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30 Apr — 7 May1
1 adult
Tue 30/4

Best deals for train tickets from Manchester to Leeds

Find the right train ticket for you
Transpennine Express
With transfers
1h 12m
Transpennine Express
Transpennine Express
With transfers
1h 48m
Transpennine Express
Transpennine Express
With transfers
1h 04m
Transpennine Express
With transfers
8h 18m
With transfers
8h 37m

Manchester to Leeds train information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and train companies that offer trains from Manchester to Leeds






1h 10m


Transpennine Express, AccesRail, Northern Rail
The best return train deal from Manchester to Leeds found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £36
The best one-way train deal from Manchester to Leeds found on momondo in the last 72 hours is £12
Average time it takes to travel by train from Manchester to Leeds
There are 3 train companies servicing this route: Transpennine Express, AccesRail, Northern Rail

Manchester Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Manchester
Manchester Stockton-on-TeesManchester, 54.569862, -1.318083
Manchester CliftonManchester, 53.522491, -2.31474
Manchester RadcliffeManchester, 53.562197, -2.321509
Dukinfield Fairfield, ManchesterManchester, 53.471195, -2.143135
Manchester Peel HallManchester, 53.373714, -2.250418
Manchester Sale Water Park MetrolinkManchester, 53.427776, -2.290176

Leeds Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Leeds
Leeds CastlefordLeeds, 53.72393, -1.352792
Leeds BaildonLeeds, 53.850245, -1.753642
Leeds Burley ParkLeeds, 53.812037, -1.577749
Leeds CottingleyLeeds, 53.767786, -1.58771
Leeds Cross GatesLeeds, 53.80493, -1.451591
Leeds East GarforthLeeds, 53.791971, -1.370508

Book return train tickets from Manchester to Leeds

Below are the quickest and cheapest return train tickets from Manchester to Leeds that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Transpennine Express
23 May
00:53Manchester Piccadilly
1h 31m
30 May
1h 12m
04:29Manchester Piccadilly
Transpennine Express
24 May
04:22Manchester Piccadilly
1h 28m
30 May
1h 05m
01:17Manchester Piccadilly
Transpennine Express
23 May
00:06Manchester Shudehill Interchange
1h 29m
30 May
1h 00m
01:06Manchester Shudehill Interchange
24 May
1h 45m
1 stop
22:10Leeds Bus Station
31 May
22:15Leeds Bus Station
1h 40m
1 stop
24 May
1h 45m
1 stop
15:05Bradford Bradford Interchange
30 May
02:26Bradford Bradford Interchange
1h 24m
24 May
1h 40m
1 stop
20:35Bradford Bradford Interchange
31 May
12:46Bradford Bradford Interchange
1h 44m
1 stop

Book one-way train tickets from Manchester to Leeds

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Manchester to Leeds we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Transpennine Express
11 May
04:37Manchester Piccadilly
1h 12m
Transpennine Express
10 May
02:42Manchester Piccadilly
1h 48m
Transpennine Express
10 May
00:06Manchester Shudehill Interchange
1h 04m
11 May
09:58Manchester Piccadilly
8h 18m
2 stops
11 May
8h 37m
2 stops

Choose the best way to get from Manchester to Leeds


1h 20m
£6 one-way£7 return
Direct · from £7

Distance to city centre

GB31460251.6 mi
ZLZ0.6 mi
10lb CO2

87% less than flights

Find Buses

Manchester to Leeds Buses


1h 04m
£10 one-way£29 return
Direct · from £291 stop · from £36

Distance to city centre

LD20.3 mi
15lb CO2

80% less than flights

Find Trains

Manchester to Leeds Trains


9h 05m
£59 one-way£123 return
1 stop · from £251

Distance to city centre

LBA6.5 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Manchester to Leeds

How much does a train ticket from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford cost?

You can purchase a ticket from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford within the week and expect to pay £12 or more one-way.

