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30 Apr — 7 May1
1 adult
Tue 30/4

Best deals for train tickets from Madrid to Valencia

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With transfers
1h 54m
With transfers
1h 51m
With transfers
2h 04m
With transfers
2h 04m
With transfers
1h 54m
With transfers
2h 04m

Madrid to Valencia train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Madrid to Valencia






2h 00m


Renfe, iryo, SNCF
The best return train deal from Madrid to Valencia found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £15
The best one-way train deal from Madrid to Valencia found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £9
Average time it takes to travel by train from Madrid to Valencia
There are 3 train companies servicing this route: Renfe, iryo, SNCF

Madrid Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Madrid
Madrid RecoletosMadrid, 40.423361, -3.691
Madrid Nuevos MinisteriosMadrid, 40.44663, -3.692584
Madrid Talavera de la ReinaMadrid, 39.97072, -4.826672
Madrid Alcalá de HenaresMadrid, 40.48917, -3.366271
Madrid Príncipe PíoMadrid, 40.421516, -3.718968
Madrid Segovia Central StationMadrid, 40.934174, -4.113644

Valencia Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Valencia
Valencia CabanyalValencia, 39.469955, -0.334705
Valencia Sant IsidreValencia, 39.452625, -0.405917
Valencia GandiaValencia, 38.970254, -0.179952
Valencia Fuente San LuisValencia, 39.44145, -0.369933
Valencia Estació del NordValencia, 39.465065, -0.377433
Valencia Joaquín SorollaValencia, 39.460029, -0.381682

Book return train tickets from Madrid to Valencia

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets from Madrid to Valencia that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
28 Nov
06:30Madrid Chamartín
2h 04m
08:34Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
2 Dec
21:12Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
2h 06m
23:18Madrid Chamartín
30 Sept
06:30Madrid Chamartín
2h 04m
08:34Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
2 Oct
21:12Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
2h 06m
23:18Madrid Chamartín
4 Jun
12:30Madrid Chamartín
2h 04m
14:34Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
5 Jun
21:12Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
2h 06m
23:18Madrid Chamartín
8 May
14:45Madrid Chamartín
1h 54m
16:39Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
9 May
09:57Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
1h 56m
11:53Madrid Chamartín
8 Jul
06:30Madrid Chamartín
2h 04m
08:34Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
10 Jul
21:12Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
2h 06m
23:18Madrid Chamartín
7 May
14:45Madrid Chamartín
1h 54m
16:39Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
9 May
09:57Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
1h 56m
11:53Madrid Chamartín

Book one-way train tickets from Madrid to Valencia

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Madrid to Valencia we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
28 May
14:45Madrid Chamartín
1h 54m
16:39Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
3 Jun
18:45Madrid Chamartín
1h 51m
20:36Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
2 May
06:30Madrid Chamartín
2h 04m
08:34Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
13 May
06:30Madrid Chamartín
2h 04m
08:34Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
21 May
14:45Madrid Chamartín
1h 54m
16:39Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
10 May
06:30Madrid Chamartín
2h 04m
08:34Valencia Joaquín Sorolla

Choose the best way to get from Madrid to Valencia


1h 52m
£8 one-way£14 return
Direct · from £14

Distance to city centre

CI60.7 mi
27lb CO2

74% less than flights

Find Buses

Madrid to Valencia Buses


1h 51m
£7 one-way£12 return
Direct · from £12

Distance to city centre

4GS0.9 mi
42lb CO2

59% less than flights

Find Trains

Madrid to Valencia Trains


1h 00m
£30 one-way£51 return
Direct · from £511 stop · from £51

Distance to city centre

VLC5.6 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Madrid to Valencia

Is the train from Madrid to Valencia scenic?

The Madrid Puerta de Atocha Station as it is known in Spanish is the departure station for the start of your journey from Madrid to Valencia. The view allows you to watch the landscape change from a vast plateau of rich clay and red sand, with inviting hills dotted with dark green trees, to the sapphire blue lakes surrounding your approach in Valencia. During the journey, you will see the hills out of both sides of the coach for most of the journey, and when those hills start to be broken by sparkling blue lakes and streams, you will know you are about to reach your destination, Valencia Nord Station.

What services are available at Puerta de Atocha Station?

Puerta de Atocha Station was the first-ever train station built in Spain and is now the biggest and busiest train station in Spain. The station is also considered the most beautiful in Spain and boasts a garden in its centre that offers a natural haven to relax before your journey. One of the services this station offers for your convenience is secure short-term or long-term luggage storage facilities, just keep in mind this is not a free service, and you will be charged according to the time you wish to store your goods. If you are catching the rail from Madrid to Valencia, you can assign your seat before your departure date, and if you are travelling with someone, the seats will automatically be assigned together. Another great service that Puerta de Atocha station provides to travellers from Madrid to Valencia is access to the trained support staff that are available to assist travellers with disabilities that might need assistance before their trip. These caregivers will assist a passenger from the moment they arrive at the station, sorting out the correct transport and loading of luggage, getting on the train, and getting off on the other side. This service can be booked in advance by contacting the train station help line.

Do you need a passport to go to Valencia from Madrid by train?

