
Find trains from Madrid to Seville

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3 May — 10 May1
1 adult
Fri 3/5

Best deals for train tickets from Madrid to Seville

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With transfers
2h 56m
With transfers
2h 56m
With transfers
2h 56m
With transfers
2h 56m
With transfers
2h 56m
With transfers
2h 56m

Madrid to Seville train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Madrid to Seville






2h 43m


Renfe, iryo
The best return train deal from Madrid to Seville found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £18
The best one-way train deal from Madrid to Seville found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £17
Average time it takes to travel by train from Madrid to Seville
There are 2 train companies servicing this route: Renfe, iryo

Madrid Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Madrid
Madrid RecoletosMadrid, 40.423361, -3.691
Madrid Nuevos MinisteriosMadrid, 40.44663, -3.692584
Madrid Talavera de la ReinaMadrid, 39.97072, -4.826672
Madrid Alcalá de HenaresMadrid, 40.48917, -3.366271
Madrid Príncipe PíoMadrid, 40.421516, -3.718968
Madrid Segovia Central StationMadrid, 40.934174, -4.113644

Seville Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Seville
Seville San BernardoSeville, 37.377712, -5.979643
Seville Virgen del RocíoSeville, 37.362881, -5.97595
Seville BellavistaSeville, 37.321468, -5.964338
Seville Santa JustaSeville, 37.3918677862281, -5.975363290492593

Book return train tickets from Madrid to Seville

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets from Madrid to Seville that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
19 Nov
21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
00:06Seville Santa Justa
23 Nov
05:50Seville Santa Justa
3h 02m
08:52Madrid Atocha
17 Sept
21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
00:06Seville Santa Justa
24 Sept
05:50Seville Santa Justa
3h 02m
08:52Madrid Atocha
26 Oct
21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
00:06Seville Santa Justa
30 Oct
05:50Seville Santa Justa
3h 02m
08:52Madrid Atocha
7 Sept
21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
00:06Seville Santa Justa
8 Sept
05:50Seville Santa Justa
3h 02m
08:52Madrid Atocha
13 Sept
07:00Madrid Atocha
2h 52m
09:52Seville Santa Justa
15 Sept
05:50Seville Santa Justa
3h 02m
08:52Madrid Atocha
13 Sept
07:00Madrid Atocha
2h 52m
09:52Seville Santa Justa
15 Sept
05:50Seville Santa Justa
3h 02m
08:52Madrid Atocha

Book one-way train tickets from Madrid to Seville

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Madrid to Seville we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
6 Aug
21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
00:06Seville Santa Justa
19 Aug
21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
00:06Seville Santa Justa
19 Jun
21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
00:06Seville Santa Justa
3 Jun
21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
00:06Seville Santa Justa
17 Jun
21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
00:06Seville Santa Justa
2 Sept
21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
00:06Seville Santa Justa

Choose the best way to get from Madrid to Seville


2h 42m
£14 one-way£19 return
Direct · from £19

Distance to city centre

EVI1.0 mi
35lb CO2

72% less than flights

Find Buses

Madrid to Seville Buses


2h 33m
£8 one-way£14 return
Direct · from £14

Distance to city centre

XQA0.7 mi
56lb CO2

56% less than flights

Find Trains

Madrid to Seville Trains


1h 05m
£22 one-way£45 return
Direct · from £45

Distance to city centre

SVQ5.6 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Madrid to Seville

Do Renfe trains from Madrid to Seville have Wi-Fi?

All long-distance Renfe trains from Madrid to Seville provide passengers with complimentary Wi-Fi. The network is called PlayRenfe and it not only gives you Wi-Fi, but also a suite of entertainment options that include live sport coverage, popular films, and TV series. To use the PlayRenfe Wi-Fi system, you must download the app (if you’re using a phone) or click on the Wi-Fi network (if you’re on a laptop). After that, a registration screen will come up where you can select a language and then enter details related to your username or +Renfe card. Minors may use the Wi-Fi system as long as they have permission from a parent or legal guardian. Alongside free Wi-Fi, trains from Madrid to Seville also offer other amenities. This includes a cafe with snacks, salads, sandwiches, and drinks. For those with Premium train tickets, there is a free catering service that brings meals to your seat.

What luggage is allowed on Madrid to Seville trains?

Renfe allows passengers to take up to three bags on their Madrid to Seville trains. The total weight of the three pieces of luggage can’t weigh more than 55 lbs. Typical luggage items include handbags, backpacks, laptops, and suitcases. Baby seats and strollers should be folded up if possible. The size requirements of the three pieces of luggage is that they don’t exceed 114 inches in total. On a height-width-depth measurement that means 33 x 21 x 13 in. For special items like musical instruments carried in cases, the case can be up to 11 x 47 x 15 in total. If you’re travelling with a bicycle or a scooter, it should be folded up, placed inside a cover, and not exceed 70 in when measured by height-width-depth. Firearms and other dangerous items may be allowed if they’re carried by authorized personnel and properly secured. They also offer a Door-to-Door Luggage service that can pick up your luggage and drop it off at a prearranged location within one to three days.

