
Find buses from Liverpool to Edinburgh

Search for cheap bus tickets from Liverpool to Edinburgh and book your trip in minutes.

1 May — 8 May1
1 adult
Wed 1/5

Best deals for bus tickets from Liverpool to Edinburgh

Find the right bus ticket for you
With transfers
11h 45m
National Express
With transfers
9h 17m
National Express
National Express
With transfers
9h 25m
National Express
With transfers
11h 45m
National Express, Megabus
With transfers
7h 25m
National Express, Megabus

Liverpool to Edinburgh bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Liverpool to Edinburgh

Return-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

10h 32m

Popular coach line

Bus tickets from Liverpool to Edinburgh found within the last 3 days start at £32 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £15. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Liverpool to Edinburgh is 10h 32m
FlixBus, National Express and Megabus service this route

Liverpool Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Liverpool
Liverpool South ParkwayLiverpool, 53.357914, -2.889584
Liverpool Plattsville RoadLiverpool, 53.38887, -2.913669
Liverpool Fusion PresentsLiverpool, 53.38322, -2.93179
Liverpool John Moores UniversityLiverpool, 53.41245, -2.982499
Liverpool Lowbridge CourtLiverpool, 53.353752, -2.893824
Liverpool Blackwood AvenueLiverpool, 53.385162, -2.874559

Edinburgh Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Edinburgh
Edinburgh BankheadEdinburgh, 55.9289, -3.29343
Edinburgh GatewayEdinburgh, 55.9405, -3.32175
Edinburgh Gyle CentreEdinburgh, 55.938, -3.31826
Edinburgh Orchard BraeEdinburgh, 55.956913, -3.224116
Edinburgh Drum Brae AvenueEdinburgh, 55.951283, -3.296371
Edinburgh Royal Highland CentreEdinburgh, 55.942917, -3.37043

Book round-trip bus tickets from Liverpool to Edinburgh

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Liverpool to Edinburgh that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
29 May
05:45Liverpool James Street, Merseyside
11h 45m
17:30Edinburgh Bus Station
30 May
06:35Edinburgh Bus Station
8h 35m
15:10Liverpool James Street, Merseyside
National Express
29 May
07:58Liverpool University of Liverpool
9h 17m
1 stop
17:15Edinburgh Bus Station
30 May
08:45Edinburgh Bus Station
9h 45m
1 stop
18:30Liverpool University of Liverpool
National Express
29 May
07:50Liverpool James Street, Merseyside
9h 25m
1 stop
17:15Edinburgh Bus Station
30 May
21:10Edinburgh Bus Station
13h 00m
1 stop
10:10Liverpool James Street, Merseyside

Book one-way bus tickets from Liverpool to Edinburgh

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Liverpool to Edinburgh we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
3 May
05:45Liverpool James Street, Merseyside
11h 45m
1 stop
17:30Edinburgh Bus Station
National Express
19 Jul
07:58Liverpool University of Liverpool
9h 17m
1 stop
17:15Edinburgh Bus Station
National Express
19 Jul
07:50Liverpool James Street, Merseyside
9h 25m
1 stop
17:15Edinburgh Bus Station
3 May
05:45Liverpool James Street, Merseyside
11h 45m
17:30Edinburgh Bus Station
National Express, Megabus
19 Jul
13:35Liverpool James Street, Merseyside
7h 25m
2 stops
21:00Edinburgh Bus Station

Choose the best way to get from Liverpool to Edinburgh


7h 25m
£15 one-way£32 return
Direct · from £321 stop · from £30

Distance to city centre

G270.3 mi


4h 33m
£50 one-way£154 return
1 stop · from £98

Distance to city centre

G270.3 mi

Find Trains

Liverpool to Edinburgh Trains


6h 30m
£65 one-way£98 return
1 stop · from £110

Distance to city centre

EDI6.8 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Liverpool to Edinburgh

How much does a bus ticket from Liverpool J. Lennon to Edinburgh Turnhouse cost?

For this week, you can purchase tickets from Liverpool J. Lennon to Edinburgh Turnhouse starting at £19 one-way. The cost of your ticket may vary depending on when you book, so we recommend you plan early. £20 is what you can expect to pay for a bus ride from Liverpool J. Lennon to Edinburgh Turnhouse one-way.

How long is the bus ride from Liverpool J. Lennon to Edinburgh Turnhouse?

The fastest journey time from Liverpool J. Lennon to Edinburgh Turnhouse is 8h 40m. For this route, you may experience slight differences in travel time depending on the bus you book. Look for nonstop options when searching if possible.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Liverpool J. Lennon to Edinburgh Turnhouse?

The cost of a bus from Liverpool J. Lennon to Edinburgh Turnhouse is about £20 one-way this week. Our data shows that prices are fairly stable throughout the next 3 months. You can book now to make sure your seat is secured.

Which bus companies operate between Liverpool J. Lennon to Edinburgh Turnhouse?

There are many buses travelling between Liverpool J. Lennon and Edinburgh Turnhouse. FlixBus, National Express, and Megabus are some of the available options. The cheapest option is offered by FlixBus, with prices starting at £40 round-trip.

How far is Liverpool J. Lennon to Edinburgh Turnhouse by bus?

A bus from Liverpool J. Lennon to Edinburgh Turnhouse will travel much more than the 175.8 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, which can change based on traffic, tolls and closures. In terms of time, 8h 40m by bus is reasonable for normal traffic levels.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Liverpool to Edinburgh?

A bus from Liverpool to Edinburgh is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a flight from Liverpool to Edinburgh starting at £98, or consider a train from Liverpool to Edinburgh starting at £154. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.

More bus options to Edinburgh

Besides Liverpool there are other cities with transportation to Edinburgh. See below for more options.
Buses to Edinburgh from Birmingham
Fastest travel time8h 00m
Cheapest price£30
Buses to Edinburgh from London
Fastest travel time8h 30m
Cheapest price£29
Buses to Edinburgh from Dundee
Fastest travel time1h 35m
Cheapest price£9
Buses to Edinburgh from Carlisle
Fastest travel time2h 50m
Cheapest price£94
Buses to Edinburgh from Paris
Fastest travel time20h 00m
Cheapest price£83

Other popular bus routes from Liverpool

Change your mind about taking a bus to Edinburgh? Below are other buses from Liverpool that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Liverpool to London
Fastest travel time4h 50m
Cheapest price£16
Buses from Liverpool to Birmingham
Fastest travel time2h 10m
Cheapest price£7
Buses from Liverpool to Paris
Fastest travel time16h 30m
Cheapest price£82
Buses from Liverpool to Glasgow
Fastest travel time5h 05m
Cheapest price£40
Buses from Liverpool to Leeds
Fastest travel time1h 55m
Cheapest price£16
Buses from Liverpool to Manchester
Fastest travel time1h 15m
Cheapest price£10

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