Find buses from Glasgow Intl Airport to London

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25 Apr — 2 May1
1 adult
Thu 25/4

Best deals for bus tickets from Glasgow Intl Airport to London

Find the right bus ticket for you
With transfers
10h 40m
With transfers
11h 25m
With transfers
10h 30m
With transfers
11h 25m
With transfers
10h 30m
With transfers
9h 30m

Glasgow Intl Airport to London bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from Glasgow Intl Airport to London

Return-trip from


One-way from


Avg travel time

8h 39m

Popular coach line

Bus tickets from Glasgow Intl Airport to London found within the last 3 days start at £27 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £12. This price was found within the last 3 days.
The average bus ride from Glasgow Intl Airport to London is 8h 39m
Megabus, FlixBus and National Express service this route

Glasgow Intl Airport Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Glasgow Intl Airport
Glasgow Glasgow HillheadGlasgow, 55.8853, -4.31121
Glasgow Glasgow DrumchapelGlasgow, 55.9083, -4.379
Glasgow Fort William Croit AnnaGlasgow, 56.792545, -5.151353
Glasgow Buchanan Bus StationGlasgow, 55.865208, -4.250336
Glasgow GlasgowGlasgow, 55.82577, -4.25114

London Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in London
London Fernbrook Crescent (stop Y)London, 51.45155, 0.00158
London Queens Road Car ParkLondon, 51.42191, -0.2033521
London Fulham Road Beaufort StreetLondon, 51.4876, -0.1784574
London Belvedere RoadLondon, 51.50454, -0.11677
London Marble ArchLondon, 51.513622, -0.1575409
London Hilton HotelLondon, 51.505123, -0.1520459

Book round-trip bus tickets from Glasgow Intl Airport to London

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from Glasgow Intl Airport to London that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
14 May
11:00Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 20m
21:20London Victoria
18 May
07:30London Victoria
10h 20m
17:50Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
27 May
09:20Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
11h 00m
20:20London Victoria
27 May
21:30London Victoria
10h 20m
07:50Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
27 May
09:20Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 25m
19:45London Finchley
27 May
22:00London Finchley
9h 50m
07:50Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
20 May
09:20Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 25m
19:45London Finchley Road And Frognal
22 May
10:05London Finchley Road And Frognal
10h 25m
20:30Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
27 May
11:00Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 20m
21:20London Victoria
29 May
21:30London Victoria
10h 20m
07:50Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
18 May
09:20Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 25m
19:45London Finchley
19 May
10:05London Finchley
10h 25m
20:30Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station

Book one-way bus tickets from Glasgow Intl Airport to London

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from Glasgow Intl Airport to London we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
20 May
10:30Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 40m
21:10London Victoria
20 May
07:45Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
11h 25m
19:10London Victoria
19 Jun
19:30Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 30m
06:00London Victoria
19 May
07:45Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
11h 25m
19:10London Victoria
17 May
19:30Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 30m
06:00London Victoria
19 May
23:55Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
9h 30m
09:25London Victoria

Choose the best way to get from Glasgow to London


7h 55m
£12 one-way£27 return
Direct · from £27

Distance to city centre

ZEP0.9 mi


4h 32m
£38 one-way£71 return
Direct · from £711 stop · from £102

Distance to city centre

QQU2.0 mi


1h 10m
£27 one-way£48 return
Direct · from £48

Distance to city centre

LGW23.8 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from Glasgow to London

How much does a bus ticket from Glasgow Intl to London cost?

See available tickets from Glasgow Intl to London for this week that start at £15 one-way. How much you’ll pay for a bus on average this month is £23 one-way. Keep in mind that the ticket price is generally dependent on when you book, the desired route, and class.

How long is the bus ride from Glasgow Intl to London?

The fastest journey time from Glasgow Intl to London is 8h 00m. The time it takes to travel between these two locations can vary by up to 0h 39m, depending on whether your bus has stops or different departure times. Take the National Express bus from Glasgow Intl and you’ll arrive in your destination quickly.

