
Find buses from Edinburgh to Bristol

Search for cheap bus tickets from Edinburgh to Bristol and book your trip in minutes.

1 May — 8 May1
1 adult
Wed 1/5

Best deals for bus tickets from Edinburgh to Bristol

Find the right bus ticket for you
With transfers
18h 10m
National Express
With transfers
12h 05m
National Express
National Express
With transfers
12h 30m
National Express
National Express
With transfers
12h 05m
National Express
National Express
With transfers
12h 05m
National Express
National Express
With transfers
12h 05m
National Express

Edinburgh to Bristol bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Edinburgh to Bristol

Return-trip from


One-way from


Popular coach line

Bus tickets from Edinburgh to Bristol found within the last 3 days start at £38 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £22. This price was found within the last 3 days.
FlixBus, National Express and Megabus service this route

Edinburgh Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Edinburgh
Edinburgh BankheadEdinburgh, 55.9289, -3.29343
Edinburgh GatewayEdinburgh, 55.9405, -3.32175
Edinburgh Gyle CentreEdinburgh, 55.938, -3.31826
Edinburgh Orchard BraeEdinburgh, 55.956913, -3.224116
Edinburgh Drum Brae AvenueEdinburgh, 55.951283, -3.296371
Edinburgh Stewart's MelvilleEdinburgh, 55.954914, -3.226063

Bristol Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Bristol
Bristol Park AvenueBristol, 51.541794, -2.572179
Bristol University (Stoke Bishop Campus)Bristol, 51.47851, -2.622511
Bristol Anchor RoadBristol, 51.450947, -2.600512
Bristol FiltonBristol, 51.503582, -2.5679026
Bristol Longwell GreenBristol, 51.4484, -2.499692
Bristol Cribbs CausewayBristol, 51.526913, -2.595969

Book round-trip bus tickets from Edinburgh to Bristol

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Edinburgh to Bristol that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
20 May
21:00Edinburgh Bus Station
15h 30m
12:30Bristol Frenchay Campus
21 May
14:30Bristol Frenchay Campus
17h 05m
07:35Edinburgh Bus Station
20 May
21:00Edinburgh Bus Station
15h 45m
12:45Bristol Bond Street
21 May
14:15Bristol Bond Street
17h 20m
07:35Edinburgh Bus Station
National Express
6 Jun
10:45Edinburgh Bus Station
14h 20m
01:05Bristol Bond Street
9 Jun
04:45Bristol Bond Street
14h 10m
18:55Edinburgh Bus Station
National Express
21 May
10:45Edinburgh Bus Station
14h 20m
01:05Bristol Bond Street
28 May
19:35Bristol Bond Street
12h 30m
08:05Edinburgh Bus Station
National Express
27 May
10:45Edinburgh Bus Station
14h 05m
00:50Bristol Bond Street
28 May
19:35Bristol Bond Street
12h 30m
08:05Edinburgh Bus Station
National Express
23 May
10:45Edinburgh Bus Station
14h 20m
01:05Bristol Bond Street
26 May
19:00Bristol Bond Street
12h 40m
07:40Edinburgh Bus Station

Book one-way bus tickets from Edinburgh to Bristol

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Edinburgh to Bristol we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
9 May
09:05Edinburgh Bus Station
18h 10m
03:15Bristol Bond Street
National Express
11 Jul
09:55Edinburgh Bus Station
12h 05m
1 stop
22:00Bristol Bus & Coach Station
National Express
16 Jul
08:45Edinburgh Bus Station
12h 30m
1 stop
21:15Bristol Bus & Coach Station
National Express
10 Jul
09:55Edinburgh Bus Station
12h 05m
1 stop
22:00Bristol Bus & Coach Station
National Express
12 Jul
09:55Edinburgh Bus Station
12h 05m
1 stop
22:00Bristol Bus & Coach Station
National Express
13 Jul
09:55Edinburgh Bus Station
12h 05m
1 stop
22:00Bristol Bus & Coach Station

