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19 Feb — 26 Feb1
1 adult
Wed 19/2

Best deals for train tickets to Strasbourg

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With transfers
2h 14m
With transfers
2h 31m
With transfers
1h 46m
With transfers
1h 46m
With transfers
1h 46m
With transfers
2h 14m

Strasbourg train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains to Strasbourg








The cheapest return train ticket to Strasbourg is from Basel, starting at £22. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
The cheapest one-way train ticket to Strasbourg is from Luxembourg, starting at £21. This price was found within the last 72 hours.
Strasbourg is one of the most popular stations in Strasbourg
SNCF, Train, and Deutsche Bahn also service this route

Strasbourg Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Strasbourg
StrasbourgStrasbourg, 48.56329, 7.6950455
Strasbourg Krimmeri-MeinauStrasbourg, 48.563564, 7.7526927
Strasbourg SaverneStrasbourg, 48.74454800328222, 7.361900510471052
StrasbourgStrasbourg, 48.58519, 7.734274

Book return train tickets to Strasbourg

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets to Strasbourg that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
2 Mar
06:21Basel SBB
6h 18m
1 stop
12:39Strasbourg Gare Routière
6 Mar
12:50Strasbourg Gare Routière
1h 18m
14:08Basel SBB
3 Mar
2h 14m
1 stop
7 Mar
2h 24m
1 stop
27 Mar
10:08Paris Gare de l'Est
1h 46m
11:54Strasbourg Gare Routière
31 Mar
19:56Strasbourg Gare Routière
2h 28m
22:24Paris Gare de l'Est
26 May
16:16Paris Gare de l'Est
2h 44m
19:00Strasbourg Gare Routière
5 Jun
12:50Strasbourg Gare Routière
2h 27m
15:17Paris Gare de l'Est
27 Mar
10:08Paris Gare de l'Est
1h 46m
11:54Strasbourg Gare Routière
31 Mar
19:56Strasbourg Gare Routière
2h 28m
22:24Paris Gare de l'Est
14 Mar
07:36Paris Gare de l'Est
5h 04m
12:40Strasbourg Gare Routière
17 Mar
19:56Strasbourg Gare Routière
2h 28m
22:24Paris Gare de l'Est

Book one-way train tickets to Strasbourg

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets to Strasbourg found on momondo in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find available train tickets by date.
3 Mar
2h 14m
1 stop
3 Mar
19:43Luxembourg Gasperich
2h 31m
1 stop
22:14Strasbourg Gare Routière
27 May
10:08Paris Gare de l'Est
1h 46m
27 Feb
10:08Paris Gare de l'Est
1h 46m
27 Feb
10:08Paris Gare de l'Est
1h 46m
11:54Strasbourg Gare Routière
3 Mar
2h 14m
1 stop
19:00Strasbourg Gare Routière

FAQs for booking trains to Strasbourg

How to get to the centre of Strasbourg from Gare de Strasbourg train station?

Gare de Strasbourg or Strasbourg-Ville is the main railway station for trains to Strasbourg. It is located in the city’s Quartier de la Gare section, northwest of the Grand Ile: the historic city centre. By car or on foot, you’ll have to cross Canal du Faux-Rampart to enter the Old City, passing many restaurants, retail shops and hotels en route. Place Kleber, Strasbourg’s main square, sits in the middle of Grand Ile, and as you travel a bit farther east, you’ll arrive at the city’s other main attraction: Cathedrale Notre Dame de Strasbourg. From Gare de Strasbourg, it’s a short walk to Gare Centrale, where you can pick up CTS tram lines A or D to Homme de Fer, the closest tram stop to Place Kleber. Cycling from the central station is another fabulous way to enjoy the scenery on the way to Centre Ville. Velhop, the city’s popular bike-sharing service, operates at Gare de Strasbourg for passengers travelling without heavy bags or luggage. Persons with Reduced Mobility, seniors and passengers lugging heavy bags on Strasbourg trains may prefer to take a taxi for the short distance to the city centre.

Can you leave luggage in the train station at Strasbourg?

