
Find trains to Barcelona-El Prat Airport

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22 Jan — 29 Jan1
1 adult
Wed 22/1

Best deals for train tickets to Barcelona-El Prat Airport

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With transfers
3h 14m
With transfers
3h 12m
With transfers
3h 12m
With transfers
3h 14m
With transfers
3h 12m
With transfers
3h 14m

Barcelona-El Prat Airport train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Barcelona-El Prat Airport






Barcelona Sants


The cheapest return train ticket to Barcelona-El Prat Airport is from Madrid, starting at £15. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Barcelona-El Prat Airport is from Madrid, starting at £8. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Barcelona Sants is one of the most popular stations in Barcelona-El Prat Airport
Renfe, iryo, and SNCF also service this route

Barcelona-El Prat Airport Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Barcelona-El Prat Airport
Barcelona Torre BaròBarcelona, 41.461353, 2.180421
Barcelona Passeig de GraciaBarcelona, 41.39228, 2.164896
Barcelona La Sagrera-MeridianaBarcelona, 41.421925, 2.186938
Barcelona Salou Port AventuraBarcelona, 41.087492, 1.145452
Barcelona Tarragona Vila SecaBarcelona, 41.112743, 1.150389
Barcelona CambrilsBarcelona, 41.06935, 1.05294

Book return train tickets to Barcelona-El Prat Airport

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets to Barcelona-El Prat Airport that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
9 Jul
19:30Madrid Atocha
3h 14m
22:44Barcelona Sants
14 Jul
20:00Barcelona Sants
3h 12m
23:12Madrid Atocha
10 Nov
19:30Madrid Atocha
3h 14m
22:44Barcelona Sants
17 Nov
14:00Barcelona Sants
3h 12m
17:12Madrid Atocha
19 Mar
11:48Zaragoza Delicias
1h 27m
13:15Barcelona Sants
21 Mar
05:50Barcelona Sants
1h 43m
07:33Zaragoza Delicias
1 Nov
10:30Madrid Atocha
2h 45m
13:15Barcelona Sants
1 Nov
20:00Barcelona Sants
3h 12m
23:12Madrid Atocha
3 Feb
16:52Zaragoza Delicias
1h 50m
18:42Barcelona Sants
7 Feb
05:50Barcelona Sants
1h 43m
07:33Zaragoza Delicias
25 Feb
21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 45m
23:55Barcelona Sants
22 Apr
10:00Barcelona Sants
3h 17m
13:17Madrid Atocha

Book one-way train tickets to Barcelona-El Prat Airport

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Barcelona-El Prat Airport found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
1 Nov
19:30Madrid Atocha
3h 14m
22:44Barcelona Sants
12 Aug
15:30Madrid Atocha
3h 12m
18:42Barcelona Sants
10 Jun
15:30Madrid Atocha
3h 12m
18:42Barcelona Sants
7 Oct
19:30Madrid Atocha
3h 14m
22:44Barcelona Sants
25 Oct
15:30Madrid Atocha
3h 12m
18:42Barcelona Sants
17 Sept
19:30Madrid Atocha
3h 14m
22:44Barcelona Sants

FAQs for booking trains to Barcelona

How much is a train ticket to Barcelona-El Prat?

Users have found that prices vary from their starting point. Tickets for trains from Zaragoza, Madrid, or Barcelona usually start from around £44, £49, or £12, respectively.

What is the main train station in Barcelona-El Prat?

Barcelona Sants is a transportation hub in Barcelona-El Prat. You’ll find trains arriving and departing from here daily. Major cities accessible by train from Barcelona Sants are Barcelona and Zaragoza.

What train companies go to Barcelona-El Prat?

Renfe, iryo, and SNCF are some of the options available if you’re seeking to travel by train to Barcelona-El Prat. More rail options may be available, depending on where you’re coming from.

How far in advance should I book a train to Barcelona-El Prat?

Our users have found train tickets to Barcelona-El Prat for £28 on average this week. We don’t expect any changes in price for the next 3 months. Seats may fill unexpectedly, so book when you can to secure your seat.

How far is the centre of Barcelona-El Prat from Barcelona Sants, Barcelona França and Barcelona Sant Andreu Comtal stations?

If you are travelling from Barcelona Sants station, Barcelona França station or Barcelona Sant Andreu Comtal station to the centre of Barcelona-El Prat, then the most direct route is 6.4 mi, 8.0 mi and 11.2 mi, respectively.

How far is Barcelona Sants from Placa de Catalunya, Sagrada Familia and La Rambla?

Placa de Catalunya, Barcelona-El Prat’s most popular landmark, is 1.6 mi from Barcelona Sants. Sagrada Familia, the city’s second most popular place to visit, is 2.4 mi from Barcelona Sants. The third most popular attraction in Barcelona-El Prat is La Rambla, which is 1.7 mi from Barcelona Sants.

Popular train routes to Barcelona

Most frequently searched train routes to Barcelona, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Barcelona from Madrid
Fastest travel time2h 30m
Cheapest price£49
Trains to Barcelona from Alicante
Fastest travel time5h 18m
Cheapest price£104
Trains to Barcelona from Montpellier
Fastest travel time3h 08m
Cheapest price£90
Trains to Barcelona from Valencia
Fastest travel time3h 55m
Cheapest price£61
Trains to Barcelona from Málaga
Fastest travel time5h 49m
Cheapest price£203
Trains to Barcelona from Pamplona
Fastest travel time4h 10m
Cheapest price£90
Trains to Barcelona from Paris
Fastest travel time6h 45m
Cheapest price£156

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