Find buses from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

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25 Apr — 2 May1
1 adult
Thu 25/4

Best deals for bus tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

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With transfers
8h 15m
With transfers
8h 15m
With transfers
8h 15m
With transfers
8h 15m
With transfers
8h 15m
With transfers
6h 25m

London to Newcastle upon Tyne bus information

Find information about ticket prices, popular stations, and bus companies that offer buses from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

Return-trip from


One-way from


Popular coach line

Bus tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne found within the last 3 days start at £7 round-trip
The cheapest one-way bus ticket starts at £4. This price was found within the last 3 days.
FlixBus and Megabus service this route

London Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in London
London Fernbrook Crescent (stop Y)London, 51.45155, 0.00158
London Queens Road Car ParkLondon, 51.42191, -0.2033521
London Fulham Road Beaufort StreetLondon, 51.4876, -0.1784574
London Belvedere RoadLondon, 51.50454, -0.11677
London Marble ArchLondon, 51.513622, -0.1575409
London Hilton HotelLondon, 51.505123, -0.1520459

Newcastle upon Tyne Bus Station Directory

Location of major bus stations in Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne Whitelee FarmNewcastle upon Tyne, 55.33801, -2.45388
Newcastle upon Tyne Sunderland Park Lane Bus Interchange Stand WNewcastle upon Tyne, 54.902485, -1.384723
Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle Upon Tyne BusNewcastle upon Tyne, 54.96767, -1.622501
Newcastle upon Tyne Carter BarNewcastle upon Tyne, 55.35406, -2.477206

Book round-trip bus tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip bus tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
29 Apr
11:35London Finchley Road And Frognal
8h 15m
1 stop
19:50Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
30 Apr
07:30Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
8h 50m
1 stop
16:20London Finchley Road And Frognal
29 Apr
11:35London Finchley
8h 15m
1 stop
19:50Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
30 Apr
07:30Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
8h 50m
1 stop
16:20London Finchley
10 May
11:35London Finchley
8h 30m
20:05Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
12 May
07:30Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
8h 50m
16:20London Finchley
29 Apr
11:35London Finchley
8h 15m
19:50Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
30 Apr
07:30Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
8h 50m
16:20London Finchley
10 May
11:35London Finchley Road And Frognal
8h 30m
20:05Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
12 May
07:30Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
8h 50m
16:20London Finchley Road And Frognal
29 Apr
11:35London Finchley Road And Frognal
8h 15m
19:50Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
30 Apr
07:30Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
8h 50m
16:20London Finchley Road And Frognal

Book one-way bus tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way bus tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find bus tickets by date.
30 Apr
11:35London Finchley
8h 15m
1 stop
19:50Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
2 May
11:35London Finchley
8h 15m
19:50Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
1 May
11:35London Finchley
8h 15m
1 stop
19:50Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
1 May
11:35London Finchley
8h 15m
19:50Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
2 May
11:35London Finchley
8h 15m
1 stop
19:50Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
14 May
16:35London Finchley Road And Frognal
6h 25m
23:00Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw

Choose the best way to get from London to Newcastle upon Tyne


5h 45m
£4 one-way£7 return
Direct · from £81 stop · from £14

Distance to city centre

MA30.4 mi


2h 46m
£48 one-way£185 return
Direct · from £1851 stop · from £119

Distance to city centre

D660.5 mi
NCL5.4 mi


1h 10m
£43 one-way£71 return
Direct · from £71

Distance to city centre

NCL5.4 mi

FAQs for booking bus tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

What amenities are offered on buses travelling from London to Newcastle?

While most London to Newcastle bus companies provide comparable onboard facilities, the particular onboard features differ per bus company. Every bus company along this route provides low-cost bus tickets from London to Newcastle and are affordable long-distance bus travel choices. Two of the most well-known bus companies that service this route are MegaBus and National Express. MegaBus buses will provide power points, free Wi-Fi, more legroom and onboard toilets to passengers. National Express passengers will be guaranteed a seat and will have air conditioning, free Wi-Fi and USB charging ports.

What luggage can I bring on a bus from London to Newcastle?

All bus operators provide a certain amount of free luggage for you to bring on board. You may stow it in the undercarriage area and next to you on board. You may need to consider acquiring extra luggage allowance if your luggage exceeds the allocated dimensions or weight specified. If your luggage does exceed the size and weight limits, check with your bus company before your journey. Megabus and National Express run along this route, and both provide similar luggage restrictions. With both bus companies, you can bring a compact backpack or laptop bag as carry-on luggage and a large suitcase weighing up to 44 pounds and measuring a maximum of 78.7 inches as checked luggage. Megabus permits three 44-pound luggage items per passenger, whereas National Express allows two bags per person. Make sure that you're familiar with the company's policy before travelling from London to Newcastle, since it may differ from one to the other.

What do I need before boarding a bus from London to Newcastle?

To use your tickets on the bus to Newcastle from London, you must provide a valid form of ID. Your national ID, driver's licence or passport are all fine examples of identification. It may not be necessary to bring a passport if you're not crossing a border and you have another means of identification. After you've booked your trip, an email will be sent to you with your electronic ticket. You can either print this ticket or keep a digital copy to be scanned upon boarding. When you buy a ticket with momondo, it's digitally stored in your momondo profile. This is advantageous, since it enables you to keep track of all of your purchases. To read or scan the bus ticket, simply show the driver your app. In case your phone's battery dies, keep a physical copy of the bus ticket on you. It's critical to check the reservation requirements of the company you're travelling with, as certain bus companies insist you to produce your printed ticket as well.