When catching a train from Madrid to Valencia, citizens that are not EU nations will need a valid passport to make the journey from Madrid to Valencia. A valid passport means it is not due to expire for at least six months which includes the duration of your trip. Travellers with train tickets from Madrid to Valencia who are EU members are only required to have a valid ID document with them for the trip. Minors do need to have a parental permit to board the train.

How to get from the Valencia Nord Station to the Valencia city centre?

Once you have reached Valencia, you will experience the charming city saturated with art and culture true to the essence of Spain. At a place where the Turia River meets the Mediterranean Sea, you would have arrived at Valencia Nord Station. There are three ways of reaching the city centre Ciutat Vella - La Seu-Xerea from the train station. You can catch a bus directly from the train station as it is directly linked to the Valencia Metro. Buses leave the station frequently and tickets are cost-effective. The next option to make the short journey is by taxi. This is a good option for those on a tight schedule or those travelling with larger amounts of luggage. Alternatively, you might want to stretch your legs after your train ride and complete this leg of your journey on foot. There are some beautiful attractions to explore, such as the Plaza de Toros de Valencia and the architectural marvel of Estacio del Nord.

How much does a train ticket from Madrid Barajas to Valencia cost?

Using momondo to find train tickets from Madrid Barajas to Valencia, our users have found prices starting from £10 one-way for this week. The cost of your ticket may vary depending on when you book, so we recommend you plan early. £22 is what you can expect to pay for a train ride from Madrid Barajas to Valencia one-way.

How long is the train ride from Madrid Barajas to Valencia?

The most time-efficient journey by train from Madrid Barajas to Valencia currently available is 1h 49m. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 11m, depending on whether your train has stops or different departure times. Look into iryo, they have one of the quickest options available.

When should I purchase the train tickets from Madrid Barajas to Valencia?

The cost of booking a train from Madrid Barajas to Valencia is around £22 one-way. You can expect the price to be consistent throughout the next 3 months.

Which train companies operate between Madrid Barajas to Valencia?

Renfe, iryo, and SNCF are viable options. Check times and availability for Renfe, as it was recently the cheapest train available traveling from Madrid Barajas to Valencia from £15 round-trip.

How far is Madrid Barajas to Valencia by train?

The distance between Madrid Barajas and Valencia is about 187.6 mi in a straight line. The train route will be significantly longer to account for any stops and obstacles. Most trains from Madrid Barajas to Valencia will get there in 1h 49m.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Madrid Barajas to Valencia?

The carbon footprint of taking the train from Madrid Barajas to Valencia is about 42lb. The train has a smaller footprint by about 60% compared to flying this route (104lb). The carbon footprint by bus can vary, but is around 26lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Madrid to Valencia?

The quickest way to travel this route is to take a flight from Madrid to Valencia, doing so can potentially save up to 0h 54m of travel time. While these options may take longer, booking a train from Madrid to Valencia or a bus from Madrid to Valencia may suit your needs if travel time is less of a factor in your decision making.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Madrid to Valencia?

Taking a train to your destination is the cheapest option we’ve found in the past few days. The cheapest price we’ve found for this option is £12, making it less expensive than a flight from Madrid to Valencia and cheaper than a bus from Madrid to Valencia.

Renfe trains from Madrid to Valencia

Our best Renfe deals on Madrid to Valencia train tickets
28 Nov
XTI06:30Madrid Chamartín
2h 04m
4GS08:34Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
2 Dec
4GS21:12Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
2h 06m
XTI23:18Madrid Chamartín
8 Jul
XTI06:30Madrid Chamartín
2h 04m
4GS08:34Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
10 Jul
4GS21:12Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
2h 06m
XTI23:18Madrid Chamartín
18 Jun
XTI06:30Madrid Chamartín
2h 04m
4GS08:34Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
10 Jul
4GS21:12Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
2h 06m
XTI23:18Madrid Chamartín

iryo trains from Madrid to Valencia

Our best iryo deals on Madrid to Valencia train tickets
8 May
XTI14:45Madrid Chamartín
1h 54m
4GS16:39Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
9 May
4GS09:57Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
1h 56m
XTI11:53Madrid Chamartín
7 May
XTI14:45Madrid Chamartín
1h 54m
4GS16:39Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
9 May
4GS13:57Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
1h 56m
XTI15:53Madrid Chamartín
12 Jun
XTI14:45Madrid Chamartín
1h 54m
4GS16:39Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
13 Jun
4GS21:57Valencia Joaquín Sorolla
1h 56m
XTI23:53Madrid Chamartín

Popular train routes to Valencia

Most frequently searched train routes to Valencia, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Valencia from Alicante
Fastest travel time1h 43m
Cheapest price£23
Trains to Valencia from Barcelona
Fastest travel time3h 37m
Cheapest price£38
Trains to Valencia from Castellón de la Plana
Fastest travel time1h 13m
Cheapest price£55

Other train routes from Madrid

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Madrid to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Madrid to Barcelona
Fastest travel time2h 30m
Cheapest price£21
Trains from Madrid to Alicante
Fastest travel time2h 18m
Cheapest price£12
Trains from Madrid to Málaga
Fastest travel time2h 42m
Cheapest price£31
Trains from Madrid to Bilbao
Fastest travel time4h 32m
Cheapest price£56
Trains from Madrid to Seville
Fastest travel time2h 43m
Cheapest price£59
Trains from Madrid to Marseille
Fastest travel time8h 01m
Cheapest price£251

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