What train stations are used when travelling from Madrid to Seville?

Passengers on trains to Seville from Madrid may choose from a few train stations. In Madrid, the main train station is known as Puerta de Atocha and it’s located near downtown Madrid. This handles most long-distance travel, especially to destinations south of Madrid like Seville. However, if you find yourself close to the Chamartin train station, then it’s simple to find a connecting ride to Puerta de Atocha train station. Both the heavy rail line and Metro provide frequent connections between both train stations. Local rail lines C3, C4, C7, and C10 make the trip in around 18 minutes. Alternatively, Metro Line 1 (the blue line) makes the trip in around 30 minutes. Once leaving Madrid, nearly all Madrid to Seville trains will arrive at Seville Santa Justa Station, which is located near downtown Seville.

Are pets allowed on the train from Madrid to Seville?

Yes, pets are allowed. Renfe, the company that provides nearly all trains to Seville from Madrid allow pets on their long distance train lines. However, the pet must be a small pet (e.g., cats, dogs, ferrets, birds) that doesn’t weigh more than 22 lbs. The pet must be safely secured inside a carrier case for the duration of the trip. The case can be up to 23 x 13 x 13 inches in total when measured by height-width-depth. A maximum of one pet is allowed per traveler, and that pet must have its own pet ticket. If you have a Premium Ticket, then the pet ticket is free. Otherwise, the Elige (or Pick & Mix) tickets cost around $11 additionally for a pet ticket. Basic tickets cost around $23 extra for a pet ticket. That being said, any guide dogs or assistance animals may travel for free.

How long is the train ride from Madrid Barajas to Sevilla?

The fastest journey time from Madrid Barajas to Sevilla is 2h 43m. Take the Renfe train from Madrid Barajas and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

Which train companies operate between Madrid Barajas to Sevilla?

You can find train tickets for Renfe and iryo which service this route currently. Renfe is the cheapest option recently available with prices starting at £18 for a return ticket.

How far is Madrid Barajas to Sevilla by train?

While Sevilla is 242.4 mi away from Madrid Barajas, the distance by train is longer depending on the route. In terms of time, a normal route is around 2h 43m.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Madrid Barajas to Sevilla?

Taking a train to Sevilla from Madrid Barajas has a carbon footprint of 56lb, on average. This is 56% less than taking an airplane for this journey (128lb). A bus for this journey would also have lower emissions than flying, with a carbon footprint of around 35lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Madrid to Seville?

At 1h 05m, choosing to opt for a flight from Madrid to Seville for this trip as opposed to a train from Madrid to Seville or a bus from Madrid to Seville can save you time on travel.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Madrid to Seville?

Taking a train to your destination is the cheapest option we’ve found in the past few days. The cheapest price we’ve found for this option is £14, making it less expensive than a flight from Madrid to Seville and cheaper than a bus from Madrid to Seville.

Renfe trains from Madrid to Seville

Our best Renfe deals on Madrid to Seville train tickets
19 Nov
XOC21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
XQA00:06Seville Santa Justa
23 Nov
XQA05:50Seville Santa Justa
3h 02m
XOC08:52Madrid Atocha
17 Sept
XOC21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
XQA00:06Seville Santa Justa
24 Sept
XQA05:50Seville Santa Justa
3h 02m
XOC08:52Madrid Atocha
26 Oct
XOC21:10Madrid Atocha
2h 56m
XQA00:06Seville Santa Justa
30 Oct
XQA05:50Seville Santa Justa
3h 02m
XOC08:52Madrid Atocha

iryo trains from Madrid to Seville

Our best iryo deals on Madrid to Seville train tickets
28 May
XOC06:50Madrid Atocha
2h 42m
XQA09:32Seville Santa Justa
4 Jun
XQA20:57Seville Santa Justa
2h 42m
XOC23:39Madrid Atocha
28 May
XOC06:50Madrid Atocha
2h 42m
XQA09:32Seville Santa Justa
29 May
XQA20:57Seville Santa Justa
2h 42m
XOC23:39Madrid Atocha
16 Aug
XOC13:52Madrid Atocha
2h 42m
XQA16:34Seville Santa Justa
23 Aug
XQA20:57Seville Santa Justa
2h 42m
XOC23:39Madrid Atocha

Other train routes from Madrid

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Madrid to other popular destinations on momondo
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Fastest travel time2h 30m
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Fastest travel time2h 18m
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Fastest travel time1h 49m
Cheapest price£13
Trains from Madrid to Málaga
Fastest travel time2h 42m
Cheapest price£30
Trains from Madrid to Bilbao
Fastest travel time4h 32m
Cheapest price£56
Trains from Madrid to Marseille
Fastest travel time8h 01m
Cheapest price£250

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