
Find trains from Chicago to Indianapolis

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30 Apr — 7 May1
1 adult
Tue 30/4

Chicago to Indianapolis train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Chicago to Indianapolis




4h 15m


The best return train deal from Chicago to Indianapolis found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £69
Average time it takes to travel by train from Chicago to Indianapolis
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

Chicago Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Chicago
Chicago UnionChicago, 41.87864, -87.64025

Indianapolis Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Indianapolis
IndianapolisIndianapolis, 39.761986, -86.16042

Book return train tickets from Chicago to Indianapolis

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets from Chicago to Indianapolis that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
18 May
17:55Chicago Union
4h 54m
20 May
5h 00m
10:00Chicago Union
7 May
17:55Chicago Union
4h 54m
9 May
5h 00m
10:00Chicago Union
7 May
17:55Chicago Union
4h 54m
9 May
5h 00m
10:00Chicago Union

FAQs for booking trains from Chicago to Indianapolis

What train stations are used when travelling from Chicago to Indianapolis?

To find Chicago to Indianapolis trains, you can use the Chicago Union Station, an intercity and commuter rail terminal in the Near West Side. This is Amtrak’s station you can use in the Midwest. It not only serves long-distance passengers, but the station serves six Metra commuter train lines as well. From the Chicago Union Station, you can get several direct connections to transit authorities like the Chicago Transit Authority, Greyhound, and Pace. When your train ride arrives in Indianapolis, you can use the Indianapolis Union Station as the exit point. This is an intercity train station located in Wholesale District, Indianapolis. The station offers direct connections to several transit authorities, including Greyhound, the Chicago Transit Authority, and Metra.

Are pets allowed on the train from Chicago to Indianapolis?

On trains from Chicago to Indianapolis, you can bring along a service animal. This includes animals trained to help people with disabilities with certain tasks, as described by the Department of Transport terms. Such animals are permitted on trains at all times. You can also get train tickets if you have small pets, which must be carried inside a closed protective carrier designed for travel. The carrier should be sized so that one person can carry it, it should ensure the protection of other riders, and it must fit under the seat. A carrier cannot take up seat space or obstruct a seating area or pathway on the train. For the comfort of others on trains to Indianapolis from Chicago, you must ensure you’re in control of the animal throughout the journey.

Do Amtrak trains from Chicago to Indianapolis have Wi-Fi?

If you’re using Amtrak trains to Indianapolis from Chicago, you will enjoy the convenience of the comfortable seats, which offer extra legroom and tables in the middle. In addition, you have Wi-Fi on the train, which means you can access the internet throughout the journey. The Wi-Fi connection is good enough for browsing the internet, accessing social media, and doing other light tasks. However, it may not be ideal for downloading big files or running programs that require a super-fast connection. In addition to an internet connection, Amtrak also offers power outlets at each seat, so you can keep your device powered while you access content online. Your cell phone will work normally when riding the train from Chicago to Indianapolis, so you can enjoy the wireless internet connection and also communicate with your friends and family via calls and text.

What luggage is allowed on Chicago to Indianapolis trains?

Amtrak offers regulations on baggage, so understand these conditions before boarding. When you travel with Amtrak, you’re allowed to bring two free pieces, each item weighing not more than 50 lbs. It should also not exceed the recommended 28 x 22 x 14 inches. If you have an infant under the age of two, Amtrak allows you to carry baby items like strollers and diaper bags without including them in your carry-on limit. In the case of checked baggage, each passenger is able to check two bags for free. For any additional luggage, you will be charged a fee.

Do I need a passport to travel from Chicago to Indianapolis by train?

Valid identification is required when travelling from Chicago to Indianapolis by train. While a passport is not mandatory, it’s one of the documents you can use for identification. In addition to the ID, you need a train ticket to board an Amtrak train. Other documents you can use in place of the passport include a driver’s license, a military ID, or any other accepted government-issued ID. For minors, a student identification like a high school photo ID or a university ID is accepted.

How long is the train ride from Chicago to Indianapolis?

The fastest journey time from Chicago to Indianapolis is 4h 15m. Look into Amtrak, they have one of the quickest options available.

Which train companies operate between Chicago to Indianapolis?

Amtrak are viable options. Check times and availability for Amtrak, as it was recently the cheapest train available traveling from Chicago to Indianapolis from £69 round-trip.

How far is Chicago to Indianapolis by train?

A train from Chicago to Indianapolis will travel much more than the 164.5 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, and stops along the way. The train journey is around 4h 15m long.

Amtrak trains from Chicago to Indianapolis

Our best Amtrak deals on Chicago to Indianapolis train tickets
18 May
ZUN17:55Chicago Union
4h 54m
20 May
5h 00m
ZUN10:00Chicago Union
7 May
ZUN17:55Chicago Union
4h 54m
9 May
5h 00m
ZUN10:00Chicago Union

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