
Find trains from Naples to Rome

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19 Feb — 26 Feb1
1 adult
Wed 19/2

Best deals for train tickets from Naples to Rome

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With transfers
2h 03m
With transfers
2h 06m
With transfers
2h 10m
With transfers
2h 30m
With transfers
2h 32m
With transfers
3h 24m

Naples to Rome train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Naples to Rome






1h 33m


Trenitalia, Italotreno, AccesRail
The best return train deal from Naples to Rome found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £22
The best one-way train deal from Naples to Rome found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £11
Average time it takes to travel by train from Naples to Rome
There are 3 train companies servicing this route: Trenitalia, Italotreno, AccesRail

Naples Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Naples
Naples Benevento AppiaNaples, 41.132726, 14.766639
Naples Benevento CeseNaples, 41.211438, 14.787414
Naples CassinoNaples, 41.484489, 13.832164
Naples Benevento Arco TraianoNaples, 41.134761, 14.779675
Naples AvellinoNaples, 40.921618, 14.820503
Naples GianturcoNaples, 40.853816, 14.287819

Rome Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Rome
Rome TorricolaRome, 41.8094, 12.557722
Rome PomeziaRome, 41.706028, 12.573612
Rome FideneRome, 41.979185, 12.508447
Rome NomentanaRome, 41.932608, 12.523312
Rome Nuovo SalarioRome, 41.95542, 12.510397
Rome Colle MattiaRome, 41.832584, 12.728334

Book return train tickets from Naples to Rome

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets from Naples to Rome that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
3 Apr
06:31Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 03m
08:34Rome Termini
6 Apr
06:26Rome Termini
2h 03m
08:29Naples Metropark Via Lucci
3 Apr
12:31Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 03m
14:34Rome Termini
6 Apr
06:26Rome Termini
2h 03m
08:29Naples Metropark Via Lucci
3 Apr
12:31Naples Centrale
2h 03m
14:34Rome Termini
6 Apr
06:26Rome Termini
2h 03m
08:29Naples Centrale
3 Apr
06:31Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 03m
08:34Rome Termini
6 Apr
06:26Rome Termini
2h 03m
08:29Naples Metropark Via Lucci
3 Apr
06:31Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 03m
08:34Rome Termini
6 Apr
06:26Rome Termini
2h 03m
08:29Naples Metropark Via Lucci
25 Mar
06:31Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 03m
08:34Rome Termini
28 Mar
06:26Rome Termini
2h 03m
08:29Naples Metropark Via Lucci

Book one-way train tickets from Naples to Rome

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Naples to Rome we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
1 Apr
20:31Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 03m
22:34Rome Termini
1 Apr
10:31Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 06m
12:37Rome Tiburtina
7 Mar
06:29Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 10m
08:39Rome Termini
21 Feb
04:05Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 30m
06:35Rome Termini
1 Apr
05:55Naples Campi Flegrei
2h 32m
1 stop
08:27Rome Termini
1 Apr
07:00Naples Metropark Via Lucci
3h 24m
1 stop
10:24Rome Termini

Choose the best way to get from Naples to Rome


2h 15m
£4 one-way£7 return
Direct · from £7

Distance to city centre

IRT1.9 mi
DA86.6 mi


1h 10m
£9 one-way£18 return
Direct · from £181 stop · from £12

Distance to city centre

XRJ0.6 mi


0h 50m
£48 one-way£545 return
1 stop · from £78

Distance to city centre

FCO14.7 mi

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Naples to Rome Flights

FAQs for booking trains from Naples to Rome

Is the train from Naples to Rome scenic?

Travelling by train from Naples to Rome is a comfortable and pleasant journey. Travelling from Naples to Rome by train will take you on a route that runs through the scenic northern regions of Campania and Lazio. On the train from Naples to Rome, you will mostly be seeing mountains right outside of the window and you will have a chance to view the postcard-perfect coastlines at Gaeta. You will find that the terrain remains the same along the journey. Taking the train from Naples to Rome during the cold months is when you will find the journey to be the most scenic, as the snow-capped mountains break the horizon.

What services are available at Naples Train Station?

