
Find buses from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

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30 Apr — 7 May1
1 adult
Tue 30/4

Best deals for bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

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With transfers
3h 50m
With transfers
4h 06m
With transfers
3h 40m
With transfers
3h 25m
With transfers
3h 45m
With transfers
2h 45m

Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

Return-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

3h 43m

Popular coach line

Bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport found within the last 3 days start at £16 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £2. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport is 3h 43m
FlixBus and BlaBlaBus service this route

Amsterdam Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Amsterdam
Amsterdam Olympisch StadionAmsterdam, 52.344055, 4.856942
Amsterdam RijksmuseumAmsterdam, 52.359882, 4.883367
Amsterdam HaarlemmermeerstationAmsterdam, 52.349102, 4.8575597
Amsterdam EmmastraatAmsterdam, 52.3533, 4.870457
Amsterdam MuseumpleinAmsterdam, 52.35593, 4.879428
Amsterdam AmstelveensewegAmsterdam, 52.338, 4.8576

Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport
Brussels Rue de FranceBrussels, 50.835, 4.33263
Brussels HeyselBrussels, 50.89669481500726, 4.335466461053186
Brussels MeiserBrussels, 50.854813, 4.394064
Brussels Ghent PoelBrussels, 51.05434, 3.7174244
Brussels Ghent P+r Gentbrugge ArsenaalBrussels, 51.03234, 3.758397
Brussels Ghent AkkerhageBrussels, 51.019207, 3.735202

Book round-trip bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
25 May
11:00Amsterdam Sloterdijk
2h 45m
13:45Brussels Nord
5 Jun
21:45Brussels Nord
3h 45m
01:30Amsterdam Sloterdijk
13 Jun
20:10Amsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 15m
23:25Brussels Rue de France
18 Jun
02:48Brussels Rue de France
4h 12m
07:00Amsterdam Sloterdijk
25 May
20:10Amsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 15m
23:25Brussels Rue de France
5 Jun
12:40Brussels Rue de France
3h 21m
16:01Amsterdam Sloterdijk
1 May
20:40Amsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 30m
00:10Brussels Midi
3 May
04:55Brussels Midi
3h 25m
08:20Amsterdam Sloterdijk
25 May
23:00Amsterdam Sloterdijk
4h 06m
03:06Brussels Midi
5 Jun
12:40Brussels Midi
3h 21m
16:01Amsterdam Sloterdijk
25 May
20:40Amsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 30m
00:10Brussels Rue de France
4 Jun
02:48Brussels Rue de France
4h 12m
07:00Amsterdam Sloterdijk

Book one-way bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
26 May
03:15Amsterdam Centraal
3h 50m
07:05Brussels Nord
16 May
23:00Amsterdam Sloterdijk
4h 06m
03:06Brussels Midi
27 May
08:45Amsterdam Bijlmer ArenA
3h 40m
12:25Brussels Heysel
27 May
21:15Amsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 25m
00:40Brussels Bruxelles-National
27 May
20:45Amsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 45m
00:30Brussels Nord
16 Sept
07:00Amsterdam Sloterdijk
2h 45m
09:45Brussels Nord

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Amsterdam to Brussels

How many buses are there from Amsterdam to Brussels each day?

You’ll be able to board an average of about two buses from Amsterdam to Brussels every day. The number of these varies according to the day of the week, with the majority leaving from Friday to Monday – there are about three or four buses on these days. From Tuesdays to Thursdays, there are two buses to Brussels from Amsterdam per day. BlaBlaCar operates the latter, one leaving at around midday and the other in the mid-afternoon. On the busier days, FlixBus and Lasta also contribute a bus each, giving you just under 20 trips to choose from each week in total. The most regular and reliable routes are the ones that BlaBlaCar operates every day, so unless you specifically want to travel in the early morning, those are the ones to book.

When does the first and last bus depart from Amsterdam to Brussels?

Given the daily discrepancies in the number of buses from Amsterdam to Brussels, the first trips of the day vary depending on which day of the week you look at. From Tuesdays to Thursdays the first bus is the BlaBlaCar bus that leaves around 12:25. On all other days except Saturday, the first bus departs at about 07:35. The first bus on a Saturday leaves at around 07:00, operated by Lasta. This is the only day on which this carrier provides a trip. The last bus every day is with BlaBlaCar, leaving at around 15:05. Most of the trips take between about 3h 15min and 4h 15min, and are direct buses to Brussels from Amsterdam. Some of the morning buses make an intermediate stop in Rotterdam to switch carriers from BlaBlaCar to FlixBus.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when travelling from Amsterdam to Brussels?

