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25 Apr — 2 May1
1 adult
Thu 25/4

Best deals for bus tickets from Lisbon to Madrid

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With transfers
7h 29m
With transfers
7h 50m
With transfers
7h 28m
With transfers
8h 59m
With transfers
7h 30m
With transfers
7h 45m

Lisbon to Madrid bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Lisbon to Madrid

Return-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

8h 32m

Popular coach line

Bus tickets from Lisbon to Madrid found within the last 3 days start at £10 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £9. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Lisbon to Madrid is 8h 32m
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus and Union Ivkoni service this route

Lisbon Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Lisbon
Lisbon Caldas da Rainha Terminal RodoviárioLisbon, 39.40617, -9.133967
Lisbon SaldanhaLisbon, 38.7338, -9.14568
Lisbon Praça do ComércioLisbon, 38.7085, -9.13773
Lisbon AlamedaLisbon, 38.736732, -9.13258
Lisbon Campo GrandeLisbon, 38.760513, -9.158058
Lisbon Largo das OlariasLisbon, 38.71667, -9.13333

Madrid Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Madrid
Madrid ProsperidadMadrid, 40.44126, -3.670394
Madrid Universidad AutónomaMadrid, 40.546528, -3.6935918
Madrid BernabéuMadrid, 40.45199, -3.687508
Madrid Bravo MurilloMadrid, 40.46531, -3.695122
Madrid Maqueda-alucheMadrid, 40.38687, -3.760975
Madrid SomosaguasMadrid, 40.430862, -3.790883

Book round-trip bus tickets from Lisbon to Madrid

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Lisbon to Madrid that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
FlixBus, BlaBlaBus
26 May
21:50Lisbon Estação do Oriente
7h 50m
06:40Madrid Méndez Álvaro
29 May
15:30Madrid Méndez Álvaro
7h 30m
22:00Lisbon Estação do Oriente
Union Ivkoni, BlaBlaBus
13 May
09:45Lisbon Estação do Oriente
7h 30m
18:15Madrid Méndez Álvaro
17 May
12:30Madrid Méndez Álvaro
8h 00m
19:30Lisbon Estação do Oriente
Union Ivkoni, BlaBlaBus
13 May
09:45Lisbon Estação do Oriente
7h 30m
18:15Madrid Méndez Álvaro
17 May
12:30Madrid Méndez Álvaro
8h 00m
19:30Lisbon Estação do Oriente
Gipsyy, Union Ivkoni
8 May
23:15Lisbon Estação do Oriente
7h 29m
07:44Madrid Méndez Álvaro
10 May
12:30Madrid Méndez Álvaro
8h 00m
19:30Lisbon Estação do Oriente
Union Ivkoni, BlaBlaBus
14 May
09:45Lisbon Estação do Oriente
7h 30m
18:15Madrid Méndez Álvaro
17 May
12:30Madrid Méndez Álvaro
8h 00m
19:30Lisbon Estação do Oriente
Gipsyy, Union Ivkoni
1 May
09:55Lisbon Estação do Oriente
7h 45m
18:40Madrid Méndez Álvaro
3 May
12:30Madrid Méndez Álvaro
8h 00m
19:30Lisbon Estação do Oriente

Book one-way bus tickets from Lisbon to Madrid

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Lisbon to Madrid we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
28 May
23:15Lisbon Estação do Oriente
7h 29m
07:44Madrid Méndez Álvaro
3 May
12:35Lisbon Estação do Oriente
7h 50m
21:25Madrid Méndez Álvaro
8 May
23:15Lisbon Estação do Oriente
7h 28m
07:43Madrid Méndez Álvaro
2 Jun
13:15Lisbon Estação do Oriente
8h 59m
23:14Madrid Barajas
22 Jun
09:45Lisbon Estação do Oriente
7h 30m
18:15Madrid Méndez Álvaro
1 May
09:55Lisbon Estação do Oriente
7h 45m
18:40Madrid Méndez Álvaro

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Lisbon to Madrid

What amenities are offered on buses travelling from Lisbon to Madrid?

