Best One-Way Price | £236 |
Best Round-Trip Price | £412 |
Fastest flight time | 19h 35m |
The majority of momondo users who fly to Ohio tend to spend time in Columbus, which is visited 34% more often than other cities. When flying to Columbus, the most popular airport to fly into is Columbus Airport.
For the quickest drive from an arrival airport to King Island Amusement Park, fly into Cincinnati Airport or Columbus Airport, which are closest to the area.
The most often visited landmarks in Ohio are King Island Amusement Park, Toledo Zoo, and Cincinnati Fire Museum, among many others that can be found in the area.
Ohio typically has a temperature range from -1 °C(January) to 24 °C(July). Those looking to avoid rain and/or snow while visiting Ohio should plan their trip in February, October, or January, as these months are relatively less likely to have precipitation.
There are 14 airlines that fly to Ohio on a routine basis, but British Airways, Finnair and Virgin Atlantic happen to be the most popular among our users. In the past year, 38% of those who searched for flights to Ohio looked to travel with British Airways, making this airline the top choice among momondo travellers.
The cost to fly to Ohio varies based on a variety of factors, but you can expect to find prices as low as £439 or as high as £2,283. Based on recent airfare data, we’ve found that a ticket to Ohio for £1,038 or less is a good deal, whereas £1,177 is the average cost.