
Find trains from Amsterdam to Berlin

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1 May — 8 May1
1 adult
Wed 1/5

Best deals for train tickets from Amsterdam to Berlin

Find the right train ticket for you
European Sleeper
With transfers
7h 44m
European Sleeper
European Sleeper
With transfers
7h 44m
European Sleeper
European Sleeper
With transfers
8h 16m
European Sleeper
European Sleeper
With transfers
8h 07m
European Sleeper
European Sleeper
With transfers
7h 53m
European Sleeper
European Sleeper
With transfers
7h 53m
European Sleeper

Amsterdam to Berlin train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Amsterdam to Berlin






6h 41m


European Sleeper
The best return train deal from Amsterdam to Berlin found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £126
The best one-way train deal from Amsterdam to Berlin found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £56
Average time it takes to travel by train from Amsterdam to Berlin
There is 1 train company servicing this route: European Sleeper

Amsterdam Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Amsterdam
Amsterdam Van der MadewegAmsterdam, 52.330135, 4.92975
Amsterdam AmstelAmsterdam, 52.346672, 4.917841
Amsterdam LelylaanAmsterdam, 52.357773, 4.833936
Amsterdam MuiderpoortAmsterdam, 52.360822, 4.93118
Amsterdam ZuidAmsterdam, 52.338604, 4.871857
Amsterdam Ouderkerk aan de Amstel DuivendrechtAmsterdam, 52.323522, 4.93655

Berlin Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Berlin
Berlin U TierparkBerlin, 52.49694, 13.523338
Berlin HirschgartenBerlin, 52.457973, 13.602135
Berlin KaulsdorfBerlin, 52.512096, 13.588939
Berlin KöpenickBerlin, 52.45869, 13.579914
Berlin LichtenradeBerlin, 52.3873, 13.396174
Berlin Lichterfelde WestBerlin, 52.443344, 13.293733

Book return train tickets from Amsterdam to Berlin

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets from Amsterdam to Berlin that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
European Sleeper
15 Jul
22:34Amsterdam Centraal
7h 44m
06:18Berlin Hauptbahnhof
25 Jul
22:56Berlin Hauptbahnhof
7h 30m
06:26Amsterdam Centraal
European Sleeper
17 May
22:34Amsterdam Centraal
7h 44m
06:18Berlin Hauptbahnhof
21 May
22:56Berlin Hauptbahnhof
7h 30m
06:26Amsterdam Centraal

Book one-way train tickets from Amsterdam to Berlin

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Amsterdam to Berlin we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
European Sleeper
5 Jun
22:34Amsterdam Centraal
7h 44m
06:18Berlin Hauptbahnhof
European Sleeper
13 May
22:34Amsterdam Centraal
7h 44m
06:18Berlin Hauptbahnhof
European Sleeper
13 May
22:11Amsterdam Schiphol
8h 16m
06:27Berlin Ostbahnhof
European Sleeper
13 May
22:11Amsterdam Schiphol
8h 07m
06:18Berlin Hauptbahnhof
European Sleeper
13 May
22:34Amsterdam Centraal
7h 53m
06:27Berlin Ostbahnhof
European Sleeper
22 Jul
22:34Amsterdam Centraal
7h 53m
06:27Berlin Ostbahnhof

Choose the best way to get from Amsterdam to Berlin


8h 15m
£17 one-way£33 return
Direct · from £33

Distance to city centre

FE83.8 mi
46lb CO2

81% less than flights

Find Buses

Amsterdam to Berlin Buses


7h 44m
£51 one-way£142 return
Direct · from £142

Distance to city centre

QPP1.7 mi
73lb CO2

70% less than flights

Find Trains

Amsterdam to Berlin Trains


1h 20m
£51 one-way£81 return
Direct · from £81

Distance to city centre

BER11.7 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Amsterdam to Berlin

How long is the train ride from Amsterdam Schiphol to Berlin Brandenburg?

The quickest train available from Amsterdam Schiphol will take 6h 15m to arrive in Berlin Brandenburg. Depending on the train you select, the travel time may vary by up to 0h 26m. Check European Sleeper if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.

Which train companies operate between Amsterdam Schiphol to Berlin Brandenburg?

The train offering service from Amsterdam Schiphol to Berlin Brandenburg European Sleeper. European Sleeper has been found as the cheapest option available at £126 return.

How far is Amsterdam Schiphol to Berlin Brandenburg by train?

While Berlin Brandenburg is 358.2 mi away from Amsterdam Schiphol, the distance by train is longer depending on the route. The train journey is around 6h 15m long.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Amsterdam Schiphol to Berlin Brandenburg?

73lb is the average carbon footprint of travelling from Amsterdam Schiphol to Berlin Brandenburg by train. Flying this journey instead would increase your carbon footprint to around 244lb. Taking a bus instead of a train would change your carbon footprint to about 46lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Amsterdam to Berlin?

At 1h 15m, choosing to opt for a flight from Amsterdam to Berlin for this trip as opposed to a train from Amsterdam to Berlin or a bus from Amsterdam to Berlin can save you time on travel.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Amsterdam to Berlin?

A bus from Amsterdam to Berlin is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a flight from Amsterdam to Berlin starting at £81, or consider a train from Amsterdam to Berlin starting at £101. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.

European Sleeper trains from Amsterdam to Berlin

Our best European Sleeper deals on Amsterdam to Berlin train tickets
European Sleeper
15 Jul
ZYA22:34Amsterdam Centraal
7h 44m
QPP06:18Berlin Hauptbahnhof
25 Jul
QPP22:56Berlin Hauptbahnhof
7h 30m
ZYA06:26Amsterdam Centraal
European Sleeper
17 May
ZYA22:34Amsterdam Centraal
7h 44m
QPP06:18Berlin Hauptbahnhof
21 May
QPP22:56Berlin Hauptbahnhof
7h 30m
ZYA06:26Amsterdam Centraal

Popular train routes to Berlin

Most frequently searched train routes to Berlin, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Berlin from Frankfurt am Main
Fastest travel time3h 47m
Cheapest price£40
Trains to Berlin from Hamburg
Fastest travel time1h 44m
Cheapest price£33

Other train routes from Amsterdam

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Amsterdam to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Amsterdam to London
Fastest travel time1h 56m
Cheapest price£78
Trains from Amsterdam to Rotterdam
Fastest travel time0h 41m
Cheapest price£63
Trains from Amsterdam to Paris
Fastest travel time3h 20m
Cheapest price£71
Trains from Amsterdam to Brussels
Fastest travel time1h 53m
Cheapest price£57
Trains from Amsterdam to Frankfurt am Main
Fastest travel time3h 53m
Cheapest price£91
Trains from Amsterdam to Antwerp
Fastest travel time1h 48m
Cheapest price£125

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