
Find trains from Avignon to Marseille

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30 Apr — 7 May1
1 adult
Tue 30/4

Best deals for train tickets from Avignon to Marseille

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With transfers
0h 42m
With transfers
0h 40m
With transfers
2h 20m
With transfers
1h 11m
With transfers
1h 16m
With transfers
3h 11m

Avignon to Marseille train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Avignon to Marseille




0h 36m


The best one-way train deal from Avignon to Marseille found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £11
Average time it takes to travel by train from Avignon to Marseille
There is 1 train company servicing this route: SNCF

Avignon Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Avignon
Avignon MontfavetAvignon, 43.9327, 4.8741
Avignon TGVAvignon, 43.9216, 4.78595
Avignon CentreAvignon, 43.941534, 4.805315

Marseille Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Marseille
Marseille Saint-Joseph-le-CastellasMarseille, 43.3519, 5.37707
Marseille Vitrolles Aéroport Marseille ProvenceMarseille, 43.4417, 5.23712
Marseille L'EstaqueMarseille, 43.363629830913396, 5.321327469052432
Marseille Picon BusserineMarseille, 43.330997, 5.3927455
Marseille La BarasseMarseille, 43.2844, 5.4822
Marseille Sainte MartheMarseille, 43.3392, 5.39056

Book one-way train tickets from Avignon to Marseille

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Avignon to Marseille we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
7 Aug
15:30Avignon Centre
0h 42m
16:12Marseille Saint-Charles
7 Aug
15:20Avignon TGV
0h 40m
16:00Marseille Saint-Charles
7 Aug
15:30Avignon Centre
2h 20m
1 stop
17:50Marseille Saint-Antoine
7 Aug
13:57Avignon Centre
1h 11m
15:08Marseille L'Estaque
7 Aug
07:54Avignon Centre
1h 16m
1 stop
09:10Marseille L'Estaque
7 Aug
10:55Avignon Centre
3h 11m
1 stop
14:06Marseille Arenc Euroméditerranée

FAQs for booking trains from Avignon to Marseille

How long is the train ride from Avignon-Caum to Marseille?

0h 36m is the fastest available option to arrive in Marseille from Avignon-Caum by train. Take the SNCF train from Avignon-Caum and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

How far is Avignon-Caum to Marseille by train?

The distance between Avignon-Caum and Marseille is about 53.0 mi in a straight line. The train route will be significantly longer to account for any stops and obstacles. Most trains from Avignon-Caum to Marseille will get there in 0h 36m.

Popular train routes to Marseille

Most frequently searched train routes to Marseille, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Marseille from Paris
Fastest travel time3h 07m
Cheapest price£43
Trains to Marseille from Toulon
Fastest travel time0h 44m
Cheapest price£177
Trains to Marseille from Lyon
Fastest travel time1h 35m
Cheapest price£80
Trains to Marseille from Lille
Fastest travel time4h 52m
Cheapest price£120
Trains to Marseille from Nice
Fastest travel time2h 43m
Cheapest price£61
Trains to Marseille from Barcelona
Fastest travel time4h 49m
Cheapest price£198
Trains to Marseille from Madrid
Fastest travel time8h 01m
Cheapest price£251
Trains to Marseille from Montpellier
Fastest travel time1h 36m
Cheapest price£22
Trains to Marseille from Toulouse
Fastest travel time3h 46m
Cheapest price£120

Other train routes from Avignon

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Avignon to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Avignon to Montpellier
Fastest travel time1h 16m
Cheapest price£78
Trains from Avignon to Paris
Fastest travel time2h 46m
Cheapest price£64

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