Find buses from Manchester to Leeds

Search for cheap bus tickets from Manchester to Leeds and book your trip in minutes.

29 Apr — 6 May1
1 adult
Mon 29/4

Best deals for bus tickets from Manchester to Leeds

Find the right bus ticket for you
National Express
With transfers
1h 45m
National Express
With transfers
1h 30m
With transfers
2h 15m
With transfers
2h 10m
With transfers
1h 20m
With transfers
3h 33m

Manchester to Leeds bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Manchester to Leeds

Return-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

1h 02m

Popular coach line

National Express
Bus tickets from Manchester to Leeds found within the last 3 days start at £7 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £6. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Manchester to Leeds is 1h 02m
National Express and Megabus service this route

Manchester Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Manchester
Manchester Salford for QuaysManchester, 53.477814, -2.275994
Manchester Oldham RoadManchester, 53.49521, -2.21205
Manchester Old Trafford StadiumManchester, 53.463142, -2.293427
Manchester Wythenshawe InterchangeManchester, 53.38026, -2.26428
Manchester Three ArrowsManchester, 53.538025, -2.240151
Manchester Princess RoadManchester, 53.441856, -2.24409

Leeds Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Leeds
Leeds Rawdon Cross RoadsLeeds, 53.852253, -1.684098
Leeds HeadingleyLeeds, 53.829903, -1.585725
Leeds MoortownLeeds, 53.852325, -1.532884
Leeds Terry Lug FarmLeeds, 53.87397, -1.39025
Leeds UniversityLeeds, 53.808117, -1.55231
Leeds Kirkstall LightsLeeds, 53.81657, -1.602348

Book round-trip bus tickets from Manchester to Leeds

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Manchester to Leeds that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
National Express
29 Apr
06:55Manchester Bus Station
1h 25m
08:20Leeds Bus Station
22 May
20:20Leeds Bus Station
1h 10m
21:30Manchester Bus Station
National Express
23 May
19:40Manchester Oldham Road
1h 25m
21:05Leeds Bus Station
24 May
17:45Leeds Bus Station
1h 23m
19:08Manchester Oldham Road
National Express
23 May
07:40Manchester Bus Station
1h 25m
09:05Leeds Bus Station
24 May
09:30Leeds Bus Station
1h 40m
11:10Manchester Bus Station
National Express
23 May
07:40Manchester Bus Station
1h 25m
09:05Leeds Bus Station
30 May
10:20Leeds Bus Station
1h 30m
11:50Manchester Bus Station
National Express
23 May
11:22Manchester Oldham Road
1h 33m
12:55Leeds Bus Station
30 May
23:15Leeds Bus Station
1h 18m
00:33Manchester Oldham Road
22 May
01:00Manchester Shudehill Interchange
1h 30m
02:30Thorner York St
23 May
02:00Thorner York St
1h 20m
03:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange

Book one-way bus tickets from Manchester to Leeds

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Manchester to Leeds we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
National Express
11 May
08:25Manchester Bus Station
1h 45m
10:10Leeds Bus Station
10 May
01:00Manchester Shudehill Interchange
1h 30m
02:30Leeds Bus Station
11 May
2h 15m
14:40Leeds Bus Station
10 May
2h 10m
02:30Leeds Bus Station
11 May
09:40Manchester Shudehill Interchange
1h 20m
11:00Leeds Bus Station
11 May
3h 33m
1 stop

Choose the best way to get from Manchester to Leeds


1h 00m
£6 one-way£7 return
Direct · from £7

Distance to city centre

ZLZ0.6 mi
10lb CO2

87% less than flights

Find Buses

Manchester to Leeds Buses


1h 04m
£10 one-way£21 return
Direct · from £211 stop · from £21

Distance to city centre

ZFC0.2 mi
ZLZ0.6 mi
15lb CO2

80% less than flights

Find Trains

Manchester to Leeds Trains


13h 05m
£60 one-way£124 return
1 stop · from £252

Distance to city centre

LBA6.5 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Manchester to Leeds

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when travelling from Manchester to Leeds?

When you catch the bus from Manchester to Leeds, you can depart from a few Manchester-based bus stations, but your primary two choices will be Manchester Bus Station or Manchester Moston Station. Manchester Bus Station is based on Chorlton Street, in the centre of the city, and is easy to reach with public transportation. It is a primary transportation hub and the more popular of the two. There are also bus tickets available from Manchester Moston Lane Bus Station. You can take the line 112 night bus from Piccadilly Station and reach Moston Lane in no time. When you arrive in Leeds, you will make use of Leeds Bus Station. It is based in Quarry Hill and is the full-service bus station that serves the Leeds area.

What amenities are offered on buses travelling from Manchester to Leeds?

When you buy bus tickets from Manchester to Leeds, you will find two primary choices of bus company to assist you with your trip. National Express offers more trips by bus to Leeds from Manchester and is equipped to offer you a comfortable journey. Megabus also provides tickets for this route and is equally adept at offering a professional long-distance service. Both companies offer comfy seats with lots of legroom, to stretch out or recline for sleep. You will find personalised air-conditioning pods at your seat and a charger point to keep all devices powered up. Both bus companies offer free Wifi, clean restrooms and an onboard, paid snack service.

What will you need before you board the bus from Manchester to Leeds?

On local bus journeys, you will be allowed to travel on the bus without showing your passport. Bring photographic identification along, as well as either a digital or printed version of your ticket. There is no border control between Manchester and Leeds, and due to the journey not having any stops, you should only have to show your ticket once. As it is a long-distance trip, consider eating beforehand or stocking up on snacks at the bus station before you depart. Alternatively, you will be able to get certain snacks on board with the paid for service. A pillow, E-book, headphones and warm jacket are suggested, particularly if you are travelling at night.

