Find trains to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

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25 abr. — 2 may.1
1 adult
jue. 25/4

Best deals for train tickets to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

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With transfers
2h 35m
With transfers
3h 11m
With transfers
14h 05m
With transfers
2h 00m
With transfers
1h 22m
With transfers
1h 23m

Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport






Brussels Midi


The cheapest return train ticket to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport is from Chessy, starting at £22. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport is from Massy, starting at £27. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Brussels Midi is one of the most popular stations in Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport
SNCF, DSB, and Train also service this route

Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport
Brussels Tour-et-TaxisBrussels, 50.86317, 4.34889
Brussels Barcelona Bruxelles-DeltaBrussels, 50.818455, 4.403914
Brussels BockstaelBrussels, 50.879395, 4.348333
Brussels Haren-SudBrussels, 50.88986, 4.416418
Brussels WatermaelBrussels, 50.809296, 4.399851
Brussels WestBrussels, 50.85019, 4.321779

Book return train tickets to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
6 May
21:51Chessy Marne-la-Vallée
1h 18m
23:09Tourcoing Avenue Salvador Allende
10 May
06:02Tourcoing Avenue Salvador Allende
1h 24m
07:26Chessy Marne-la-Vallée
2 May
21:51Chessy Marne-la-Vallée
1h 18m
23:09Tourcoing Avenue Salvador Allende
5 May
06:02Tourcoing Avenue Salvador Allende
1h 24m
07:26Chessy Marne-la-Vallée
2 May
3h 49m
1 stop
09:05Brussels Midi
5 May
00:20Brussels Midi
8h 26m
1 stop
Multiple carriers
5 Jun
7h 27m
1 stop
07:27Brussels Midi
9 Jun
00:20Brussels Midi
8h 26m
1 stop
Multiple carriers
5 Jun
7h 27m
1 stop
07:27Brussels Midi
10 Jun
06:33Brussels Midi
3h 16m
6 Jun
3h 17m
10:28Brussels Midi
10 Jun
05:33Brussels Midi
3h 16m

Book one-way train tickets to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
19 May
08:26Massy Palaiseau
2h 35m
11:01Brussels Midi
10 Jun
20:05Lyon-Saint Exupéry
3h 11m
23:16Tourcoing Avenue Salvador Allende
24 Nov
09:04Lyon Perrache
14h 05m
1 stop
23:09Tourcoing Avenue Salvador Allende
14 Jun
20:08Amsterdam Centraal
2h 00m
22:08Brussels Midi
8 Jul
11:22Paris Gare du Nord
1h 22m
12:44Brussels Midi
4 Jun
21:24Paris Gare du Nord
1h 23m
22:47Brussels Midi

FAQs for booking trains to Brussels

How much is a train ticket to Brussels Bruxelles-National?

The ticket price can vary depending on general demand and more importantly where you’re coming from. If you’re leaving from a popular departure point like London for instance, prices usually start around £85. Lille and Paris are other options, with prices usually starting from around £131 and £57 respectively.

What is the main train station in Brussels Bruxelles-National?

Brussels Bruxelles-National is best served by Brussels Midi. There you’ll find a number of trains that can get you to your destination. You can find train arrivals and departures at Brussels Midi from and to several major nearby cities such as London, Lille, and Paris.

What train companies go to Brussels Bruxelles-National?

SNCF, DSB, and Train are some of the top choices made by momondo users travelling to Brussels Bruxelles-National.

How far in advance should I book a train to Brussels Bruxelles-National?

For £27 one-way on average, you can catch a train ride to Brussels Bruxelles-National. For the next 3 months, we predict the price of tickets to Brussels Bruxelles-National to remain steady. Search availability for a train to Brussels Bruxelles-National from your area and be on your way in no time.

How far is the centre of Brussels Bruxelles-National from Brussels Midi, Brussels Central and Brussels Tour-et-Taxis stations?

It is 7.9 mi to get from Brussels Midi station to the centre of Brussels Bruxelles-National, 6.8 mi to get from Brussels Central station to the centre of Brussels Bruxelles-National, and 6.5 mi to get from Brussels Tour-et-Taxis station to the centre of Brussels Bruxelles-National.

How far is Brussels Midi from Grand Place, Parlement Européen and Brussels South Station?

You will need to travel 1.0 mi to get from Brussels Midi to Grand Place, 1.7 mi to get from Brussels Midi to Parlement Européen, and 0.1 mi to get from Brussels Midi to Brussels South Station.

Popular train routes to Brussels

Most frequently searched train routes to Brussels, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Brussels from London
Fastest travel time1h 54m
Cheapest price£85
Trains to Brussels from Lille
Fastest travel time0h 34m
Cheapest price£131
Trains to Brussels from Rotterdam
Fastest travel time1h 21m
Cheapest price£139
Trains to Brussels from Paris
Fastest travel time1h 22m
Cheapest price£57
Trains to Brussels from Amsterdam
Fastest travel time1h 53m
Cheapest price£57
Trains to Brussels from Antwerp
Fastest travel time0h 35m
Cheapest price£201
Trains to Brussels from Lyon
Fastest travel time3h 37m
Cheapest price£161
Trains to Brussels from Cologne
Fastest travel time1h 51m
Cheapest price£70
Trains to Brussels from Frankfurt am Main
Fastest travel time3h 19m
Cheapest price£408
Trains to Brussels from Luxembourg
Fastest travel time2h 53m
Cheapest price£57
Trains to Brussels from Strasbourg
Fastest travel time3h 44m
Cheapest price£89

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