What bus stations do you depart from and arrive at when travelling from London to Newcastle?

The bus to Newcastle departs from various points throughout London. The buses on this service depart from one of the following stations in London: London Victoria, London Golders Green Coach Station or London Finchley. Buses from London arrive in Newcastle at one of the following locations: Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus Station, Newcastle upon Tyne St James Boulevard or Newcastle Upon Tyne John Dobson Street. It's critical to double check the route of your bus travel before purchasing a bus ticket to Newcastle from London, to avoid any misunderstanding.

When does the first and last bus depart from London to Newcastle?

Buses to Newcastle from London are regular and run daily. The route is serviced frequently and has an average of 26 to 31 journeys departing daily. There may be up to four buses departing throughout the hour during peak-hour services. The first bus to leave each day departs at approximately 07:30. This is the same for weekdays and weekends. The last bus of the day departs at approximately 23:50, Monday through to Sunday.

How much does a bus ticket from London to Newcastle upon Tyne cost?

Using momondo to find bus tickets from London to Newcastle upon Tyne, our users have found prices starting from £5 one-way for this week. For this month, the average price of a ticket for this bus ride is £41 one-way. When you’re booking buses from London to Newcastle upon Tyne, expect the price to fluctuate depending on when you book.

Which bus companies operate between London to Newcastle upon Tyne?

FlixBus and Megabus are viable options. Check times and availability for FlixBus, as it was recently the cheapest bus available travelling from London to Newcastle upon Tyne from £9 round-trip.

How far is London to Newcastle upon Tyne by bus?

London and Newcastle upon Tyne are 247.6 mi apart from one another. The actual distance travelled by bus depends on the route taken - roadwork or traffic often impact this and longer routes can change often.

What is the carbon footprint of a bus from London to Newcastle upon Tyne?

36lb is the average footprint of a bus from London to Newcastle upon Tyne. This is 79% less in comparison to flying, which has a footprint of around 160lb for this trip. This journey by train has a footprint of 57lb, on average.

Is a bus the fastest way to get from London to Newcastle upon Tyne?

The quickest way to travel this route is to take a flight from London to Newcastle upon Tyne, doing so can potentially save up to 4h 35m of travel time. While these options may take longer, booking a train from London to Newcastle upon Tyne or a bus from London to Newcastle upon Tyne may suit your needs if travel time is less of a factor in your decision making.

Is a bus the cheapest way to get from London to Newcastle upon Tyne?

Expect a bus to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a bus has deals available from £7. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a flight from London to Newcastle upon Tyne or a train from London to Newcastle upon Tyne can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.

FlixBus buses from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

Our best FlixBus deals on London to Newcastle upon Tyne bus tickets
29 Apr
FN311:35London Finchley Road And Frognal
8h 15m
1 stop
MA319:50Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
30 Apr
MA307:30Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
8h 50m
1 stop
FN316:20London Finchley Road And Frognal
10 May
F9611:35London Finchley
8h 30m
D6620:05Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
12 May
D6607:30Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
8h 50m
F9616:20London Finchley
11 May
F9611:35London Finchley
8h 15m
D6619:50Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
12 May
D6607:30Newcastle Upon Tyne Bus
8h 50m
F9616:20London Finchley

Megabus buses from London to Newcastle upon Tyne

Our best Megabus deals on London to Newcastle upon Tyne bus tickets
7 May
ZEP16:00London Victoria
8h 35m
MA300:35Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
8 May
MA307:15Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
7h 20m
ZEP14:35London Victoria
14 May
ZEP14:30London Victoria
7h 20m
MA321:50Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
14 May
MA303:15Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
7h 55m
ZEP11:10London Victoria
21 May
F9600:30London Finchley
7h 10m
MA307:40Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
23 May
MA305:15Newcastle upon Tyne Manors, Tandw
7h 20m
F9612:35London Finchley

Other popular bus routes from London

Change your mind about taking a bus to Newcastle upon Tyne? Below are other buses from London that are popular with momondo users
Buses from London to Paris
Fastest travel time7h 50m
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Fastest travel time6h 50m
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Fastest travel time8h 00m
Cheapest price£26
Buses from London to Liverpool
Fastest travel time4h 50m
Cheapest price£16
Buses from London to Lille
Fastest travel time4h 40m
Cheapest price£48
Buses from London to Birmingham
Fastest travel time2h 20m
Cheapest price£10
Buses from London to Bournemouth
Fastest travel time2h 00m
Cheapest price£15
Buses from London to Manchester
Fastest travel time4h 00m
Cheapest price£18
Buses from London to Aberdeen
Fastest travel time11h 11m
Cheapest price£44
Buses from London to Inverness
Fastest travel time13h 03m
Cheapest price£49
Buses from London to Cardiff
Fastest travel time2h 55m
Cheapest price£15
Buses from London to Lyon
Fastest travel time16h 15m
Cheapest price£82

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