Can I bring a pet onto the bus with me from Manchester to Leeds?

If you require a service animal to accompany you on the bus from Manchester to Leeds, you’re in luck, as both bus companies have a friendly tolerance towards these helpful animals. Ensure you have the animal’s paperwork up to date, with a history of their inoculations, and that they are wearing a harness that stipulates their name and duty. They may be required to wear a muzzle, at the discretion of the driver, for the comfort and reassurance of fellow passengers. If you wish to take a domestic pet on the bus from Manchester to Leeds, you can do so with Megabus. Keep your small pet in a waterproof cage by your feet. Unfortunately, National Express does not carry domestic pets in transit.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from Manchester to Leeds?

The bus from Manchester to Leeds will offer the same luggage allowance whether you travel with National Express or Megabus. You will be allowed either one large suitcase or two small suitcases that can weigh up to 44 lb, combined; they will be kept in the luggage hold. On the bus, you can take a further piece of hand-held luggage, which must be able to fit on the rack above your seat. This includes handbags and laptop bags. If you wish to purchase more luggage space, you can do so by contacting the bus company beforehand. Only one additional piece of luggage per customer is allowed.

How much does a bus ticket from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford cost?

You can purchase a ticket from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford within the week and expect to pay £7 or more one-way. How much you’ll pay for a bus on average this month is £17 one-way. Keep in mind that the ticket price is generally dependent on when you book, the desired route, and class.

How long is the bus ride from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford?

The fastest journey time from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford is 1h 00m. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 02m, depending on whether your bus has stops or different departure times. Look into National Express, they have one of the quickest options available.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford?

Bus ticket prices from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford are the same no matter when you choose to book them. Prices are £17 one-way this week and should remain stable for at least the next 3 months.

Which bus companies operate between Manchester to Leeds/Bradford?

Some of the buses offering service from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford are National Express and Megabus. National Express has recently been found to be the cheapest option available at £9 round-trip.

How far is Manchester to Leeds/Bradford by bus?

While Leeds/Bradford is 35.7 mi from Manchester, the distance by bus is longer and depends on the route taken. The bus usually takes 1h 00m in normal traffic conditions.

What is the carbon footprint of a bus from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford?

The carbon footprint of getting a bus from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford is about 9lb. This is around 89% less than taking a plane (74lb). By train, carbon emissions are around 15lb.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Manchester to Leeds?

At 1h 01m, choosing to opt for a bus from Manchester to Leeds for this trip as opposed to a flight from Manchester to Leeds or a train from Manchester to Leeds can save you time on travel.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Manchester to Leeds?

Planning to book a bus from Manchester to Leeds can be a safe bet when looking for a low-cost deal to your destination. Currently, a flight and a train are priced higher than the cost of a bus. You can search prices for a flight from Manchester starting at £124 to Leeds or a train from Manchester to Leeds starting at £21 if that is your preferred method of transportation.

National Express buses from Manchester to Leeds

Our best National Express deals on Manchester to Leeds bus tickets
National Express
29 Apr
ZMP06:55Manchester Bus Station
1h 25m
ZLZ08:20Leeds Bus Station
22 May
ZLZ20:20Leeds Bus Station
1h 10m
ZMP21:30Manchester Bus Station
National Express
23 May
ZMP07:40Manchester Bus Station
1h 25m
ZLZ09:05Leeds Bus Station
29 May
ZLZ02:00Leeds Bus Station
1h 25m
ZMP03:25Manchester Bus Station
National Express
8 Jun
ZMP15:50Manchester Bus Station
1h 45m
ZLZ17:35Leeds Bus Station
9 Jun
ZLZ20:30Leeds Bus Station
1h 40m
ZMP22:10Manchester Bus Station

Megabus buses from Manchester to Leeds

Our best Megabus deals on Manchester to Leeds bus tickets
22 May
GB314125901:00Manchester Shudehill Interchange
1h 30m
GB314602502:30Thorner York St
23 May
GB314602502:00Thorner York St
1h 20m
GB314125903:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange
22 May
2h 10m
ZLZ02:30Leeds Bus Station
30 May
ZLZ19:00Leeds Bus Station
2h 05m
8 Jun
GB314125915:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange
1h 30m
ZLZ16:50Leeds Bus Station
15 Jun
ZLZ02:00Leeds Bus Station
1h 20m
GB314125903:20Manchester Shudehill Interchange

More bus options to Leeds

Besides Manchester there are other cities with transportation to Leeds. See below for more options.
Buses to Leeds from Glasgow
Fastest travel time5h 50m
Cheapest price£32
Buses to Leeds from London
Fastest travel time4h 10m
Cheapest price£15
Buses to Leeds from Liverpool
Fastest travel time1h 55m
Cheapest price£16
Buses to Leeds from Oxford
Fastest travel time5h 20m
Cheapest price£29

Other popular bus routes from Manchester

Change your mind about taking a bus to Leeds? Below are other buses from Manchester that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Manchester to Glasgow
Fastest travel time3h 55m
Cheapest price£19
Buses from Manchester to London
Fastest travel time4h 05m
Cheapest price£18
Buses from Manchester to Cardiff
Fastest travel time3h 50m
Cheapest price£25
Buses from Manchester to Birmingham
Fastest travel time1h 35m
Cheapest price£16
Buses from Manchester to Oxford
Fastest travel time4h 00m
Cheapest price£27
Buses from Manchester to Liverpool
Fastest travel time1h 10m
Cheapest price£10

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