From £3
Train - Operated by FlixTrainFrom £10
Train - Operated by FlixTrainFrom £10
Train - Operated by FlixTrainFrom £10
Train - Operated by FlixTrainFrom £10
Train - Operated by FlixTrainFrom £10
Train - Operated by FlixTrainRETURN FROM | £8 |
POPULAR STATION | Cologne Geldernstraße/Parkgürtel |
Train tickets from Paris to Cologne Köln/Bonn tend to start from around £56, while you can usually find tickets from Linz to Cologne Köln/Bonn from £42 and Amsterdam to Cologne Köln/Bonn from £82. These were some of the lowest prices from the most popular departure points to Cologne Köln/Bonn.
You’ll find most people use Cologne Geldernstraße/Parkgürtel in Cologne Köln/Bonn. It’s one of the busiest and most populated stations in the area. Some common major cities you can get to by train from Cologne Geldernstraße/Parkgürtel are Paris, Düsseldorf, and Hamburg.
Most users on momondo will check prices for FlixTrain for their ride to Cologne Köln/Bonn. While FlixTrain is the most common choice, you can also search for options from Eurostar and Train, as all 3 train companies can typically get you to Cologne Köln/Bonn. More options may be available to you, so use our search form to find all available options from your city to Cologne Köln/Bonn.
You can catch a one-way train to Cologne Köln/Bonn for £4 on average this week. We don’t predict any changes in price within the next 3 months. It’s generally a good idea to book early to make sure you can get on the train for the correct departure time.
Cologne Geldernstraße/Parkgürtel station is 11.0 mi from Cologne Köln/Bonn, Cologne Süd station is 9.7 mi from Cologne Köln/Bonn, and Cologne Volkhovener Weg station is 14.6 mi from Cologne Köln/Bonn.
From Cologne Geldernstraße/Parkgürtel, it’s 3.8 mi to get to Rhein Energie Stadium, 2.5 mi to get to Kölner Synagoge, and 1.9 mi to get to Köln Hauptbahnhof.