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28 Apr — 5 May1
1 adult
Sun 28/4

Best deals for train tickets from New York to Buffalo

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With transfers
8h 27m
With transfers
8h 27m
With transfers
8h 27m
With transfers
8h 45m
With transfers
8h 27m
With transfers
8h 27m

New York to Buffalo train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from New York to Buffalo






8h 21m


The best return train deal from New York to Buffalo found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £116
The best one-way train deal from New York to Buffalo found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £58
Average time it takes to travel by train from New York to Buffalo
There is 1 train company servicing this route: Amtrak

New York Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in New York
Syracuse New York - State FairNew York, 43.071922, -76.22947
New York Cherry HillNew York, 39.928947, -75.041824
New York New RochelleNew York, 40.91145, -73.78433
New York Newark Liberty International Train StationNew York, 40.704026, -74.190483
New York Grand Central TerminalNew York, 40.752285, -73.97767
New York Penn StationNew York, 40.750557, -73.99333

Buffalo Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Buffalo
Depew BuffaloBuffalo, 42.9071, -78.7266
Buffalo Exchange StreetBuffalo, 42.8783, -78.8738

Book return train tickets from New York to Buffalo

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets from New York to Buffalo that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
19 Jun
10:20New York Penn Station
8h 45m
19:05Buffalo Exchange Street
22 Jun
12:15Buffalo Exchange Street
9h 01m
21:16New York Penn Station
22 May
07:15New York Penn Station
8h 27m
15:42Buffalo Exchange Street
23 May
12:15Buffalo Exchange Street
9h 01m
21:16New York Penn Station
13 Aug
13:20New York Penn Station
8h 32m
21:52Buffalo Exchange Street
15 Aug
07:12Buffalo Exchange Street
8h 33m
15:45New York Penn Station
28 Jul
07:15New York Penn Station
8h 27m
15:42Buffalo Exchange Street
30 Jul
04:18Buffalo Exchange Street
8h 27m
12:45New York Penn Station
22 May
07:15New York Penn Station
8h 27m
15:42Buffalo Exchange Street
29 May
04:18Buffalo Exchange Street
8h 27m
12:45New York Penn Station
24 Jun
13:20New York Penn Station
8h 32m
21:52Buffalo Exchange Street
4 Oct
04:28Buffalo Exchange Street
8h 17m
12:45New York Penn Station

Book one-way train tickets from New York to Buffalo

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from New York to Buffalo we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
8 Jun
07:15New York Penn Station
8h 27m
15:42Buffalo Exchange Street
10 Jul
07:15New York Penn Station
8h 27m
15:42Buffalo Exchange Street
15 Aug
07:15New York Penn Station
8h 27m
15:42Buffalo Exchange Street
19 Jun
10:20New York Penn Station
8h 45m
19:05Buffalo Exchange Street
25 Jun
07:15New York Penn Station
8h 27m
15:42Buffalo Exchange Street
25 Jul
07:15New York Penn Station
8h 27m
15:42Buffalo Exchange Street

Choose the best way to get from New York to Buffalo


6h 40m
£23 one-way£57 return
Direct · from £57

Distance to city centre

DF68.9 mi
43lb CO2

86% less than flights

Find Buses

New York to Buffalo Buses


8h 17m
£47 one-way£94 return
Direct · from £94

Distance to city centre

ZXS0.6 mi
68lb CO2

78% less than flights

Find Trains

New York to Buffalo Trains


1h 25m
£74 one-way£139 return
Direct · from £1591 stop · from £166

Distance to city centre

BUF8.3 mi

FAQs for booking trains from New York to Buffalo

What train stations are used when travelling from New York to Buffalo?

Most trains from New York to Buffalo depart from New York Penn Station and arrive at Buffalo Exchange Street. New York Penn Station is 2.4 miles away from downtown Manhattan. Travelers can get to the station by bus, taxis, or personal car. At New York Penn Station, Amtrak is the only provider for trains to Buffalo from New York.

Do Amtrak trains from New York to Buffalo have Wi-Fi?

