
Find trains from Chicago to Cleveland

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3 May — 10 May1
1 adult
Fri 3/5

Best deals for train tickets from Chicago to Cleveland

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With transfers
7h 08m
With transfers
7h 08m
With transfers
7h 08m
With transfers
7h 08m
With transfers
7h 08m
With transfers
7h 08m

Chicago to Cleveland train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Chicago to Cleveland






6h 05m


The best return train deal from Chicago to Cleveland found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £120
The best one-way train deal from Chicago to Cleveland found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £60
Average time it takes to travel by train from Chicago to Cleveland
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Chicago Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Chicago
Chicago UnionChicago, 41.87864, -87.64025

Cleveland Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Cleveland
Cleveland Cleveland StationCleveland, 41.505787, -81.696175

Book return train tickets from Chicago to Cleveland

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets from Chicago to Cleveland that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
22 Aug
18:40Chicago Union
6h 05m
01:45Cleveland Cleveland Station
24 Aug
02:59Cleveland Cleveland Station
6h 46m
08:45Chicago Union
8 May
21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
12 May
04:03Cleveland Cleveland Station
7h 09m
10:12Chicago Union
28 May
21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
30 May
04:03Cleveland Cleveland Station
7h 09m
10:12Chicago Union
15 May
21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
17 May
04:03Cleveland Cleveland Station
7h 09m
10:12Chicago Union
3 May
21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
5 May
04:03Cleveland Cleveland Station
7h 09m
10:12Chicago Union
7 May
21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
12 May
04:03Cleveland Cleveland Station
7h 09m
10:12Chicago Union

Book one-way train tickets from Chicago to Cleveland

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Chicago to Cleveland we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
6 May
21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
30 May
21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
8 May
21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
28 May
21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
5 May
21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
27 May
21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station

Choose the best way to get from Chicago to Cleveland


7h 45m
£28 one-way£71 return
Direct · from £711 stop · from £28

Distance to city centre

E400.7 mi
45lb CO2

84% less than flights

Find Buses

Chicago to Cleveland Buses


7h 08m
£48 one-way£96 return
Direct · from £96

Distance to city centre

9LE0.5 mi
71lb CO2

75% less than flights

Find Trains

Chicago to Cleveland Trains


1h 19m
£62 one-way£125 return
Direct · from £1941 stop · from £66

Distance to city centre

CLE10.1 mi
278lb CO2

Find Flights

Chicago to Cleveland Flights

FAQs for booking trains from Chicago to Cleveland

What is there to see along the train ride from Chicago to Cleveland?

The train ride from Chicago to Cleveland is one that is full of immersive sights and sounds that will ensure you have an enjoyable and fascinating journey. Trains from Chicago to Cleveland depart from the memorable Chicago Union Station that will leave you in awe. You will also be able to capture sights of renowned tourist sites in Chicago, such as Grant Park’s Buckingham Fountain. The Amtrak Capitol train that serves the Chicago to Cleveland train ride also gives the passenger a captivating sightseeing experience as they have an observation car where passengers can enjoy the sights throughout the ride on trains to Cleveland from Chicago.

What baggage is allowed on trains from Chicago to Cleveland?

The baggage policy on Amtrak allows for passengers to check in a maximum of four bags, two that are free and another two that the passenger pays a fee for. You are also allowed to bring onto the train two personal items and two carry-on items that are to be stored either in the overhead compartments, underneath the seat, in designated baggage compartments, or in the storage bins allocated for baggage underneath the train floor. Passengers are encouraged to label all their baggage correctly and secure them with approved locking devices. You are also allowed a single additional infant item that is not to be included in the baggage limit.

What train stations are used when travelling from Chicago to Cleveland?

The Amtrak trains that leave from Chicago to Cleveland are located at the Chicago Union Station, which is the third busiest train station in the United States. The train station is well equipped with several amenities and services, such as food and drink outlets, shops, and charging stations for your mobile devices. You can easily access Chicago Union Station from anywhere in the city using the intercity bus network, driving to the station, or hailing a cab to take you there.

Are pets allowed on the train from Chicago to Cleveland?

You don’t have to worry about leaving your pets behind when travelling as Amtrak allows for passengers to bring their pets on board when travelling from Chicago to Cleveland. Passengers are allowed to bring on board cats and dogs weighing up to approximately 20 lbs, which is inclusive of the pet carrier, on trips that do not exceed seven hours, which includes any transfer time expected during the trip. You are encouraged to make prior reservations for your pets as there is a limit of five pets on each train. However, service animals are allowed on board and are not included in the five pet per train limit. Amtrak doesn’t allow for pets on Thruway Connection Services, multi-ride tickets, or with minors who are not accompanied by adults. You should also make sure to read and sign the appropriate documentation prior to bringing your pet on board.

Are there overnight / sleeper trains available from Chicago to Cleveland by train?

Amtrak gives its passengers a uniquely distinct experience on Chicago to Cleveland trains as the Capitol Limited gives you options for sleeper trains. The sleeper trains on trains to Cleveland from Chicago are priced differently from the regular train, so make sure you make confirmations about the train ticket options you would prefer. The different types of sleeper trains available on the Amtrak Capitol Limited Chicago to Cleveland trains include Superliner Roomettes, Superliner Bedrooms, Superliner Family Bedrooms, and Superliner Bedroom Suites. These various sleeper trains all have different amenities, so ensure you know the amenities you would need on the train ride and book the appropriate train ride.

How much does a train ticket from Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl cost?

A ticket from Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl for this week starts from £60 one-way. This month, the average cost of a train ticket from Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl is £72 one-way.

How long is the train ride from Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl?

6h 05m is the fastest available option to arrive in Cleveland Hopkins Intl from Chicago by train. Look into Amtrak, they have one of the quickest options available.

When should I purchase the train tickets from Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl?

Currently, the price you pay to get from Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl by train this week is around £72 one-way. We don’t expect to see any changes in price within the next 3 months.

Which train companies operate between Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl?

The train offering service from Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl Amtrak. Amtrak has been found as the cheapest option available at £120 return.

How far is Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl by train?

While Cleveland Hopkins Intl is 307.0 mi away from Chicago, the distance by train is longer depending on the route. Most trains from Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl will get there in 6h 05m.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl?

70lb is the average carbon footprint of travelling from Chicago to Cleveland Hopkins Intl by train. Flying this journey instead would increase your carbon footprint to around 277lb. Taking a bus instead of a train would change your carbon footprint to about 44lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Chicago to Cleveland?

At 1h 23m, choosing to opt for a flight from Chicago to Cleveland for this trip as opposed to a train from Chicago to Cleveland or a bus from Chicago to Cleveland can save you time on travel.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Chicago to Cleveland?

Taking a bus to your destination is the cheapest option we’ve found in the past few days. The cheapest price we’ve found for this option is £71, making it less expensive than a flight from Chicago to Cleveland and cheaper than a train from Chicago to Cleveland.

Amtrak trains from Chicago to Cleveland

Our best Amtrak deals on Chicago to Cleveland train tickets
22 Aug
ZUN18:40Chicago Union
6h 05m
9LE01:45Cleveland Cleveland Station
24 Aug
9LE02:59Cleveland Cleveland Station
6h 46m
ZUN08:45Chicago Union
28 May
ZUN21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
9LE05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
30 May
9LE04:03Cleveland Cleveland Station
7h 09m
ZUN10:12Chicago Union
7 May
ZUN21:30Chicago Union
7h 08m
9LE05:38Cleveland Cleveland Station
11 May
9LE02:59Cleveland Cleveland Station
6h 46m
ZUN08:45Chicago Union

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