How long is the train ride from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford?

Arrive at your destination quickly by taking a 0h 56m train from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford. For this route, you may experience slight differences in travel time depending on the train you book. Look for direct options when searching if possible. Check Transpennine Express if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.

Which train companies operate between Manchester to Leeds/Bradford?

Transpennine Express, AccesRail, and Northern Rail will take you from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford. Transpennine Express has been recently found as the cheapest option from £36 return.

How far is Manchester to Leeds/Bradford by train?

The distance between Manchester and Leeds/Bradford is about 35.7 mi in a straight line. The train route will be significantly longer to account for any stops and obstacles. In terms of time, a normal route is around 0h 56m.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford?

Taking a train from Manchester to Leeds/Bradford has a carbon footprint of about 15lb. Choosing the train for this trip reduces your carbon footprint by about 80% vs. flying. Taking a bus instead of a train would change your carbon footprint to about 9lb.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Manchester to Leeds?

At 1h 05m, choosing to opt for a bus from Manchester to Leeds for this trip as opposed to a flight from Manchester to Leeds or a train from Manchester to Leeds can save you time on travel.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Manchester to Leeds?

Planning to book a bus from Manchester to Leeds can be a safe bet when looking for a low-cost deal to your destination. Currently, a flight and a train are priced higher than the cost of a bus. You can search prices for a flight from Manchester starting at £123 to Leeds or a train from Manchester to Leeds starting at £29 if that is your preferred method of transportation.

Transpennine Express trains from Manchester to Leeds

Our best Transpennine Express deals on Manchester to Leeds train tickets
Transpennine Express
23 May
QQM00:53Manchester Piccadilly
1h 31m
30 May
1h 12m
QQM04:29Manchester Piccadilly
Transpennine Express
24 May
GB314125905:00Manchester Shudehill Interchange
1h 11m
30 May
1h 00m
GB314125901:06Manchester Shudehill Interchange

AccesRail trains from Manchester to Leeds

Our best AccesRail deals on Manchester to Leeds train tickets
24 May
1h 45m
1 stop
ZLZ22:10Leeds Bus Station
31 May
ZLZ22:15Leeds Bus Station
1h 40m
1 stop
24 May
1h 45m
1 stop
ZLZ22:10Leeds Bus Station
30 May
ZLZ02:00Leeds Bus Station
1h 50m
1 stop

Popular train routes to Leeds

Most frequently searched train routes to Leeds, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to Leeds from Liverpool
Fastest travel time1h 28m
Cheapest price£55
Trains to Leeds from Birmingham
Fastest travel time1h 57m
Cheapest price£52
Trains to Leeds from Bristol
Fastest travel time3h 26m
Cheapest price£125
Trains to Leeds from Exeter
Fastest travel time4h 39m
Cheapest price£182
Trains to Leeds from London
Fastest travel time2h 13m
Cheapest price£132
Trains to Leeds from Plymouth
Fastest travel time5h 35m
Cheapest price£259

Other train routes from Manchester

Find and compare cheap train tickets from Manchester to other popular destinations on momondo
Trains from Manchester to London
Fastest travel time2h 06m
Cheapest price£43
Trains from Manchester to Liverpool
Fastest travel time0h 50m
Cheapest price£410
Trains from Manchester to Edinburgh
Fastest travel time3h 11m
Cheapest price£170
Trains from Manchester to Glasgow
Fastest travel time3h 14m
Cheapest price£154
Trains from Manchester to Oxford
Fastest travel time3h 04m
Cheapest price£218
Trains from Manchester to Coventry
Fastest travel time2h 16m
Cheapest price£89
Trains from Manchester to Southampton
Fastest travel time4h 15m
Cheapest price£127
Trains from Manchester to Carlisle
Fastest travel time1h 45m
Cheapest price£70
Trains from Manchester to Birmingham
Fastest travel time1h 29m
Cheapest price£33

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