Find trains from Madrid to Málaga

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30 Apr — 7 May1
1 adult
Tue 30/4

Best deals for train tickets from Madrid to Málaga

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With transfers
3h 10m
With transfers
3h 10m
With transfers
2h 47m
With transfers
2h 47m
With transfers
2h 47m
With transfers
3h 10m

Madrid to Málaga train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Madrid to Málaga






2h 55m


Renfe, iryo
The best return train deal from Madrid to Málaga found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £37
The best one-way train deal from Madrid to Málaga found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £10
Average time it takes to travel by train from Madrid to Málaga
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: Renfe, iryo

Madrid Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Madrid
Madrid RecoletosMadrid, 40.423361, -3.691
Madrid Nuevos MinisteriosMadrid, 40.44663, -3.692584
Madrid Talavera de la ReinaMadrid, 39.97072, -4.826672
Madrid Alcalá de HenaresMadrid, 40.48917, -3.366271
Madrid Príncipe PíoMadrid, 40.421516, -3.718968
Madrid Segovia Central StationMadrid, 40.934174, -4.113644

Málaga Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Málaga
Málaga Antequera Santa AnaMálaga, 37.06985, -4.719039
Málaga Antequera CiudadMálaga, 37.028163, -4.560913
Málaga AndújarMálaga, 38.028257, -4.065973
Málaga María ZambranoMálaga, 36.71139, -4.4327774

Book return train tickets from Madrid to Málaga

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets from Madrid to Málaga that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
21 Sept
17:37Madrid Atocha
3h 10m
20:47Málaga María Zambrano
28 Sept
10:48Málaga María Zambrano
3h 15m
14:03Madrid Atocha
5 Dec
07:55Madrid Atocha
2h 47m
10:42Málaga Estación de Autobuses
7 Dec
20:30Málaga Estación de Autobuses
2h 49m
23:19Madrid Atocha
4 Jun
20:55Madrid Atocha
2h 47m
23:42Málaga Estación de Autobuses
5 Jun
20:30Málaga Estación de Autobuses
2h 49m
23:19Madrid Atocha
13 May
20:55Madrid Atocha
2h 47m
23:42Málaga Estación de Autobuses
16 May
20:30Málaga Estación de Autobuses
2h 49m
23:19Madrid Atocha
1 Jun
20:55Madrid Atocha
2h 47m
23:42Málaga Estación de Autobuses
14 Jun
20:30Málaga Estación de Autobuses
2h 49m
23:19Madrid Atocha
14 May
09:10Madrid Atocha
2h 48m
11:58Málaga Estación de Autobuses
14 May
20:30Málaga Estación de Autobuses
2h 49m
23:19Madrid Atocha

Book one-way train tickets from Madrid to Málaga

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Madrid to Málaga we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
28 Sept
17:37Madrid Atocha
3h 10m
20:47Málaga María Zambrano
28 Sept
17:37Madrid Atocha
3h 10m
20:47Málaga María Zambrano
7 Nov
15:07Madrid Atocha
2h 47m
17:54Málaga Estación de Autobuses
18 Oct
07:55Madrid Atocha
2h 47m
10:42Málaga Estación de Autobuses
18 Oct
07:55Madrid Atocha
2h 47m
10:42Málaga Estación de Autobuses
3 Oct
17:37Madrid Atocha
3h 10m
20:47Málaga María Zambrano

Choose the best way to get from Madrid to Málaga


2h 47m
£16 one-way£29 return
Direct · from £29

Distance to city centre

47I0.0 mi
38lb CO2

71% less than flights

Find Buses

Madrid to Málaga Buses


2h 42m
£8 one-way£30 return
Direct · from £30

Distance to city centre

UQ10.9 mi
YJM0.9 mi
61lb CO2

55% less than flights

Find Trains

Madrid to Málaga Trains


1h 15m
£22 one-way£127 return
Direct · from £1271 stop · from £152

Distance to city centre

AGP5.2 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Madrid to Málaga

How long is the train ride from Madrid Barajas to Malaga?

It takes 2h 42m to get from Madrid Barajas to Malaga by train. Travel time can vary by 0h 13m, so prioritise direct options for the quickest arrival. Take the Renfe train from Madrid Barajas and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

Which train companies operate between Madrid Barajas to Malaga?

The trains offering service from Madrid Barajas to Malaga Renfe and iryo. Renfe has been found as the cheapest option available at £37 return.

How far is Madrid Barajas to Malaga by train?

The straight-line distance from Madrid Barajas to Malaga is 258.1 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken. The train usually takes 2h 42m in normal conditions.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Madrid Barajas to Malaga?

Taking a train to Malaga from Madrid Barajas has a carbon footprint of 60lb, on average. Flying this journey instead would increase your carbon footprint to around 134lb. This journey by bus would lower emissions to around 38lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Madrid to Málaga?

At 1h 15m, choosing to opt for a flight from Madrid to Málaga for this trip as opposed to a train from Madrid to Málaga or a bus from Madrid to Málaga can save you time on travel.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Madrid to Málaga?

A bus from Madrid to Málaga from £29 can save you up to 77% on the cost of your trip compared to booking a flight from Madrid to Málaga or a train from Madrid to Málaga.

Renfe trains from Madrid to Málaga

Our best Renfe deals on Madrid to Málaga train tickets
21 Sept
XOC17:37Madrid Atocha
3h 10m
YJM20:47Málaga María Zambrano
28 Sept
YJM10:48Málaga María Zambrano
3h 15m
XOC14:03Madrid Atocha
14 May
XOC07:25Madrid Atocha
3h 02m
YJM10:27Málaga María Zambrano
16 May
YJM20:00Málaga María Zambrano
3h 08m
XOC23:08Madrid Atocha
30 May
XOC07:25Madrid Atocha
3h 02m
YJM10:27Málaga María Zambrano
3 Jun
YJM20:00Málaga María Zambrano
3h 08m
XOC23:08Madrid Atocha

iryo trains from Madrid to Málaga

Our best iryo deals on Madrid to Málaga train tickets
5 Dec
XOC07:55Madrid Atocha
2h 47m
UQ110:42Málaga Estación de Autobuses
7 Dec
UQ120:30Málaga Estación de Autobuses
2h 49m
XOC23:19Madrid Atocha
4 Jun
XOC20:55Madrid Atocha
2h 47m
UQ123:42Málaga Estación de Autobuses
5 Jun
UQ120:30Málaga Estación de Autobuses
2h 49m
XOC23:19Madrid Atocha
13 May
XOC20:55Madrid Atocha
2h 47m
UQ123:42Málaga Estación de Autobuses
15 May
UQ120:30Málaga Estación de Autobuses
2h 49m
XOC23:19Madrid Atocha

Popular train routes to Málaga

Most frequently searched train routes to Málaga, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Málaga from Barcelona
Fastest travel time5h 56m
Cheapest price£189

Other train routes from Madrid

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Madrid to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Madrid to Barcelona
Fastest travel time2h 30m
Cheapest price£21
Trains from Madrid to Alicante
Fastest travel time2h 18m
Cheapest price£12
Trains from Madrid to Valencia
Fastest travel time1h 49m
Cheapest price£15
Trains from Madrid to Bilbao
Fastest travel time4h 32m
Cheapest price£56
Trains from Madrid to Seville
Fastest travel time2h 43m
Cheapest price£59
Trains from Madrid to Marseille
Fastest travel time8h 01m
Cheapest price£251

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