Choose the best way to get from Edinburgh to Bristol


11h 46m
£22 one-way£38 return
Direct · from £381 stop · from £36

Distance to city centre

30H3.8 mi
D920.4 mi
45lb CO2

84% less than flights

Find Buses

Edinburgh to Bristol Buses


6h 27m
£82 one-way£224 return
Direct · from £2241 stop · from £82

Distance to city centre

TPB0.5 mi
71lb CO2

75% less than flights

Find Trains

Edinburgh to Bristol Trains


1h 15m
£27 one-way£47 return
Direct · from £471 stop · from £85

Distance to city centre

BRS7.4 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Edinburgh to Bristol

Are there any stops along the bus route from Edinburgh to Bristol?

Buses to Bristol from Edinburgh are regular and offer journeys with connecting stops. Travel along this line includes one to two changes, at stations such as Birmingham Coach Station, Bristol Bus and Coach Station, London Victoria, Leeds Bus Station, Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station and London Finchley. During your stop, you will change buses, and this break could take from half an hour to over 3 hours, depending on the departure time of your connecting bus.

What amenities are offered on buses travelling from Edinburgh to Bristol?

While most Edinburgh to Bristol bus operators provide similar onboard amenities, bus operators’ specific onboard features vary. Every operator along this route offers low-cost bus tickets from Edinburgh to Bristol, making this a low-cost long-distance bus travel option. MegaBus and National Express are two of the most well known bus companies that operate on this route. Passengers on MegaBus buses will have access to amenities such as charging stations, free Wi-Fi, extra legroom and restrooms on board. Passengers on National Express will be guaranteed an allocated seat and will have access to complimentary Wi-Fi, device charging ports and air conditioning.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Edinburgh to Bristol?

All bus companies let you bring free luggage, which you can store in the undercarriage storage area of the bus or next to you on board. If your luggage exceeds the stipulated weight or dimensions, you may need to purchase an additional luggage allowance. Check with your bus operator before travelling whether your luggage exceeds the weight and dimension limits. The companies Megabus and National Express service this route and provide similar luggage restrictions. You can bring a small bag, such as a backpack or a laptop bag, as carry-on luggage and a large suitcase (that does not exceed 44 lbs and 78.7 inches) for your checked luggage, on both bus operators. Megabus allows three 44-lbs bags for each passenger; however, National Express only allows two suitcases per person. Before you travel to Bristol from Edinburgh, double check the company's policy, as it may differ from one company to the next.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Edinburgh to Bristol?

You must produce a valid form of identification to validate your bus tickets from Edinburgh to Bristol. Identification in the form of a national ID, passport or driver's licence is accepted. It is vital to carry your passport on your journey when entering another country. You'll receive an email confirmation containing your digital ticket, which the ticket inspector on the bus can scan. When you purchase a ticket through momondo, it is saved digitally in your account. This is helpful, since it helps you keep track of all of your tickets in one place. Show the inspector your mobile phone to view or scan the ticket when necessary. Keep a paper copy of your bus ticket with you, just in case you run out of battery on your mobile device. It's critical to double check the ticket conditions of the bus company you're travelling with, as some want you to show your paper ticket as well, regardless.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when travelling from Edinburgh to Bristol?

The bus to Bristol from Edinburgh departs and arrives at several different locations. Buses from Edinburgh along this route depart from one of three stations: Edinburgh Bus Station, Edinburgh Turnhouse or Edinburgh Waverley Station. Buses from Edinburgh to Bristol arrive at one of five locations: Bristol Airport, Bristol Temple Meads, Bristol Frenchay Campus, Bristol Bus and Coach Station or Bristol Bond Street. It's important to double check your destination station before you book your bus ticket from Edinburgh to Bristol.

How much does a bus ticket from Edinburgh Turnhouse to Bristol cost?