All Amsterdam to Brussels buses leave from Amsterdam Sloterdijk Station, except the Lasta one on Saturdays. From central Amsterdam you can take a Dutch Railways Sprinter train that will get you there in about 5min. You can also board a Line 19 tram for about a 16min trip. The Lasta bus leaves from Ouderkerk aan de Amstel Station. To get there from the city centre, catch the Line 54 subway train, then switch to the Line 300 bus. This will take about 22min. Brussels Nord or Brussels South (Midi) are your arrival stations. From Midi Station, catch a train to Brussels Centraal Station, taking about 8min. Otherwise use the Line 3 or 4 tram, for roughly an 11min trip. From Nord Station, catch a Line 3 tram to get there in about 3min, or a Line 128 De Lijn bus that takes about 5min.

What amenities are offered on buses travelling from Amsterdam to Brussels?

BlaBlaCar buses from Amsterdam to Brussels provide really comfortable seats, with reclining backs, adjustable foot rests, air-conditioning and their own reading lights. Wi-Fi is available for free, but limited. Each seat has a power socket for charging mobile devices, and you can pre-arrange assistance if you’re travelling in a wheelchair. If your bus ticket from Amsterdam to Brussels is partly with FlixBus, you can expect unlimited free Wi-Fi, power sockets and extra leg room. The seats also have adjustable headrests. Wheelchair space is available, which you need to book, and passenger assistance is available on board. Lasta is more of a budget operator, offering free Wi-Fi and charging sockets, along with air-conditioning.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Amsterdam to Brussels?

BlaBlaCar has the largest luggage allowance – you can bring up to four items with you, two of which are stowed in the hold. Hold items can weigh up to about 50lb, and can total up to about 79 cumulative inches when you add width to height and depth. Your smaller hand luggage must be able to fit on your lap or in the overhead compartments. If you’ve booked a bus to Brussels from Amsterdam with FlixBus, you can take one item of hold luggage weighing no more than 44lb, with maximum dimensions of about 31 x 20 x 12 inches. You’re also allowed a single hand luggage item, measuring up to around 16.5 x 12 x 7 inches and weighing up to about 15lb.

How much does a bus ticket from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National cost?

For this week, you can purchase tickets from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National starting at £10 one-way.

How long is the bus ride from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National?

It takes 3h 25m to get from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National by bus. Your arrival can differ by about 0h 18m. This largely depends on whether your bus ride includes stops or is a direct route from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National. Check FlixBus if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.

Which bus companies operate between Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National?

Some of the buses offering service from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National are FlixBus and BlaBlaBus. FlixBus has recently been found to be the cheapest option available at £20 round-trip.

How far is Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National by bus?

A bus from Amsterdam Schiphol to Brussels Bruxelles-National will travel much more than the 103.2 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, which can change based on traffic, tolls and closures. The bus takes 3h 25m, normally.

FlixBus buses from Amsterdam to Brussels

Our best FlixBus deals on Amsterdam to Brussels bus tickets
25 May
DJK11:00Amsterdam Sloterdijk
2h 45m
6MP13:45Brussels Nord
5 Jun
6MP21:45Brussels Nord
3h 45m
DJK01:30Amsterdam Sloterdijk
16 May
DJK12:30Amsterdam Sloterdijk
2h 45m
6MP15:15Brussels Nord
19 May
6MP08:00Brussels Nord
2h 40m
DJK10:40Amsterdam Sloterdijk
13 Jun
IV516:45Amsterdam Bijlmer ArenA
3h 25m
6MP20:10Brussels Nord
19 Jun
6MP15:20Brussels Nord
4h 10m
IV519:30Amsterdam Bijlmer ArenA

BlaBlaBus buses from Amsterdam to Brussels

Our best BlaBlaBus deals on Amsterdam to Brussels bus tickets
13 Jun
DJK20:10Amsterdam Sloterdijk
3h 15m
2I423:25Brussels Rue de France
18 Jun
2I402:48Brussels Rue de France
4h 12m
DJK07:00Amsterdam Sloterdijk
21 May
DJK23:00Amsterdam Sloterdijk
4h 06m
ZYR03:06Brussels Midi
28 May
ZYR06:25Brussels Midi
3h 40m
DJK10:05Amsterdam Sloterdijk
16 May
DJK23:00Amsterdam Sloterdijk
4h 06m
ZYR03:06Brussels Midi
19 May
ZYR15:30Brussels Midi
3h 49m
DJK19:19Amsterdam Sloterdijk

More bus options to Brussels

Besides Amsterdam there are other cities with transportation to Brussels. See below for more options.
Buses to Brussels from London
Fastest travel time6h 50m
Cheapest price£44
Buses to Brussels from Paris
Fastest travel time3h 35m
Cheapest price£22
Buses to Brussels from Berlin
Fastest travel time13h 00m
Cheapest price£87

Other popular bus routes from Amsterdam

Change your mind about taking a bus to Brussels? Below are other buses from Amsterdam that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Amsterdam to Paris
Fastest travel time7h 10m
Cheapest price£72

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