When using cheap train tickets to Strasbourg for day trips or while in transit, consider using luggage storage facilities at the station so you can roam the city with ease and convenience. Luggage lockers are also excellent short-term storage facilities when arriving before the scheduled check-in time for your accommodation. You can find luggage facilities at Gare de Strasbourg railway station that are accessible 24hrs a day, so you can retrieve your bags whenever you wish. If your train to Strasbourg arrives and you find that all lockers are occupied or otherwise unavailable, there are independent companies like Eelway that offer storage spaces at locations not far from the terminal.

What services are available at the popular stations in Strasbourg?

Gare de Strasbourg is the terminus of a major line from Paris, making it one of the busiest railway stations in France. Several SNCF TGV and LGV high-speed intercity trains operate from this facility. It is also a regional and municipal transport centre with multiple TER suburban/commuter trains and CTV city trams and buses. Passengers on Strasbourg trains arriving at the terminal will find a range of facilities and services. A major highlight of this location is its wide range of accessibility options for passengers with reduced mobility. These include accessible toilets, special ticket windows for wheelchair passengers, induction loops for the hearing impaired and tactile floor strips for the visually impaired. Inside the station concourse, you can find amenities like car hire services, cash machines, First Class lounge, toilets, Tourist Information office and an Information Desk. Once you disembark your Strasbourg train, lifts and escalators ease your movement around the station and provide access to its wide selection of retail shops, restaurants and other amenities.

Do I need identification to travel to Strasbourg by train?

UK citizens and permanent residents with train tickets to Strasbourg won’t need a visa to enter France. However, you will need a valid passport to enter the country. It is also recommended that you travel with at least one other form of ID, such as a driving licence. EU nationals only require a valid ID card when riding the train to Strasbourg from the UK. Foreign passports will serve as proper ID in most other cases, but you may wish to enquire whether a visa is necessary for taking the rail to Strasbourg.

How much is a train ticket to Strasbourg Entzheim?

Train tickets from Paris to Strasbourg Entzheim tend to start from around £53, while you can usually find tickets from Brussels to Strasbourg Entzheim from £114 and Basel to Strasbourg Entzheim from £189. These were some of the lowest prices from the most popular departure points to Strasbourg Entzheim.

What is the main train station in Strasbourg Entzheim?

Most people in Strasbourg Entzheim will arrive at Strasbourg, one of the most accessible stations in the area. Some frequently accessed cities you can get to by train from Strasbourg are Paris, Brussels, and Basel.

What train companies go to Strasbourg Entzheim?

Most users on momondo will check prices for SNCF for their ride to Strasbourg Entzheim. While SNCF is the most common choice, you can also search for options from Train and Deutsche Bahn, as all 3 train companies can typically get you to Strasbourg Entzheim. More options may be available to you, so use our search form to find all available options from your city to Strasbourg Entzheim.

How far in advance should I book a train to Strasbourg Entzheim?

£21 is the average one-way price to Strasbourg Entzheim this week. We don’t expect any changes in price for the next 3 months. It’s generally a good idea to book early to make sure you can get on the train for the correct departure time.

How far is the centre of Strasbourg Entzheim from Strasbourg, Strasbourg Krimmeri-Meinau and Saverne stations?

3.5 mi separate Strasbourg station (the city’s most popular train station) from the centre of Strasbourg Entzheim. 5.9 mi separate Strasbourg Krimmeri-Meinau station (the second most popular station) from the centre of Strasbourg Entzheim. 18.7 mi separate Saverne station (the third most popular station) from the centre of Strasbourg Entzheim.

Popular train routes to Strasbourg

Most frequently searched train routes to Strasbourg, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Strasbourg from Paris
Fastest travel time1h 46m
Cheapest price£53
Trains to Strasbourg from Brussels
Fastest travel time3h 48m
Cheapest price£114
Trains to Strasbourg from Metz
Fastest travel time0h 41m
Cheapest price£300
Trains to Strasbourg from Frankfurt am Main
Fastest travel time2h 28m
Cheapest price£49
Trains to Strasbourg from Lille
Fastest travel time3h 04m
Cheapest price£243
Trains to Strasbourg from Lyon
Fastest travel time4h 14m
Cheapest price£235
Trains to Strasbourg from Marseille
Fastest travel time6h 11m
Cheapest price£132

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