For this week, you can purchase tickets from Edinburgh Turnhouse to Bristol starting at £27 one-way.

Which bus companies operate between Edinburgh Turnhouse to Bristol?

FlixBus, National Express, and Megabus will take you from Edinburgh Turnhouse to Bristol. FlixBus has been recently found as the cheapest option from £48 return.

How far is Edinburgh Turnhouse to Bristol by bus?

A bus from Edinburgh Turnhouse to Bristol will travel much more than the 311.6 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, which can change based on traffic, tolls and closures.

What is the carbon footprint of a bus from Edinburgh Turnhouse to Bristol?

The carbon footprint of getting a bus from Edinburgh Turnhouse to Bristol is about 44lb. This is 85% less in comparison to flying, which has a footprint of around 288lb for this trip. This journey by train has a footprint of 70lb, on average.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Edinburgh to Bristol?

To save time, the fastest way to travel is by flight from Edinburgh to Bristol on easyJet. Expect the length of time you’ll spend onboard easyJet to be about 1h 15m compared to taking a train from Edinburgh to Bristol or a bus from Edinburgh to Bristol which have been found to be slower alternatives.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Edinburgh to Bristol?

Expect a bus to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a bus has deals available from £38. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a flight from Edinburgh to Bristol or a train from Edinburgh to Bristol can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.

FlixBus buses from Edinburgh to Bristol

Our best FlixBus deals on Edinburgh to Bristol bus tickets
20 May
G2721:00Edinburgh Bus Station
15h 30m
30H12:30Bristol Frenchay Campus
21 May
30H14:30Bristol Frenchay Campus
17h 05m
G2707:35Edinburgh Bus Station
21 May
G2721:00Edinburgh Bus Station
15h 30m
30H12:30Bristol Frenchay Campus
28 May
30H14:30Bristol Frenchay Campus
17h 05m
G2707:35Edinburgh Bus Station
6 Jun
G2721:00Edinburgh Bus Station
13h 25m
D9210:25Bristol Bond Street
8 Jun
D9203:00Bristol Bond Street
14h 30m
G2717:30Edinburgh Bus Station

National Express buses from Edinburgh to Bristol

Our best National Express deals on Edinburgh to Bristol bus tickets
National Express
6 Jun
G2710:45Edinburgh Bus Station
14h 20m
D9201:05Bristol Bond Street
9 Jun
D9204:45Bristol Bond Street
14h 10m
G2718:55Edinburgh Bus Station
National Express
21 May
G2710:45Edinburgh Bus Station
14h 20m
D9201:05Bristol Bond Street
28 May
D9219:35Bristol Bond Street
12h 30m
G2708:05Edinburgh Bus Station
National Express
27 May
G2710:45Edinburgh Bus Station
14h 05m
D9200:50Bristol Bond Street
28 May
D9219:35Bristol Bond Street
12h 30m
G2708:05Edinburgh Bus Station

More bus options to Bristol

Besides Edinburgh there are other cities with transportation to Bristol. See below for more options.
Buses to Bristol from London
Fastest travel time2h 35m
Cheapest price£19

Other popular bus routes from Edinburgh

Change your mind about taking a bus to Bristol? Below are other buses from Edinburgh that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Edinburgh to Birmingham
Fastest travel time8h 10m
Cheapest price£30
Buses from Edinburgh to Liverpool
Fastest travel time8h 35m
Cheapest price£22
Buses from Edinburgh to London
Fastest travel time8h 30m
Cheapest price£30
Buses from Edinburgh to Aberdeen
Fastest travel time3h 35m
Cheapest price£19
Buses from Edinburgh to Dundee
Fastest travel time1h 35m
Cheapest price£8
Buses from Edinburgh to Carlisle
Fastest travel time2h 35m
Cheapest price£16
Buses from Edinburgh to Paris
Fastest travel time21h 10m
Cheapest price£83

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