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30 Apr — 7 May1
1 adult
Tue 30/4

Best deals for train tickets to Zurich

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With transfers
11h 14m
With transfers
10h 41m
With transfers
10h 55m
With transfers
5h 24m
With transfers
5h 24m
With transfers
8h 52m

Zurich train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Zurich






Zurich Hauptbahnhof


The cheapest return train ticket to Zurich is from Basel, starting at £40. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Zurich is from Graz, starting at £40. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Zurich Hauptbahnhof is one of the most popular stations in Zurich
SNCF, SBB, and ÖBB also service this route

Zurich Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Zurich
Zurich WiedikonZurich, 47.37148, 8.52348
Zurich Zurich AffolternZurich, 47.420925, 8.508258
Zurich StadelhofenZurich, 47.366695, 8.548642
Zurich Zurich HardbrückeZurich, 47.385166, 8.5173025
Zurich Chur Chur AltstadtZurich, 46.847282, 9.531103
Zurich OerlikonZurich, 47.411484, 8.544163

Book return train tickets to Zurich

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets to Zurich that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
24 May
19:33Basel SBB
0h 53m
20:26Zurich Bus Station
26 May
15:34Zurich Bus Station
0h 54m
16:28Basel SBB
15 May
04:37Basel SBB
1h 12m
05:49Zurich Bus Station
16 May
05:19Zurich Bus Station
1h 26m
1 stop
06:45Basel SBB
13 Jun
21:33Basel SBB
0h 53m
22:26Zurich Bus Station
17 Jun
09:34Zurich Bus Station
0h 54m
10:28Basel SBB
13 Jun
04:37Basel SBB
1h 12m
05:49Zurich Bus Station
17 Jun
05:19Zurich Bus Station
1h 26m
1 stop
06:45Basel SBB
14 May
00:33Basel SBB
4h 55m
1 stop
05:28Zurich Bus Station
16 May
05:08Zurich Bus Station
1h 05m
06:13Basel SBB
15 May
04:37Basel SBB
1h 12m
05:49Zurich Bus Station
15 May
00:14Zurich Bus Station
5h 57m
1 stop
06:11Basel SBB

Book one-way train tickets to Zurich

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Zurich found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
8 Jun
21:39Vienna Hauptbahnhof
11h 14m
08:53Zurich Bus Station
16 Jun
21:39Vienna Hauptbahnhof
10h 41m
08:20Zurich Bus Station
14 May
22:25Graz Hauptbahnhof
10h 55m
09:20Zurich Hauptbahnhof
2 May
05:56Salzburg Hauptbahnhof
5h 24m
11:20Zurich Bus Station
20 May
05:56Salzburg Hauptbahnhof
5h 24m
11:20Zurich Bus Station
11 Jun
23:28Vienna Hauptbahnhof
8h 52m
08:20Zurich Hauptbahnhof

FAQs for booking trains to Zurich

How to get to the centre of Zurich from Zurich Central Train Station?

Right in the heart of Zurich, wedged between the Sihl and Limmat rivers, you can find Zurich Central Train Station. If you're getting a train to Zurich, this will be the station at which you'll most likely arrive, and its location is perfect for any visitor wanting to embark on a day of sightseeing. Within walking distance, you will find the Swiss National Museum and the beautiful gardens of Platzspitz, so you've already got plenty to see. Other notable areas to visit by foot include Zurich Old Town, the Alfred Escher Monument, Augusto Giacometti Entrance Hall, WOW Museum – Room for Illusions, and the Laderach ShopVille for those looking for some retail therapy. Getting around the city itself on Zurich trains is also very easy and accessible, though you may find the tram service is more convenient for those short hop-on, hop-off type journeys. You can buy reasonably priced tickets for zones of the city rather than destinations, and you can use any form of transport in that zone for the period the ticket is valid. Alternatively, affordable bike rental services are readily available around the city.

Can you leave luggage at train stations in Zurich?

When looking for cheap train tickets to Zurich, you may need to check whether the train station has any luggage storage facilities available, especially if you intend to start sightseeing straight away rather than dumping bags at your hotel. Luckily for anyone travelling on Zurich trains, they have the luxury of storing their belongings upon arrival by rail to Zurich Central Station. You have two options; you can store backpacks and smaller cases in personal lockers, paying a small daily fee in the machines provided. Alternatively, and if you have large bags or suitcases to store, you can find luggage storage facilities on the north side of the train station, close to the stores on the station's ground floor. Though the rates for these are a little bit higher than the lockers, they are still very reasonable.

What services are available at the popular stations in Zurich?

When you travel by train to Zurich, you'll see that each station will have comprehensive services for the modern-day traveller. Zurich Central Station has many restaurants, shops, cafes, bank services and newsstands to ensure that each visitor is taken care of and has access to everything they need to make their trip a comfortable one. You have the choice of many upmarket eateries, bistros, and high-street fast-food chains, and for those looking to do some shopping, there are plenty of retail stores on each floor. Should you need a special service, like mobility assistance, make sure to check the Zurich Central Station website when booking your train tickets to Zurich. There are special assistance points on the train station's mezzanine level, and staff is on hand to assist on the Zurich trains themselves.

Do I need identification to travel to Zurich by train?

If you're travelling by train to Zurich, you will need a valid passport as well as your train ticket. Although ticket inspectors in Switzerland do not have to check your passport or other forms of ID when inspecting tickets, you will at times be asked to show your passport. It's therefore recommended to always carry it with you when travelling by train in Switzerland. Also, be mindful that a photograph of your passport may not suffice with some train staff and especially with local authorities.

How much is a train ticket to Zurich?

The ticket price can vary depending on general demand and more importantly where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from a popular departure point like Paris for instance, prices usually start around £67. Geneva and Munich are other options, with prices usually starting from around £123 and £69 respectively.

What is the main train station in Zurich?

The main station in Zurich is Zurich Hauptbahnhof. At Zurich Hauptbahnhof, you can find a number of trains offering service to other major cities. Some frequently accessed cities you can get to by train from Zurich Hauptbahnhof are Paris, Bern, and Geneva.

What train companies go to Zurich?

Some of the options we’ve found for trains to Zurich are SNCF, SBB, and ÖBB. Typically, your options for trains to Zurich will be determined by the route you take.

How far in advance should I book a train to Zurich?

Ride a one-way train to Zurich for £40 on average this week. We don’t expect any changes in price for the next 3 months. As seats fill up quickly, we recommend booking when you can so your trip is secured.

How far is the centre of Zurich from Zurich Hauptbahnhof, Zurich Wiedikon and Zurich Zurich Affoltern stations?

The distance to the centre of Zurich from either Zurich Hauptbahnhof station, Zurich Wiedikon station, or Zurich Zurich Affoltern station is 5.6 mi, 6.2 mi, and 3.4 mi, respectively.

How far is Zurich Hauptbahnhof from Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich Central Station and Zurich City Centre?

To get to Zurich's popular Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich Central Station, or Zurich City Centre from Zurich Hauptbahnhof, it is 0.5 mi, 0.0 mi, or 0.1 mi, respectively.

Popular train routes to Zurich

Most frequently searched train routes to Zurich, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Zurich from Paris
Fastest travel time4h 04m
Cheapest price£67
Trains to Zurich from Geneva
Fastest travel time2h 41m
Cheapest price£123

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