You can enjoy a range of facilities on board buses from Lisbon to Madrid, which makes this a great way to travel. On an Alsa bus to Madrid from Lisbon, which is the company that operates the most routes, you can enjoy air conditioning which will keep you cool for your journey. There are also toilets on board the buses, which is good as the journey is quite long. All seating is comfortable and you are provided with wi-fi and power outlets so you’ll remain connected throughout. You will also have access to a snack bar, should you run out of your own provisions. Entertainment is also provided on the back of each seat, so you will be kept occupied for the whole journey.

Is the bus ride from Lisbon to Madrid scenic?

When you get a bus from Lisbon to Madrid, you’ll be able to enjoy great scenery throughout the journey. Departing Lisbon on the Vasco da Gama Bridge, you’ll get a great view of the city. Then you’ll travel through the Portuguese countryside, passing through beautiful cities such as Evora and crossing the border to Spain close to the Moorish city of Badajoz, which has great architecture. After you’ve reached Merida, you’ll go north through the Sierra de San Pedro, which has lots of wildlife. You’ll head east at the Roman city of Caceres, which will take you towards Madrid, passing through scenic bodies of water such as Embalse de Valdecanas.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Lisbon to Madrid?

On an Alsa bus to Madrid from Lisbon you will be able to take quite a bit in terms of personal belongings. You get up to 110lbs free as this journey is an international route. You cannot pay for any extra luggage on Alsa buses from Lisbon to Madrid though. Your luggage must be labelled with your identity and address in case they get lost. You are unable to transport food in your bags due to health and safety reasons. If you want, you can take surfing and skiing equipment with you too for an additional supplement, however, bicycles cannot be taken on this route. In addition to your hold luggage, you will also be able to take an item of hand luggage with you on the bus.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Lisbon to Madrid?

When you get a bus ticket from Lisbon to Madrid, you need to make sure that you have all the correct documentation with you before you board the bus. Whilst e-tickets are preferred for environmental reasons, you will also get the option to print off your ticket should you prefer a physical version of the ticket. You will need to present the QR code of the ticket to the bus driver in order to get on board the bus. Whilst this journey travels to another country, due to both being part of the Schengen area, you will not need to present a passport on the trip. It is recommended, however, that you have a form of identification on you should you be asked for it along the way.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when travelling from Lisbon to Madrid?

All Lisbon to Madrid buses tend to depart from either Lisbon Sete Rios or Lisbon Humberto Delgado. Whilst those getting a bus to Madrid from Lisbon will arrive into either Madrid Mendez Alvaro, Madrid Barajas or Madrid Avenida de America. From popular attractions, such as Fonte Luminosa, you can get to Lisbon Humberto Delgado via the Vm metro line. Whilst the number 716 bus will take you to Sete Rios from the same attraction. From Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, you can get to Mendez Alvaro bus station on bus 102, Madrid Barajas on the C3 and 8 metro lines, or Avenida de America on the number 1 and 6 metro lines.

How much does a bus ticket from Lisbon Humberto Delgado to Madrid Barajas cost?

Search for bus tickets from Lisbon Humberto Delgado to Madrid Barajas for this week, starting at £11 one-way.

How long is the bus ride from Lisbon Humberto Delgado to Madrid Barajas?

The most time-efficient journey by bus from Lisbon Humberto Delgado to Madrid Barajas currently available is 7h 50m. For this route, you may experience slight differences in travel time depending on the bus you book. Look for nonstop options when searching if possible. Take the ALSA bus from Lisbon Humberto Delgado and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

Which bus companies operate between Lisbon Humberto Delgado to Madrid Barajas?

Some of the buses offering service from Lisbon Humberto Delgado to Madrid Barajas include FlixBus, BlaBlaBus, and Union Ivkoni. FlixBus, BlaBlaBus has recently been found to be the cheapest option available at £12 round-trip.

How far is Lisbon Humberto Delgado to Madrid Barajas by bus?

There’s 312.1 mi from Lisbon Humberto Delgado to Madrid Barajas. The distance via bus depends on which roads the driver takes - this can change mid-journey. The bus takes 7h 50m, normally.

More bus options to Madrid

Besides Lisbon there are other cities with transportation to Madrid. See below for more options.
Buses to Madrid from Paris
Fastest travel time16h 10m
Cheapest price£155

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