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24 Apr — 1 May1
1 adult
Wed 24/4

Best deals for train tickets to Metz

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With transfers
0h 55m
With transfers
0h 47m
With transfers
0h 49m
With transfers
1h 25m
With transfers
1h 25m
With transfers
1h 25m

Metz train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Metz








The cheapest return train ticket to Metz is from Paris, starting at £41. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Metz is from Paris, starting at £21. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Nancy is one of the most popular stations in Metz
SNCF services this train route

Metz Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Metz
Metz VilleMetz, 49.109383, 6.177665
Metz NordMetz, 49.13705, 6.1680446
Metz Beausite Meuse TGVMetz, 48.978535, 5.268679
Metz Louvigny Lorraine TGVMetz, 48.947502, 6.169722
Metz NancyMetz, 48.689835, 6.17445

Book return train tickets to Metz

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets to Metz that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
2 May
0h 49m
06:35Metz Nord
7 May
07:52Metz Nord
0h 53m
2 May
19:43Luxembourg Gasperich
0h 45m
20:28Metz Gare Routière
7 May
16:33Metz Gare Routière
0h 44m
17:17Luxembourg Gasperich
26 Jul
16:16Paris Gare de l'Est
1h 25m
17:41Metz Ville
28 Jul
20:54Metz Ville
1h 27m
22:21Paris Gare de l'Est
26 Jul
16:16Paris Gare du Nord
1h 25m
17:41Metz Ville
28 Jul
20:54Metz Ville
1h 27m
22:21Paris Gare du Nord
1 May
16:16Paris Gare de l'Est
1h 25m
17:41Metz Ville
3 May
21:04Metz Ville
1h 27m
22:31Paris Gare de l'Est
1 May
16:16Paris Gare du Nord
1h 25m
17:41Metz Ville
3 May
21:04Metz Ville
1h 27m
22:31Paris Gare du Nord

Book one-way train tickets to Metz

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Metz found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
22 Jul
0h 55m
20:46Metz Ville
24 Jun
0h 47m
13:37Metz Ville
22 Jun
0h 49m
20:40Metz Ville
14 May
16:16Paris Gare de l'Est
1h 25m
17:41Metz Ville
14 May
16:16Paris Gare de l'Est
1h 25m
17:41Metz Ville
24 Apr
16:16Paris Gare de l'Est
1h 25m
17:41Metz Ville

FAQs for booking trains to Metz

How to get to the centre of Metz from the Metz train station ?

Metz trains arrive at the Metz railway station, also called Gare de Metz-Ville, a centrally located station in the city centre of Metz. The station is a short distance from the centre and can be accessed either by foot or by public transport. Local bus lines include 1, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 83, 101, 102, 103, 108, 109, 111, 113, 271, 273, 276, 279, A and B. The bus stops are located in front of the station's entrance and in the street behind the station. Another great option for accessing the city centre is hiring a bicycle. There are a few bike stations around Metz, one of which is located in front of the station. These bike hire systems are simple and convenient, and you may get one from any of the city's many locations. Alternatively, if you’re travelling farther from the city centre, you can use a taxi, a ride-sharing service or choose from the car hire companies surrounding the station. These are all great options to access the city centre, when you travel by train to Metz.

Can you leave luggage at train stations in Metz?

When you travel by train to Metz, it’s generally more convenient to leave your belongings at the station, particularly if your lodging isn't ready yet. Currently, Metz station doesn't offer luggage storage; however, you can choose an alternative location to store your bags, close to the station. There’s at least three locations that offer luggage storage close by when arriving on Metz trains. One option is located directly in front of the station, and another two are hotels that are open all day. If you’ve purchased some cheap train tickets to Metz for a day trip or have a few hours to spare before catching a connecting train, luggage storage can be very useful. You'll be able to explore the area without having to bring your luggage around for the entire day.

What services are available at the popular stations in Metz?

When travelling on trains to Metz, you'll appreciate the ease of arriving at a station with a variety of amenities. Inside Metz Train Station, there are a few food options and shops where you may stock up on basics for your journey. The station also provides cashpoints, toilets, a piano, a charging station, photo booths, lost & found, postal services and waiting rooms. The Metz rail station also features a defibrillator for health and safety reasons. Societe Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais (SNCF) provides complimentary help to persons who require assisted travel services, at all of its stations. For assistance with your Metz rail ride, you can call SNCF ahead of time.

Do I need identification to travel to Metz by train?

When you travel to France on Metz trains, be sure you have identification with you, such as your licence, as well as your train tickets to Metz, to authenticate the identifying number provided when you purchased the ticket. Your identification should be valid, with a current or updated photograph on it. If you're travelling by rail to Metz from the UK, you'll need your passport to cross the border, via Eurostar. If you're travelling to Metz by train from another part of France, you should also bring your passport as evidence of identification, to avoid any unforeseen complications. While SNCF does not usually check passports, it's always a good idea to be prepared when travelling by train to Metz.

What is the main train station in Metz-Nancy-Lorraine?

Metz-Nancy-Lorraine is best served by Nancy. There you’ll find a number of trains that can get you to your destination. You can find train arrivals and departures at Nancy from and to major nearby cities like Strasbourg.

What train companies go to Metz-Nancy-Lorraine?

SNCF is one of the top choices made by momondo users seeking to travel by train to Metz-Nancy-Lorraine.

How far in advance should I book a train to Metz-Nancy-Lorraine?

For £27 one-way on average, you can catch a train ride to Metz-Nancy-Lorraine. The price of a train ticket to Metz-Nancy-Lorraine remains generally consistent for the next 3 months. Seats may fill unexpectedly, so book when you can to secure your seat.

How far is the centre of Metz-Nancy-Lorraine from Nancy, Metz Ville and Metz Nord stations?

Nancy station is 20.4 mi from Metz-Nancy-Lorraine, Metz Ville station is 9.2 mi from Metz-Nancy-Lorraine, and Metz Nord station is 11.2 mi from Metz-Nancy-Lorraine.

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