When you book train tickets from Naples to Rome, you will leave from Napoli Centrale which is the main train station in Naples. The station offers a number of services for your convenience such as high-speed halls, which are similar spaces to airport lounges. They are comfortable areas you can sit and charge your devices while making use of the free wifi and getting something to eat or drink. You will also find an information desk which is called the Arrow desk, where you can make last-minute changes to your booking if needed, request travel assistance if you are travelling with mobility issues or have any general questions answered. One of our favourite services at Napoli Centrale is the porter service. You will be able to arrange for a porter to take care of your luggage before or after you have departed so you don't have to worry about it. It is a service that must be booked in advance and runs from early morning to the evening every day.

Do you need a passport to go to Rome from Naples by train?

When travelling by rail from Naples to Rome, EU nationals are not required to have any kind of visa for this train journey, however, you are required to show a valid passport or ID card to prove your identity before boarding the train. The passport name must match the name that the train ticket was booked under. For non-EU nationals, you will need to have a valid passport that has been issued within the past 10 years and have at least six months remaining on it before it is due to expire. You will also need to present a return ticket or a flight ticket proving that you are leaving the area at a later stage. The requirement that the name on the passport must be the same name on your train ticket does apply in this case as well.

How to get from the Roma Termini to the Rome city centre?

The Roman Forum, also known as Forum Romanum is a rectangular plaza in the heart of ancient ruins of several important government buildings and is considered to be the city centre of Rome. There are three popular choices to get from Roma Termini to the city centre. Firstly, you can take a tram along Line 70 tram via Senato. This journey ends in Senato. You then have to make the short walk to the city centre on foot. There is a second tram you can take that arrives at Lgt Marzio. This journey will take slightly longer and you will need to complete the last leg on foot. Catching a taxi is the fastest way to make the trip and is slightly more expensive. This is a good option for those of you travelling with large amounts of luggage. If you are travelling light, then we recommend you stretch your legs after your trip and walk the distance. The walk will allow you to soak up Rome's romantic and vibrant atmosphere.

How much does a train ticket from Naples to Rome cost?

Using momondo to find train tickets from Naples to Rome, our users have found prices starting from £14 one-way for this week. How much you’ll pay for a train on average this month is £14 one-way. Keep in mind that the ticket price is generally dependent on when you book, the desired route, and class.

How long is the train ride from Naples to Rome?

The quickest train available from Naples will take 1h 10m to arrive in Rome. For this route, you may experience slight differences in travel time depending on the train you book. Look for direct options when searching if possible. Look into AccesRail, they have one of the quickest options available.

When should I purchase the train tickets from Naples to Rome?

The cost of booking a train from Naples to Rome is around £14 one-way. You can expect the price to be consistent throughout the next 3 months.

Which train companies operate between Naples to Rome?

The trains offering service from Naples to Rome Trenitalia, Italotreno, and AccesRail. Trenitalia has been found as the cheapest option available at £22 return.

How far is Naples to Rome by train?

The straight-line distance from Naples to Rome is 117.3 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken. The train journey is around 1h 10m long.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Naples to Rome?

The quickest way to travel this route is to take a train from Naples to Rome, doing so can potentially save up to 10h 28m of travel time. While these options may take longer, booking a flight from Naples to Rome or a bus from Naples to Rome may suit your needs if travel time is less of a factor in your decision making.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Naples to Rome?

The cheapest way is to get a bus from Naples to Rome, which can be as cheap as £7. A flight from Naples to Rome is more expensive than a bus, with prices starting at £545. A train from Naples to Rome is also an option, with an average price of £18.

Trenitalia trains from Naples to Rome

Our best Trenitalia deals on Naples to Rome train tickets
3 Apr
2R006:31Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 03m
XRJ08:34Rome Termini
6 Apr
XRJ06:26Rome Termini
2h 03m
2R008:29Naples Metropark Via Lucci
25 Mar
2R006:31Naples Metropark Via Lucci
2h 03m
XRJ08:34Rome Termini
28 Mar
XRJ06:26Rome Termini
2h 03m
2R008:29Naples Metropark Via Lucci
3 Apr
2R016:01Naples Metropark Via Lucci
3h 01m
IRR19:02Rome Ostiense
6 Apr
IRR10:10Rome Ostiense
2h 24m
2R012:34Naples Metropark Via Lucci

Popular train routes to Rome

Most frequently searched train routes to Rome, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Rome from Milan
Fastest travel time2h 59m
Cheapest price£43

Other train routes from Naples

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Naples to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Naples to Florence
Fastest travel time3h 06m
Cheapest price£315

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