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30 Apr — 7 May1
1 adult
Tue 30/4

Liverpool to Birmingham bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Liverpool to Birmingham

Avg travel time

3h 00m
The average bus ride from Liverpool to Birmingham is 3h 00m

Liverpool Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Liverpool
Liverpool South ParkwayLiverpool, 53.357914, -2.889584
Liverpool Plattsville RoadLiverpool, 53.38887, -2.913669
Liverpool Fusion PresentsLiverpool, 53.38322, -2.93179
Liverpool John Moores UniversityLiverpool, 53.41245, -2.982499
Liverpool Lowbridge CourtLiverpool, 53.353752, -2.893824
Liverpool Blackwood AvenueLiverpool, 53.385162, -2.874559

Birmingham Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Birmingham
Birmingham Edgbaston StadiumBirmingham, 52.454975, -1.902295
Birmingham Yardley WoodBirmingham, 52.42148, -1.854396
Birmingham The HawthornsBirmingham, 52.505165, -1.96313
Birmingham Great BarrBirmingham, 52.547928, -1.935108
Birmingham Resorts WorldBirmingham, 52.447468, -1.718375
Birmingham Shirley Jacey RdBirmingham, 52.41464, -1.82853

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Liverpool to Birmingham

How many buses are there from Liverpool to Birmingham each day?

You can find a very regular timetable of daily departures for buses to Birmingham from Liverpool with a number of service providers. National Express usually offer up to three departures every hour in the morning and afternoon, while Megabus and Flixbus also run services up to three times a day. Buses from Liverpool to Birmingham run from very early in the morning until very late at night. Buses depart from as early as around 03:00 until as late as around 23:35. There are a number of direct buses from Liverpool to Birmingham each day, as well as connecting options that usually go via Manchester. Bear in mind that connecting options may be cheaper than direct buses, so make sure you compare Liverpool to Birmingham bus times if you can be flexible.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when travelling from Liverpool to Birmingham?

There are a number of departure points for buses to Birmingham from Liverpool. Most services depart from James Street, beside the train station of the same name. James Street is situated in the city centre and is easy to get to on foot or by public transport. Other coach services depart from Liverpool University, Liverpool Edge Lane Drive or Liverpool Botanic Garden. Check your point of departure before you book your ticket, as the bus stops are not all in the city centre. Buses to Birmingham usually arrive at Birmingham Coach Station. The bus station is located near the city centre and is a short walk from Birmingham New Street and Moor Street Train Station. If you need to travel beyond the city centre, you can take local buses directly from Birmingham Coach Station, or there’s a taxi rank outside the station.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Liverpool to Birmingham?

The allowed luggage for buses from Liverpool to Birmingham depends on your service provider. Most inter-city coaches are operated by National Express and Megabus. Before you buy bus tickets from Liverpool to Birmingham, make sure to check the luggage policy of your bus operator. National Express allows ticket holders to take one piece of hand luggage on board, as well as two medium or one large case up to 44 lbs each for storage in the hold. Megabus operates a similar policy: one piece of hand luggage, and the maximum weight of hold luggage must be no more than 44 lbs in total. Children’s buggies and pushchairs can be taken in addition to your luggage allowance, but they must be folded and stowed in the hold during travel. Adult bikes cannot be taken on buses to Birmingham from Liverpool, but folding bicycles are allowed to be stored in the hold.

What do I need before boarding a bus from Liverpool to Birmingham?

Once you book bus tickets from Liverpool to Birmingham, you should either print your ticket at home or download it as an e-ticket to keep on your smartphone. Some bus services may require a QR code to scan, while others, such as Megabus, may only need to see your booking reference number from your confirmation email. Make sure you read your booking confirmation carefully to know exactly what you’ll need. You may also wish to check if your service provider has an app, where you can safely store your tickets in one place for easy access. It is usually more cost effective to get your ticket in advance online. Bear in mind that Bristol bus tickets may be more expensive when bought on the day of travel.

What amenities are offered on buses travelling from Liverpool to Birmingham?

Buses from Liverpool to Birmingham are a comfortable and convenient way to travel between the two cities. When you book tickets, you can choose a standard seat or reserve one with extra legroom. Liverpool to Birmingham buses are usually equipped with basic Wi-Fi connectivity and charging points at each seat, so you can keep updated while you’re on the move. Coaches are air conditioned to provide optimal comfort, and there are toilet facilities provided. Buses from Liverpool to Birmingham are also accessible for passengers with reduced mobility. Wheelchair users are advised to contact their bus provider to book in advance, and they can request assistance with boarding if required. Wheelchair lifts can be deployed in both Liverpool and Birmingham.

How long is the bus ride from Liverpool J. Lennon to Birmingham?

The quickest bus available from Liverpool J. Lennon will take 2h 10m to arrive in Birmingham. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 50m, depending on whether your bus has stops or different departure times.

How far is Liverpool J. Lennon to Birmingham by bus?

There’s 78.5 mi from Liverpool J. Lennon to Birmingham. The distance via bus depends on which roads the driver takes - this can change mid-journey. Most buses from Liverpool J. Lennon going to Birmingham will get there in around 2h 10m - but this can get longer during peak traffic times.

More bus options to Birmingham

Besides Liverpool there are other cities with transportation to Birmingham. See below for more options.
Buses to Birmingham from London
Fastest travel time2h 20m
Cheapest price£10
Buses to Birmingham from Paris
Fastest travel time10h 40m
Cheapest price£72
Buses to Birmingham from Edinburgh
Fastest travel time8h 10m
Cheapest price£30
Buses to Birmingham from Glasgow
Fastest travel time7h 35m
Cheapest price£31
Buses to Birmingham from Manchester
Fastest travel time1h 35m
Cheapest price£16
Buses to Birmingham from Cardiff
Fastest travel time2h 10m
Cheapest price£30

Other popular bus routes from Liverpool

Change your mind about taking a bus to Birmingham? Below are other buses from Liverpool that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Liverpool to London
Fastest travel time4h 50m
Cheapest price£16
Buses from Liverpool to Paris
Fastest travel time16h 30m
Cheapest price£83
Buses from Liverpool to Edinburgh
Fastest travel time8h 40m
Cheapest price£22
Buses from Liverpool to Glasgow
Fastest travel time5h 05m
Cheapest price£40
Buses from Liverpool to Leeds
Fastest travel time1h 55m
Cheapest price£16
Buses from Liverpool to Manchester
Fastest travel time1h 15m
Cheapest price£10

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