When should I purchase the bus tickets from Glasgow Intl to London?

The cost of booking a bus from Glasgow Intl to London is around £23 one-way. You can expect the price to be consistent throughout the next 3 months.

Which bus companies operate between Glasgow Intl to London?

There are many buses travelling between Glasgow Intl and London. Megabus, FlixBus, and National Express are some of the available options. The cheapest option is offered by Megabus, with prices starting at £33 round-trip.

How far is Glasgow Intl to London by bus?

There’s 349.4 mi from Glasgow Intl to London. The distance via bus depends on which roads the driver takes - this can change mid-journey. Most buses from Glasgow Intl going to London will get there in around 8h 00m - but this can get longer during peak traffic times.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from Glasgow Intl Airport to London?

We’ve found that taking a flight from Glasgow Intl Airport to London with {10} is more time-efficient when based simply on travel duration. A train from Glasgow Intl Airport to London or a bus from Glasgow Intl Airport to London can take you longer than a 1h 10m flight.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from Glasgow Intl Airport to London?

A bus from Glasgow Intl Airport to London is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a flight from Glasgow Intl Airport to London starting at £48, or consider a train from Glasgow Intl Airport to London starting at £71. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.

Megabus buses from Glasgow to London

Our best Megabus deals on Glasgow to London bus tickets
14 May
CJ311:00Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 20m
ZEP21:20London Victoria
18 May
ZEP07:30London Victoria
10h 20m
CJ317:50Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10 May
CJ309:20Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 25m
F9619:45London Finchley
16 May
F9610:05London Finchley
10h 25m
CJ320:30Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station

FlixBus buses from Glasgow to London

Our best FlixBus deals on Glasgow to London bus tickets
18 May
CJ310:30Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 05m
F9620:35London Finchley
18 May
F9600:25London Finchley
10h 10m
CJ310:35Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
26 Jun
CJ307:45Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
10h 50m
F9618:35London Finchley
4 Jul
F9621:55London Finchley
10h 00m
CJ307:55Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
21 Jun
CJ322:40Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station
8h 45m
FN307:25London Finchley Road And Frognal
4 Jul
FN323:00London Finchley Road And Frognal
8h 55m
CJ307:55Glasgow Buchanan Bus Station

More bus options to London

Besides Glasgow there are other cities with transportation to London. See below for more options.
Buses to London from Paris
Fastest travel time6h 40m
Cheapest price£62
Buses to London from Brussels
Fastest travel time5h 40m
Cheapest price£44
Buses to London from Liverpool
Fastest travel time4h 50m
Cheapest price£16
Buses to London from Lille
Fastest travel time5h 00m
Cheapest price£48
Buses to London from Bournemouth
Fastest travel time2h 00m
Cheapest price£13
Buses to London from Birmingham
Fastest travel time2h 25m
Cheapest price£10
Buses to London from Cardiff
Fastest travel time2h 45m
Cheapest price£14
Buses to London from Manchester
Fastest travel time4h 05m
Cheapest price£18
Buses to London from Lyon
Fastest travel time13h 25m
Cheapest price£82
Buses to London from Marseille
Fastest travel time19h 05m
Cheapest price£103
Buses to London from Aberdeen
Fastest travel time11h 30m
Cheapest price£35
Buses to London from Newquay
Fastest travel time7h 15m
Cheapest price£32

Other popular bus routes from Glasgow

Change your mind about taking a bus to London? Below are other buses from Glasgow that are popular with momondo users
Buses from Glasgow to Manchester
Fastest travel time3h 55m
Cheapest price£19
Buses from Glasgow to Birmingham
Fastest travel time7h 35m
Cheapest price£31
Buses from Glasgow to Leeds
Fastest travel time5h 50m
Cheapest price£32
Buses from Glasgow to Cardiff
Fastest travel time18h 05m
Cheapest price£35
Buses from Glasgow to Liverpool
Fastest travel time5h 05m
Cheapest price£40

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