Amtrak trains to Buffalo from New York ensure that their passengers stay connected and in touch with the world through the free Wi-Fi onboard select trains and at select stations. Some trains include Acela, Adirondack, Amtrak Hartford Line, and New York to Buffalo trains. Some of the stations with free Wi-Fi are Baltimore, MD- Penn Station, Chicago IL- Union Station, and Lorton, VA. The Wi-Fi only supports general web browsing activities to ensure enough bandwidth for all users. Therefore, you cannot stream music and videos or download large files.

What is there to see along the train ride from New York to Buffalo?

Travelers on New York to Buffalo trains have the chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the country from the comfort of their train seats. This route is endowed with nature, from forests to lakes and rivers that elevate this journey. From the train, travelers can see Allegany Natural Forest, a natural forest that stretches over 500,000 acres. Along the way, travelers also get the chance to gaze at the Passaic River. This river in Northern Jersey is 80 miles long. Another great scene is Onondaga Lake Park. This is a 7.5-mile-long linear greenway found on the shores of Lake Onondaga. Travelers can also enjoy the beautiful green views of golf courses like Meadows Golf Club and Clifton Springs Country Club. Towards the end of the ride, in Rochester, travelers can see the George Eastman Museum. This is one of the world’s oldest photography museums and film archives established in 1949.

Do I need a passport to travel from New York to Buffalo by train?

Passengers travelling by Amtrak are required to have their train tickets and any government-issued ID with a photo for anyone over 18 years and all unaccompanied minors. This could be a passport, military ID, or a driver’s license. In case a traveler doesn’t have a government-issued ID with a photo, secondary identification materials, like a student ID, are acceptable and should be attached to a government-issued ID without a photo.

What luggage is allowed on New York to Buffalo trains?

Amtrak trains have specific luggage requirements that passengers should adhere to. For carry-on baggage, travelers are allowed two personal items weighing a maximum of 25 lbs each and two carry-on items weighing a maximum of 50 lbs each. For checked baggage, travelers are allowed two bags weighing a maximum of 50 lbs at no cost. Travelers on trains from New York to Buffalo are also allowed two additional bags for a fee each. Amtrak allows passengers to repack overweight bags to ensure they are under 50 lbs. You can buy boxes at the staffed stations for repacking. Travelers are advised to have their names and addresses labeled on their bags. You cannot carry household and automotive items, hoverboards, incendiaries, martial arts/ defense items, sharp objects, or a bicycle as carry-on luggage. Special items like archery equipment, booster seats for babies, golfing equipment, and musical instruments are accepted as carry-on or checked baggage at a special item fee. Firearms are accepted on many trains only as checked baggage. Travelers can find more information on luggage limits on the train website.

How long is the train ride from New York to Buffalo?

Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 8h 14m train from New York to Buffalo. Travel time typically varies by up to 0h 07m, depending on your train details. Take the Amtrak train from New York and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

Which train companies operate between New York to Buffalo?

There is a train travelling between New York and Buffalo which is Amtrak and currently our only available option.. The cheapest Amtrak is what we have recently available with prices starting at £116 for a return ticket.

How far is New York to Buffalo by train?

New York and Buffalo are 291.4 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken. The train takes 8h 14m, typically.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from New York to Buffalo?

Taking a train from New York to Buffalo has a carbon footprint of about 67lb. This is 78% less than taking an airplane for this journey (301lb). Taking a bus instead of a train would change your carbon footprint to about 42lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from New York to Buffalo?

The quickest way is to book a flight from New York to Buffalo, which can be as quick as 1h 22m onboard United Airlines. You can also get a train from New York to Buffalo, or a bus from New York to Buffalo which can take you longer to arrive at your destination.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from New York to Buffalo?

Expect a bus to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a bus has deals available from £57. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a flight from New York to Buffalo or a train from New York to Buffalo can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.

Amtrak trains from New York to Buffalo

Our best Amtrak deals on New York to Buffalo train tickets
19 Jun
ZYP10:20New York Penn Station
8h 45m
ZXS19:05Buffalo Exchange Street
22 Jun
ZXS12:15Buffalo Exchange Street
9h 01m
ZYP21:16New York Penn Station
13 May
ZYP10:20New York Penn Station
8h 45m
ZXS19:05Buffalo Exchange Street
14 May
ZXS12:15Buffalo Exchange Street
9h 01m
ZYP21:16New York Penn Station

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