale
2h 30m
06:00Rome Tiburtina
26 May
00:35Rome Tiburtina
2h 45m
03:20Naples Metropark Via Lucci
27 May
07:30Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 35m
10:05Rome Tiburtina
19 May
18:30Rome Tiburtina
2h 35m
21:05Naples Metropark Via Lucci
25 May
03:30Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 30m
06:00Rome Tiburtina
24 May
00:35Rome Tiburtina
2h 45m
03:20Naples Centrale
27 May
03:30Naples Centrale
2h 30m
06:00Rome Tiburtina
18 May
20:00Rome Tiburtina
2h 45m
22:45Naples Centrale
25 May
12:50Naples Centrale
3h 00m
15:50Rome Tiburtina
27 May
14:00Rome Tiburtina
2h 35m
16:35Naples Metropark Via Lucci
27 May
22:30Naples Metropark Via Lucci
3h 05m
01:35Rome Tiburtina

Book one-way bus tickets to Naples

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets to Naples we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
24 Apr
23:00Turin Autostazione di Corso Vittorio Emanuele II
11h 55m
10:55Naples Metropark Via Lucci
10 May
20:15Rome Tiburtina
2h 40m
22:55Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2 Jun
12:30Rome Tiburtina
2h 35m
15:05Naples Metropark Via Lucci
7 Jun
00:35Rome Tiburtina
2h 45m
03:20Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2 May
23:30Rome Tiburtina
2h 35m
02:05Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2 Jun
09:30Rome Tiburtina
2h 40m
12:10Naples Metropark Via Lucci

FAQs for booking coach tickets to Naples

What amenities are offered on buses from Naples?

Depending on the Naples bus company you are travelling with, you could be offered a number of amenities. Most Naples buses have restrooms available for you to use, however, it is important to check at the station before you leave. Another service that is on offer with most Naples buses is free Wi-Fi. However, this depends on the age of the bus as some of the older fleets do not have this service. Naples bus companies like Intersaj and Flexibus have this service available on some buses. Usually, you will find Wi-Fi services available on longer-distance journeys since they are less likely to break down during the journey. Most companies also offer a place to charge your mobile device, particularly on longer journeys. Companies like FlexiBus also often have snacks and drinks available for a price, however, it is good to check at a Naples bus station to confirm this beforehand.

What are the benefits of taking a bus from Naples?

When you are travelling by bus, you do not have to worry about navigating the complex Italian roads, since you have a Naples bus driver to deal with that for you for affordable bus prices. If you are a tourist in the area then you don’t have to contend with road signs in a different language and different road etiquette. You will also find that Naples bus tickets are a great deal cheaper than air travel. Also, you do not have to deal with the stress of moving through different airport security checkpoints, and missing a bus is far less of an issue than missing a flight. Beyond that, you also get to see sides of Italy that you otherwise would not be able to experience if you took a different form of public transport.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Naples?

Most Naples bus companies allow for you to bring luggage on board, however, it does depend on the kind of ticket you have purchased as for some economy class purchases, you have to pay an extra fee to have your luggage taken on board. For most Naples bus companies, however, you will be allowed a carry-on bag and a bag you can check-in before your journey. Your carry-on bag must be a maximum weight of 15lb. The bag cannot be more than 16 inches tall, 11 inches wide, and cannot have a depth of more than 7 inches. Your check-in bags can be a bit larger with the maximum weight being 44lb. The bag cannot be taller than 31 inches, it cannot be wider than 19 inches and it cannot have a depth of more than 11 inches.

How do I get to the bus station in Naples?

If you are not carrying too much luggage for your Naples bus journey then we might suggest a quick walk to your bus station since Naples is quite pedestrian-friendly. If you have a lot of luggage on the other hand, then it may be beneficial to use a rideshare app or taxi. It should not take you too long to get to your bus station particularly if it is the Naples Metropark station as that is close to the centre of town. The station being so central means that it is quite accessible to travellers and there are multiple ways to reach the station, including by bus. If you are a tourist, do be sure to check your route beforehand as getting lost in a foreign city can be quite stressful.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Naples?

When boarding a Naples bus you should make sure you carry a legal picture identification just to verify when you board. For the most part, physical tickets are not necessary and if you made a purchase online, you can just show your online ticket with your photo ID and that should be more than enough to grant you access to the bus. Certain Naples bus stations do require you to verify your ticket with a stamp from the ticket office. Make sure you check at the station if you need to do so, it is relatively simple to do and does not take much time so it is worth finding out before you get on your Naples bus.

How much is a coach ticket to Naples?

Bus tickets from Rome to Naples usually start from about £86, while you can find tickets from Nuremberg to Naples from around £92. Generally, prices will be determined by your location. These were some of the lowest prices from the most popular departure points to Naples.

What is the main coach station in Naples?

The main station in Naples is Naples Varco Immacolatella. At Naples Varco Immacolatella, you can find a number of buses offering service to other major cities. Two common major cities you can get to by bus from Naples Varco Immacolatella are Nuremberg, and Rome.

What coach companies go to Naples?

Some of the options we’ve found for coaches to Naples are FlixBus, BlaBlaBus, and Itabus. Typically, your options for coaches to Naples will be determined by the route you take.

How far in advance should I book a coach to Naples?

Ride a one-way bus to Naples for £2 on average this week. For the next 3 months, we predict the price of tickets to Naples to remain steady. We recommend booking when you can to ensure you have your desired date secured.

Popular bus routes to Naples

Most frequently searched bus routes to Naples, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Buses to Naples from Rome
Fastest travel time2h 35m
Cheapest price£86

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