
Find buses from New York to Boston

Search for cheap bus tickets from New York to Boston and book your trip in minutes.

4 May — 11 May1
1 adult
Sat 4/5

Best deals for bus tickets from New York to Boston

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With transfers
5h 50m
With transfers
6h 55m
With transfers
5h 50m
With transfers
7h 10m
With transfers
7h 05m
With transfers
6h 10m

New York to Boston bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from New York to Boston

Return-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

6h 05m

Popular coach line

Bus tickets from New York to Boston found within the last 3 days start at £18 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £6. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from New York to Boston is 6h 05m
CoachRun, Bus and OurBus service this route

New York Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in New York
New York Mobil Gas Station Red HookNew York, 40.673042, -73.99866
New York 1st AvenueNew York, 40.76107, -73.96124
New York Clifton Sir StationNew York, 40.62135, -74.07135
New York Madison Av/E 46 StNew York, 40.75588, -73.97695
New York Sky View Shopping CenterNew York, 40.75764, -73.83425
New York New York Gourmet DeliNew York, 40.80844, -73.94896

Boston Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Boston
Boston AllstonBoston, 42.352695, -71.12507
Boston Providence Lloyd AveBoston, 41.831738, -71.39914
Boston 262 Harrison AveBoston, 42.34807, -71.062485
Boston 39 Dalton StreetBoston, 42.3464, -71.08482
Boston 84 Harrison AveBoston, 42.35066, -71.061356
Boston Providence Canal St and SmithBoston, 41.83138, -71.41132

Book round-trip bus tickets from New York to Boston

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from New York to Boston that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
4 May
15:30New York Port Authority
5h 00m
20:30Boston Back Bay
6 May
15:30Boston Back Bay
5h 00m
20:30New York Port Authority
4 May
15:30New York Port Authority
5h 00m
20:30Boston Back Bay
6 May
15:30Boston Back Bay
5h 00m
20:30New York Port Authority
4 May
15:30New York Port Authority
5h 00m
20:30Boston Back Bay
6 May
15:30Boston Back Bay
5h 00m
20:30New York Port Authority
3 May
09:30New York Port Authority
4h 30m
14:00Boston Back Bay
6 May
15:30Boston Back Bay
5h 00m
20:30New York Port Authority
9 May
09:00New York Allen St & Delancey St
5h 00m
14:00Boston Back Bay
13 May
15:30Boston Back Bay
5h 45m
21:15New York Allen St & Delancey St
3 May
09:00New York Allen St & Delancey St
5h 00m
14:00Boston Back Bay
4 May
14:30Boston Back Bay
4h 45m
19:15New York Allen St & Delancey St

Book one-way bus tickets from New York to Boston

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from New York to Boston we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
24 May
12:30Newark Penn Station
5h 50m
1 stop
18:20Boston South Station
17 May
12:30Newark Penn Station
6h 55m
2 stops
19:25Boston Logan Intl
17 May
12:30Newark Penn Station
5h 50m
1 stop
18:20Boston South Station
24 May
09:00Newark Penn Station
7h 10m
2 stops
16:10Boston Logan Intl
12 May
12:30Newark Penn Station
7h 05m
1 stop
19:35Boston South Station
12 May
12:30Newark Penn Station
6h 10m
2 stops
18:40Boston Logan Intl

Choose the best way to get from New York to Boston


3h 45m
£6 one-way£18 return
Direct · from £181 stop · from £6

Distance to city centre

ZTY1.3 mi
28lb CO2

75% less than flights

Find Buses

New York to Boston Buses


3h 39m
£12 one-way£32 return
Direct · from £32

Distance to city centre

ZTO0.6 mi
44lb CO2

60% less than flights

Find Trains

New York to Boston Trains


1h 10m
£50 one-way£79 return
Direct · from £791 stop · from £50

Distance to city centre

BOS2.6 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from New York to Boston

How much does a bus ticket from New York to Boston Logan Intl cost?

If you need a bus from New York to Boston Logan Intl for this week you can find options from £7 one-way. This month, the average cost of a bus ticket from New York to Boston Logan Intl is £23 one-way.

How long is the bus ride from New York to Boston Logan Intl?

The quickest bus available from New York will take 6h 05m to arrive in Boston Logan Intl. Check CoachRun if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from New York to Boston Logan Intl?

The cost of booking a bus from New York to Boston Logan Intl is around £23 one-way. You can expect the price to be consistent throughout the next 3 months.

Which bus companies operate between New York to Boston Logan Intl?

CoachRun, Bus, and OurBus will take you from New York to Boston Logan Intl. CoachRun has been recently found as the cheapest option from £23 return.

How far is New York to Boston Logan Intl by bus?

The distance between New York and Boston Logan Intl is about 187.5 mi in a straight line. The bus usually takes 6h 05m in normal traffic conditions.

What is the carbon footprint of a bus from New York to Boston Logan Intl?

The carbon footprint of getting a bus from New York to Boston Logan Intl is about 27lb. This is around 74% less than taking a plane (109lb). Emissions by train between New York and Boston Logan Intl are around 44lb.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from New York to Boston?

The quickest way is to book a flight from New York to Boston, which can be as quick as 1h 10m onboard Delta. You can also get a train from New York to Boston, or a bus from New York to Boston which can take you longer to arrive at your destination.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from New York to Boston?

A bus from New York to Boston from £18 can save you up to 76% on the cost of your trip compared to booking a flight from New York to Boston or a train from New York to Boston.

CoachRun buses from New York to Boston

Our best CoachRun deals on New York to Boston bus tickets
4 May
CJ015:30New York Port Authority
5h 00m
ZTY20:30Boston Back Bay
6 May
ZTY15:30Boston Back Bay
5h 00m
CJ020:30New York Port Authority
3 May
CJ009:30New York Port Authority
4h 30m
ZTY14:00Boston Back Bay
6 May
ZTY15:30Boston Back Bay
5h 00m
CJ020:30New York Port Authority
4 May
CJ015:30New York Port Authority
5h 00m
ZTY20:30Boston Back Bay
5 May
ZTY08:30Boston Back Bay
4h 00m
CJ012:30New York Port Authority

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