
Find trains from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

Search for cheap train tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne and book your trip in minutes.

1 May — 8 May1
1 adult
Wed 1/5

Best deals for train tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

Find the right train ticket for you
With transfers
3h 25m
With transfers
3h 25m
With transfers
2h 51m
With transfers
2h 51m
With transfers
2h 51m
With transfers
3h 25m

London to Newcastle upon Tyne train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from London to Newcastle upon Tyne






Lumo, AccesRail, LNER
The best return train deal from London to Newcastle upon Tyne found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £195
The best one-way train deal from London to Newcastle upon Tyne found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £51
There are 3 train companies servicing this route: Lumo, AccesRail, LNER

London Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in London
London Waterloo EastLondon, 51.504128, -0.108938
London Imperial WharfLondon, 51.47505, -0.182862
London PutneyLondon, 51.461098, -0.2161961
London Morden St. HelierLondon, 51.389526, -0.198866
London Surrey QuaysLondon, 51.49279, -0.04814
London Turnham GreenLondon, 51.49511, -0.254538

Newcastle upon Tyne Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne Sunderland Stadium of LightNewcastle upon Tyne, 54.918203, -1.383006
Newcastle upon Tyne Metrocentre, TandwNewcastle upon Tyne, 54.958397, -1.664211
Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle, TandwNewcastle upon Tyne, 54.96814, -1.615702
Newcastle upon Tyne Sunderland SeaburnNewcastle upon Tyne, 54.929301, -1.3864
Newcastle upon Tyne St James (Newcstle)Newcastle upon Tyne, 54.974113, -1.620771
Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle Central (Metro)Newcastle upon Tyne, 54.96847, -1.616824

Book return train tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
26 May
10:23London King's Cross
2h 51m
13:14Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
2 Jun
08:20Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
2h 47m
11:07London King's Cross
28 Jun
05:48London King's Cross
2h 51m
08:39Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
30 Jun
08:20Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
2h 47m
11:07London King's Cross
25 May
05:48London King's Cross
2h 50m
08:38Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
1 Jun
07:12Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
2h 47m
09:59London King's Cross
10 May
05:48London King's Cross
2h 51m
08:39Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
12 May
08:20Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
2h 43m
11:03London King's Cross
10 May
05:48London King's Cross
2h 51m
08:39Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
12 May
08:20Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
2h 43m
11:03London King's Cross
17 May
05:48London King's Cross
2h 51m
08:39Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
19 May
08:20Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
2h 43m
11:03London King's Cross

Book one-way train tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
17 May
06:15London King's Cross
3h 25m
09:40Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
19 Jul
06:15London King's Cross
3h 25m
09:40Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
30 May
05:48London King's Cross
2h 51m
08:39Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
13 May
05:48London King's Cross
2h 51m
08:39Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
1 May
05:48London King's Cross
2h 51m
08:39Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
4 May
06:15London King's Cross
3h 25m
09:40Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus

Choose the best way to get from London to Newcastle upon Tyne


5h 45m
£6 one-way£10 return
Direct · from £101 stop · from £19

Distance to city centre

MA30.4 mi


2h 48m
£41 one-way£156 return
Direct · from £1561 stop · from £120

Distance to city centre

D660.5 mi


1h 10m
£37 one-way£63 return
Direct · from £63

Distance to city centre

NCL5.4 mi

FAQs for booking trains from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

How much does a train ticket from London to Newcastle upon Tyne cost?

If you need a train from London to Newcastle upon Tyne for this week you can find options from £51 one-way. At £109 on average, one-way train tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne are best booked early to save more on your trip.

When should I purchase the train tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne?

The cost of booking a train from London to Newcastle upon Tyne is around £109 one-way. You can expect the price to be consistent throughout the next 3 months.

Which train companies operate between London to Newcastle upon Tyne?

Ride to your destination comfortably on Lumo, AccesRail, and LNER. Consider Lumo as it’s been found as the cheapest option to get from London to Newcastle upon Tyne starting at £195.

How far is London to Newcastle upon Tyne by train?

The distance between London and Newcastle upon Tyne is about 247.6 mi in a straight line. The train route will be significantly longer to account for any stops and obstacles.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from London to Newcastle upon Tyne?

Carbon emissions when taking the train out of London to Newcastle upon Tyne are around 57lb. The train has a smaller footprint by about 65% compared to flying this route (160lb). Taking a bus instead of a train would change your carbon footprint to about 36lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from London to Newcastle upon Tyne?

The quickest way to travel this route is to take a flight from London to Newcastle upon Tyne, doing so can potentially save up to 4h 35m of travel time. While these options may take longer, booking a train from London to Newcastle upon Tyne or a bus from London to Newcastle upon Tyne may suit your needs if travel time is less of a factor in your decision making.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from London to Newcastle upon Tyne?

Expect a bus to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a bus has deals available from £10. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a flight from London to Newcastle upon Tyne or a train from London to Newcastle upon Tyne can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.

Lumo trains from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

Our best Lumo deals on London to Newcastle upon Tyne train tickets
26 May
QQK10:23London King's Cross
2h 51m
D6613:14Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
2 Jun
D6608:20Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
2h 47m
QQK11:07London King's Cross
8 Jun
QQK05:48London King's Cross
2h 50m
D6608:38Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
9 Jun
D6608:20Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
2h 47m
QQK11:07London King's Cross

AccesRail trains from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

Our best AccesRail deals on London to Newcastle upon Tyne train tickets
8 Jun
QQK12:00London King's Cross
2h 52m
1 stop
NCL14:52Newcastle upon Tyne
9 Jun
NCL14:59Newcastle upon Tyne
2h 50m
1 stop
QQK17:49London King's Cross
9 Jun
QQK09:00London King's Cross
2h 47m
NCL11:47Newcastle upon Tyne
12 Jun
NCL10:00Newcastle upon Tyne
2h 48m
QQK12:48London King's Cross
29 Jun
QQK15:00London King's Cross
2h 52m
NCL17:52Newcastle upon Tyne
30 Jun
NCL11:58Newcastle upon Tyne
2h 47m
QQK14:45London King's Cross

Other train routes from London

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Fastest travel time0h 58m
Cheapest price£162

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