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30 Apr — 7 May1
1 adult
Tue 30/4

Carlisle to Birmingham train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Carlisle to Birmingham


2h 57m
Average time it takes to travel by train from Carlisle to Birmingham

Carlisle Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Carlisle
Carlisle ArmathwaiteCarlisle, 54.809473, -2.772074
CarlisleCarlisle, 54.890556, -2.9333334
Carlisle WetheralCarlisle, 54.883838, -2.831725

Birmingham Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Birmingham
Birmingham The HawthornsBirmingham, 52.5012, -1.911602
Birmingham Stourbridge TownBirmingham, 52.45559, -2.14182
Birmingham Stratford-upon-Avon BearleyBirmingham, 52.244984, -1.749695
Birmingham AlvechurchBirmingham, 52.346135, -1.967597
Birmingham Acocks GreenBirmingham, 52.449351, -1.818951
Birmingham Adderley ParkBirmingham, 52.48312, -1.855908

FAQs for booking trains from Carlisle to Birmingham

How long is the train ride from Carlisle Lake District to Birmingham?

It takes 2h 56m to get from Carlisle Lake District to Birmingham by train. Travel time can vary by 0h 01m, so prioritise direct options for the quickest arrival.

How far is Carlisle Lake District to Birmingham by train?

A train from Carlisle Lake District to Birmingham will travel much more than the 171.8 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, and stops along the way. The train takes 2h 56m, typically.

Popular train routes to Birmingham

Most frequently searched train routes to Birmingham, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Birmingham from London
Fastest travel time1h 16m
Cheapest price£18
Trains to Birmingham from Leeds
Fastest travel time2h 01m
Cheapest price£52
Trains to Birmingham from Exeter
Fastest travel time2h 28m
Cheapest price£200
Trains to Birmingham from Bristol
Fastest travel time1h 14m
Cheapest price£71
Trains to Birmingham from Plymouth
Fastest travel time3h 29m
Cheapest price£189
Trains to Birmingham from Oxford
Fastest travel time1h 09m
Cheapest price£87
Trains to Birmingham from Manchester
Fastest travel time1h 29m
Cheapest price£33
Trains to Birmingham from Liverpool
Fastest travel time1h 45m
Cheapest price£136
Trains to Birmingham from Coventry
Fastest travel time0h 20m
Cheapest price£193

Other train routes from Carlisle

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Carlisle to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Carlisle to London
Fastest travel time3h 24m
Cheapest price£137
Trains from Carlisle to Manchester
Fastest travel time1h 45m
Cheapest price£27

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