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19 Feb — 26 Feb1
1 adult
Wed 19/2

Munich to Hamburg train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Munich to Hamburg


5h 30m
Average time it takes to travel by train from Munich to Hamburg

Munich Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Munich
Munich FröttmaningMunich, 48.210934, 11.619262
Munich Augsburg HauptbahnhofMunich, 48.365555, 10.886389
Munich FüssenMunich, 47.5705, 10.69781
Munich München Flughafen Terminal 2Munich, 48.355682, 11.790116
Munich Kempten HauptbahnhofMunich, 47.711746, 10.317611
Munich FreihamMunich, 48.139915, 11.409369

Hamburg Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Hamburg
Hamburg Kornweg (Klein Borstel)Hamburg, 53.632378, 10.053841
Hamburg Soltau(Han)Hamburg, 52.98313, 9.831214
Hamburg SülldorfHamburg, 53.581085, 9.797064
Hamburg LandungsbrückenHamburg, 53.546215, 9.970331
Hamburg LandwehrHamburg, 53.5612, 10.03802
Hamburg LangenfeldeHamburg, 53.57934, 9.931048

FAQs for booking trains from Munich to Hamburg

How long is the train ride from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Hamburg?

The fastest journey time from Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Hamburg is 5h 28m. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 02m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times.

How far is Munich Franz Josef Strauss to Hamburg by train?

Munich Franz Josef Strauss and Hamburg are 379.8 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken. The train journey is around 5h 28m long.

Popular train routes to Hamburg

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Cheapest price£38

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