
Find trains from Berlin to Leipzig

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2 May — 9 May1
1 adult
Thu 2/5

Best deals for train tickets from Berlin to Leipzig

Find the right train ticket for you
With transfers
1h 41m
With transfers
1h 18m
With transfers
1h 41m
Deutsche Bahn
With transfers
1h 25m
Deutsche Bahn
Deutsche Bahn
With transfers
1h 16m
Deutsche Bahn
Deutsche Bahn
With transfers
2h 04m
Deutsche Bahn

Berlin to Leipzig train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Berlin to Leipzig






1h 13m


FlixTrain, Deutsche Bahn
The best return train deal from Berlin to Leipzig found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £15
The best one-way train deal from Berlin to Leipzig found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £7
Average time it takes to travel by train from Berlin to Leipzig
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: FlixTrain, Deutsche Bahn

Berlin Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Berlin
Berlin U TierparkBerlin, 52.49694, 13.523338
Berlin HirschgartenBerlin, 52.457973, 13.602135
Berlin KaulsdorfBerlin, 52.512096, 13.588939
Berlin KöpenickBerlin, 52.45869, 13.579914
Berlin LichtenradeBerlin, 52.3873, 13.396174
Berlin Lichterfelde WestBerlin, 52.443344, 13.293733

Leipzig Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Leipzig
Leipzig Engelsdorf (b Leipzig)Leipzig, 51.343983, 12.477279
Leipzig WerkstättenstraßeLeipzig, 51.3408, 12.456082
Leipzig Halle(saale)hbf Ernst-kamieth-str. Hst.9Leipzig, 51.47617, 11.986189
Leipzig Anger-CrottendorfLeipzig, 51.334538, 12.419469
Leipzig Karlsruher StraßeLeipzig, 51.317223, 12.278869
Leipzig Grünauer AlleeLeipzig, 51.320988, 12.303311

Book return train tickets from Berlin to Leipzig

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets from Berlin to Leipzig that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
30 May
20:04Berlin Südkreuz
1h 18m
21:22Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
2 Jun
16:41Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
1h 11m
17:52Berlin Südkreuz
30 May
14:04Berlin Südkreuz
1h 18m
15:22Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
2 Jun
16:41Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
1h 11m
17:52Berlin Südkreuz
30 May
13:54Berlin Hauptbahnhof
1h 28m
15:22Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
2 Jun
06:41Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
1h 20m
08:01Berlin Hauptbahnhof
30 May
13:54Berlin Hauptbahnhof
1h 28m
15:22Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
2 Jun
06:41Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
1h 20m
08:01Berlin Hauptbahnhof

Book one-way train tickets from Berlin to Leipzig

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Berlin to Leipzig we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
24 Jun
13:41Berlin Spandau
1h 41m
15:22Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
24 Jun
20:04Berlin Südkreuz
1h 18m
21:22Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
5 Jul
19:41Berlin Spandau
1h 41m
21:22Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
Deutsche Bahn
23 Jun
00:25Berlin Hauptbahnhof
1h 25m
01:50Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
Deutsche Bahn
29 May
05:26Berlin Hauptbahnhof
1h 16m
06:42Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
Deutsche Bahn
4 Jul
00:09Berlin Gesundbrunnen
2h 04m
02:13Leipzig Hauptbahnhof

FAQs for booking trains from Berlin to Leipzig

How long is the train ride from Berlin Brandenburg to Leipzig/Halle?

Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 1h 06m train from Berlin Brandenburg to Leipzig/Halle. Your arrival can differ by about 0h 07m. This largely depends on whether your train ride includes stops or a direct route from Berlin Brandenburg to Leipzig/Halle. Deutsche Bahn is one of the fastest options available.

Which train companies operate between Berlin Brandenburg to Leipzig/Halle?

FlixTrain and Deutsche Bahn are viable options. Check times and availability for FlixTrain, as it was recently the cheapest train available traveling from Berlin Brandenburg to Leipzig/Halle from £15 round-trip.

How far is Berlin Brandenburg to Leipzig/Halle by train?

Berlin Brandenburg and Leipzig/Halle are 92.9 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken. The train journey is around 1h 06m long.

Other train routes from Berlin

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