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24 Apr — 1 May1
1 adult
Wed 24/4

Best deals for bus tickets to Seville

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With transfers
2h 35m
With transfers
2h 30m
With transfers
2h 30m
With transfers
2h 30m
With transfers
2h 30m
With transfers
3h 15m

Seville bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses to Seville.

Return-trip from


One-way from


Popular station

Seville Camas

Popular coach line

Bus tickets to Seville found within the last 3 days start at £18 round-trip from Faro
The cheapest one-way bus ticket from Faro starts at £9. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The most commonly used station in Seville is Seville Camas.
FlixBus, ALSA and Renfe are some of the bus lines that arrive at Seville Camas

Seville Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Seville
Seville CamasSeville, 37.409653, -6.036417
Seville SevillaSeville, 37.402336, -5.9861817
Seville Servicio de recogidaSeville, 37.388165, -5.984922
Seville Córdoba Cuesta del EspinoSeville, 37.88333, -4.76667
Seville Córdoba Torre BadenSeville, 37.724556, -4.77364
Seville Huelva Centro PenitenciarioSeville, 37.27516, -6.933998

Book round-trip bus tickets to Seville

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets to Seville that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
24 Apr
18:50Faro Av. Prof. Dr. Adelino Da Palma Carlos, 13C
2h 35m
27 Apr
2h 35m
14:10Faro Av. Prof. Dr. Adelino Da Palma Carlos, 13C
2 May
11:10Jerez de la Frontera
1h 15m
12:25Seville Prado de San Sebastián
6 May
11:30Seville Prado de San Sebastián
1h 15m
12:45Jerez de la Frontera
24 Apr
18:50Faro Av. Eng. Joaquim L. Belchior
2h 35m
27 Apr
2h 30m
14:30Faro Av. Eng. Joaquim L. Belchior
4 May
20:10Faro Av. Eng. Joaquim L. Belchior
2h 30m
8 May
2h 35m
19:10Faro Av. Eng. Joaquim L. Belchior
10 May
18:50Faro Av. Eng. Joaquim L. Belchior
2h 35m
12 May
2h 35m
19:10Faro Av. Eng. Joaquim L. Belchior
10 May
18:50Faro Av. Eng. Joaquim L. Belchior
2h 35m
12 May
2h 35m
19:10Faro Av. Eng. Joaquim L. Belchior

Book one-way bus tickets to Seville

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets to Seville we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
25 Apr
18:50Faro Av. Eng. Joaquim L. Belchior
2h 35m
25 Apr
20:10Faro Av. Prof. Dr. Adelino Da Palma Carlos, 13C
2h 30m
2 Jun
20:10Faro Av. Prof. Dr. Adelino Da Palma Carlos, 13C
2h 30m
31 May
17:30Málaga María Zambrano
2h 30m
31 May
17:30Málaga María Zambrano
2h 30m
2 Jun
3h 15m
23:30Seville Santa Justa

FAQs for booking coach tickets to Seville

What are the benefits of taking a bus from Seville?

Travelling by bus from Seville is a practical and comfortable way to get around the region of Andalucia and beyond. You can find cheap bus tickets from Seville to a number of cities in Spain, as well as direct services to international destinations like Portugal and France. Seville bus prices are particularly affordable if you book in advance. Seville buses are also useful for passengers travelling with heavy luggage, as the luggage policy included in your ticket tends to be more generous than on other modes of transport. Bus travel in Seville also allows you to enjoy the picturesque Andalucia scenery as you travel and avoid the stress of airport connections. Most buses from Seville offer Wi-Fi access and are equipped with a bathroom, so longer journeys are comfortable.

How do I get to the main bus stations in Seville?

There are two main bus stations in Seville – Plaza de Armas and Prado de San Sebastian. Most long-distance and international Seville buses depart from and arrive at Plaza de Armas, travelling to destinations like Madrid, Paris and Faro. It is situated in the heart of the city, just outside Seville’s Old Town, by the river. Prado de San Sebastian bus station offers services to other destinations in Spain, like Murcia and Barcelona, as well as towns and villages in surrounding Andalucia. It is situated in Seville city centre, beside the Prado de San Sebastian park. Both stations are within walking distance from many of the main sights in the city, such as Seville Cathedral, Plaza de Espana and Museum of Fine Arts. You can also take public transport directly to the station; several local Seville buses and tram lines will take you to the bus stations.

What luggage can I take on a bus from Seville?

What do I need before boarding a bus from Seville?

After you buy cheap bus tickets from Seville, make sure you have all the necessary documents for your journey. Keep your passport on you at all times, and be prepared to present it before boarding your bus if you are travelling internationally. If you book Seville bus tickets in advance, you can choose to either print your ticket and keep a physical copy or download it to your smartphone and present it as a digital ticket. You can also buy physical tickets at the bus station, either at an automated machine or ticket desk. It’s worth noting that tickets may be more expensive on the day of travel, so try to book in advance to take advantage of cheap Seville buses.

Do bus stations in Seville offer any amenities?

The main bus stations in Seville have a range of practical facilities. Plaza de Armas is the larger and more modern bus station in the city. Plaza de Armas has ticket offices and an information desk, as well as cash machines, a large seated waiting area, newsagents and a cafe bar. Prado de San Sebastian is housed in a smaller, older building, a typical example of Seville architecture. There is a small cafe and vending machines where you can buy snacks and drinks before your journey on a Seville bus.

What is the main coach station in Sevilla?

You’ll find most people use Seville Camas in Sevilla. It’s one of the busiest and most populated stations in the area.

What coach companies go to Sevilla?

Sevilla is serviced by some of the leading coaches companies. Keep in mind that your options may vary by the city you’re departing from. However, our data also shows that FlixBus, ALSA, and Renfe were frequently booked by travellers.

How far in advance should I book a coach to Sevilla?

For £11 one-way on average, you can catch a bus ride to Sevilla. We don’t expect any changes in price for the next 3 months. As seats fill up quickly, we recommend booking when you can so your trip is secured.

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