Find buses to Castellón de la Plana

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30 Apr — 7 May1
1 adult
Tue 30/4

Best deals for bus tickets to Castellón de la Plana

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With transfers
1h 00m
With transfers
3h 20m
Avanza Grupo
With transfers
2h 05m
Avanza Grupo
Avanza Grupo
With transfers
2h 10m
Avanza Grupo
Avanza Grupo
With transfers
2h 05m
Avanza Grupo
Avanza Grupo
With transfers
2h 05m
Avanza Grupo

Castellón de la Plana bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses to Castellón de la Plana.

Return-trip from


One-way from


Popular station

Oropesa Playa de la Concha

Popular coach line

Bus tickets to Castellón de la Plana found within the last 3 days start at £14 round-trip from Alicante
The cheapest one-way bus ticket from Valencia starts at £3. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The most commonly used station in Castellón de la Plana is Oropesa Playa de la Concha.
FlixBus, Avanza Grupo and Renfe are some of the bus lines that arrive at Oropesa Playa de la Concha

Castellón de la Plana Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Castellón de la Plana
Castellón de la Plana Oropesa Playa de la ConchaCastellón de la Plana, 40.08426, 0.141282
Castellón de la Plana Oropesa Marina d'OrCastellón de la Plana, 40.107037, 0.151614
Castellón de la Plana Vinaròs VinaròsCastellón de la Plana, 40.466, 0.467484
Castellón de la Plana Vinaròs VinaròsCastellón de la Plana, 40.477207, 0.46960172

Book round-trip bus tickets to Castellón de la Plana

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets to Castellón de la Plana that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
24 May
18:45Alicante Estación de Autobuses
3h 20m
22:05Castellón de la Plana
31 May
08:50Castellón de la Plana
3h 20m
12:10Alicante Estación de Autobuses
14 Jun
18:45Alicante Estación de Autobuses
3h 20m
22:05Castellón de la Plana
16 Jun
08:50Castellón de la Plana
3h 20m
12:10Alicante Estación de Autobuses
15 Jun
14:10Alicante Estación de Autobuses
4h 35m
18:45Castellón de la Plana
17 Jun
11:55Castellón de la Plana
4h 25m
16:20Alicante Estación de Autobuses
2 May
04:45Barcelona Sants
4h 00m
08:45Castellón de la Plana
6 May
18:50Castellón de la Plana
4h 00m
22:50Barcelona Sants
2 May
07:40Barcelona Sants
4h 10m
11:50Castellón de la Plana
6 May
18:50Castellón de la Plana
4h 00m
22:50Barcelona Sants
24 May
07:40Barcelona Sants
4h 10m
11:50Castellón de la Plana
31 May
22:10Castellón de la Plana
4h 05m
02:15Barcelona Sants

Book one-way bus tickets to Castellón de la Plana

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets to Castellón de la Plana we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
2 May
17:45Valencia Estació d'autobusos
1h 00m
18:45Castellón de la Plana
30 Apr
18:45Alicante Estación de Autobuses
3h 20m
22:05Castellón de la Plana
Avanza Grupo
13 May
08:00Madrid Méndez Álvaro
2h 05m
Avanza Grupo
24 May
15:30Madrid Méndez Álvaro
2h 10m
Avanza Grupo
7 May
08:00Madrid Méndez Álvaro
2h 05m
Avanza Grupo
23 May
08:00Madrid Méndez Álvaro
2h 05m

FAQs for booking coach tickets to Castellón de la Plana

What is the main coach station in Castellón de la Plana?

You’ll find most people use Oropesa Playa de la Concha in Castellón de la Plana. It’s one of the busiest and most populated stations in the area.

What coach companies go to Castellón de la Plana?

Castellón de la Plana is serviced by some of the leading coaches companies. Keep in mind that your options may vary by the city you’re departing from. However, our data also shows that FlixBus, Avanza Grupo, and Renfe were frequently booked by travellers.

How far in advance should I book a coach to Castellón de la Plana?

For £4 one-way on average, you can catch a bus ride to Castellón de la Plana. We don’t predict any changes in price within the next 3 months. It’s generally a good idea to book early to make sure you can get on the coach for the correct departure time.

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